In Feng Shui, the horse, is a popular figure to display or hang in the home. Paintings and figurines can often be found placed around houses all across Asia. It is a symbol of success, strength, loyalty, conquest and confidence.
The Horse is often classified into two types; the Tribute Horse and the Victory Horse. In olden-day China, the Tribute Horse was widely given as a gift, because it was a symbol of redemption, given to people of power, such as emperors, by those who had been defeated in war. The Tribute Horse was also a representation of being lavish and well-off; they were always adorned with gold ingots, gemstones, and luscious robes. In modern days, the Tribute Horse is believed to overcome competitors’ bad intents and remain successful, getting your efforts and endeavours recognized and rewarded.
The Victory Horse is always portrayed as galloping or rearing; they symbolize the upwardly-mobile and career promotions, because of the way they are facing the sky. Sometimes, birds are seen at their hooves, which shows that the horse can gallop at the same speed at which the birds fly - which represent accelerated achievement. The Victory Horse is pursued by businessmen and those climbing the career ladder, because it is a symbol of a speedy success and the fast track to fame.
The Horse is best placed in the South sector to bring fame, respect, reputation and popularity.
Excellent gift for businessmen, politicians, actors, entrepreneurs, ambitious people...
Click on the various design of Horse statues below for more specific explanation on their symbolic meaning and powers, and Feng Shui tips on their placement or usage.