This unfavorable #7 Violent/Betrayal/Loss/Burglary Star brings with it severe bad luck and tidings. It is a metal element associated with financial loss, robbery, theft, betrayal, violence and bloodshed. Watch your back if you are afflicted and be careful not to trust everyone.
In the year of the Dragon 2024, the #7 Robbery Star flies into South.
Read more about this Star at Flying Star 2024 and what horoscope sign is affected by it.
SKU#: SKU5675
This Feng Shui Blue Elephant and Rhino Car Stickers featuring the powerful Dakini Amulet with images of the Ksitigarbha's Staff, Blue double-horned Rhinoceros and Elephant is designed to ward off robbers and thieves. Empowered with the Anti-Burglary amulet and a wish-granting mantra, t..
SKU#: SKU5727
Discover the incredible significance of the camel, the ultimate Feng Shui symbol for anyone in business seeking to maintain a healthy cash flow.Camels are renowned for their durability, crossing the harshest and driest deserts for extended periods, and skillfully storing precious water in their ..
SKU#: SKU5779
The Camel embodies profound significance in the realm of business, particularly concerning the maintenance of a robust cash flow. Renowned for their enduring nature, camels traverse the most arid and unforgiving deserts, capable of sustaining themselves by storing precious water in their humps.T..
SKU#: SKU5788A
Discover the incredible significance of the camel, the ultimate Feng Shui symbol for anyone in business seeking to maintain a healthy cash flow.Camels are renowned for their durability, crossing the harshest and driest deserts for extended periods, and skillfully storing precious water in their ..
US$99.88 US$122.40
SKU#: SKU5788
Discover the incredible significance of the camel, the ultimate Feng Shui symbol for anyone in business seeking to maintain a healthy cash flow.Camels are renowned for their durability, crossing the harshest and driest deserts for extended periods, and skillfully storing precious water in their ..
SKU#: SKU5800
To overcome the #7 Loss/Burglary Star of the year which attracts robbery, betrayal and theft, it is advisable to carry this Door Guardians Card. Additionally, this Feng Shui card incorporates Ksitigarbha's Staff, offering protection against the Natural Disaster Star..
SKU#: SKU5786
To overcome the #7 Loss/Burglary Star of the year which attracts robbery, betrayal and theft, it is advisable to invite this Door Guardians Plaque home. Additionally, this Feng Shui plaque incorporates Ksitigarbha's Staff, offering protection against the Natural Disaster Star of the 24 mountai..
SKU#: SKU5729
This Elephant & Rhino Amulet with the Anti-burglary and Anti-Betrayal talisman is designed to subdue the harmful #7 Robbery/Loss Star which brings money loss, burglary, betrayal and being cheated.If you sleep in the sector afflicted by the #7 Star, or if your main door is located or fa..
SKU#: SKU5703
This year's #7 Anti-Burglary Feng Shui cure comprises the formidable partnership of the Blue Elephant and the Majestic Rhino, along with the Protective Amulet Against Robbery and the Amulet Against Betrayal. Accompanying this esteemed duo is the Magical Staff of Ksitigarbha, offering safeguardin..
SKU#: SKU5765
This year's #7 Anti-Burglary Feng Shui cure comprises the formidable partnership of the Blue Elephant and the Majestic Rhino, along with the Protective Amulet Against Robbery and the Amulet Against Betrayal. Accompanying this esteemed duo is the Magical Staff of Ksitigarbha, offering safeguardin..
SKU#: SKU5699
The Hamsa Hand is a potent Feng Shui symbol of protection against the evil eye, along with blessings, power, and strength.This remarkable amulet also incorporates the seven main chakras - the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras - complemented by the Life Force..
SKU#: SKU5627
The #7 Robbery/Loss Star attracts violence, theft and outflow of big money. It can also threaten betrayal or infidelity, harming relationships between partners. The powerful Feng Shui plaque depicting the mighty Blue Rhino and Elephant duo and the Anti-Robbery Amulet is believed to provide a layer o..