Feng Shui for Bedroom
A bedroom is the place you go to rest, to recharge, to dream and to heal. It is also the place where you feel protected without anything to distract or disturb you. Your bedroom is your sanctuary of peace and it is here that the flow of energy should be just right to give you the chance to make the best of that restoring energy.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice to balance energy in a space to assure good health and good fortune. Feng Shui practice enriches the soul and directs energy in the universe, wind, water, metal and earth straight to you. Understanding how it works will help you reap the benefits of Feng Shui and bring balance to your environment and ultimately you life.
Chi is the energy that flows through all objects and space in and around your home. Chi needs to move freely and it is important to keep your space clear and clutter free to prevent chi from stagnating which can bring illness and bad luck. A clogged up area will stop the Chi from flowing freely and being effective and will hinder wealth, health or good relationship energy from manifesting. The number one Feng Shui tip for bedroom is to declutter your bedroom. Do not keep anything below your bed.
In Feng Shui, you need to understand that all energies fall into either a yin or yang category. For Feng Shui bedroom, yin energy plays a more important role than yang, unlike your office. Too much yang energy (bright lights, red color, dragon figurine etc) can be over stimulating and have a negative effect on your sleeping patterns and just so can too little not give you the boost that you need. The energy in your bedroom should feel quiet and calm. The color used should be muted. However, make sure it’s not too yin or you will feel lethargic and tired during the day.
Because the bedroom is the place to rest, recuperate and heal, it’s the perfect room to decorate with Feng Shui health symbols. Feng Shui products for good health luck include Wu Lou, Peach, Tortoise and Crane.
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Place your bed as far from the front door as you possibly can and never between a window and room of the door as chi needs to move freely between window and door. Make sure there is enough circulation and fresh air in your room to help you restore and recharge. Position your bed so that you are far from the door and have a clear view of your bedroom’s door as this will give you a sense of security without being in the path of the flow of energy. Sleeping in line with the door or in the line of flow from window to door can expose you to too much chi which could also contribute to restlessness and irritability.
The bedroom is the best room in your home to be Feng Shui-ed to nurture, energize and enhance your love, marriage and relationship luck. Feng Shui symbols for love are best displayed in your bedroom. These Feng Shui products for love can be placed by your bedside or in the universal love corner – Southwest according to Feng Shui Bagua formula. Some very effective love charms to Feng Shui your bedroom are Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks, Double Happiness Symbol or Mystic Knot symbol.
More Feng Shui Tips for Bedroom
When sharing a bed with another person, keep the bed in the middle of the wall to allow even flow of chi to both of you. With the bed up against the wall to one side, you could make the person sleeping there feel cramped and they will be missing out on their equal share of chi.
Make sure your bed is positioned so that you have a wall or strong headboard for support. Try to sleep with your head pointing to one of your auspicious or lucky directions based on your Feng Shui Kua. For prosperity, point to your Sheng Chi direction, for personal growth especially for students – Fu Wei, for health – Tien Yi, and for relationship – Nien Yen. For young couples wishing to start a family, the best direction your headboard should be pointing to would be the husband’s Nien Yen direction.
If you also use your bedroom as an office, try moving it to another part of the house if possible. The energies from your workstation and bed are opposing energies and incompatible energies that will only clash with each other. If removing your computer from your bedroom is impossible, try using screens to separate them or placing Feng Shui crystals that absorb radiation and electronic smog.
Do not place a mirror directly across a window or door. This will only reflect and bounce the energy back with as much force. Also do not place a mirror or reflective objects such as TV facing your bed. If that can’t be avoided, use a cloth to cover it or make a built-in cabinet for your TV.
Amethyst crystal is good for the bedroom because it is a natural tranquilizer that helps one to sleep well at night. Place an Amethyst crystal ball or crystal tree on your bedside table.
Do not place your bed under a beam in the ceiling as the beam will push the flow of energy down on you and put pressure on your head, body and chest. This is known as Shar Chi or killing energy that is very harmful to one’s well being. If this cannot be avoided, hang Feng Shui flutes or Feng Shui crystal balls on the beam to reduce the ill effect.
The area at the foot of your bed should always be kept clear. This will allow our vision and inspiration to fly out into space and gather information.
To purify the space of your sleeping area and make it more tranquil, you can cleanse the bedroom with saffron-infused water. Walking around the bed clockwise three times while sprinkling the water will do the trick. You can also use the singing bowl for this purpose.
Every so often, check the flying stars of the month. This is important because if the #3 Quarrelsome Star is in your bedroom undetected, it could cause problems among family and personal relationships. When it resides in the bedroom of a married couple, many fights and adulterous events can take place. If you find that this star is in your location, you can disperse its effects with a Magical Cosmic Apple or Pair of Bejeweled Rose Quartz Apple. Likewise, if the bedroom is plagued by the Illness Flying Star #2, you will be susceptible to sickness.
Place a Wulou next to you bed to promote good health and longevity, more so if your room is afflicted by the Illness Flying Star #2.
For couples who are having problems conceiving a child, displaying a statuette of a pair of elephants with trunks down in the bedroom will enhance your fertility luck. For effective measures, simply stroke the trunk of the animal right before bedtime. Arranging the bed towards the male’s Nien Yen direction will greatly help too. You can display Golden Laughing Buddha with Five Children in your living room.
Feng Shui is applicable to each and every room in your home, office or environment where you spend time in, not only your bedroom. It is designed to keep the flow of energy constant and uninterrupted. With a few subtle changes, you can easily create a healthy flow of chi in your home. Even your office can be designed to give you the best start to each working day. If you’re constantly struggling to concentrate at work and seem never to be able to finish what you started, Feng Shui your office to create an atmosphere which will inspire you and get your creative mind flowing.
These are only a few of the many Feng Shui tips available. They might seem to you like small and insignificant changes, but the science behind it is extraordinary. Between changing your Feng Shui color scheme and buying new bed linen, there are many things to consider before your make any big change.
Expand your Feng Shui knowledge. Read about Feng Shui office or Feng Shui home and start living in harmony with everything around you.
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