Auspicious Promotional Gift Ideas for Chinese/Asian Customers
With more than 150 million Chinese tourists expected to travel abroad, it is therefore important for industries that cater to the Chinese market to start making an extra effort to tap into this growing market. According to the Travel Industry Association of America, Chinese visitors spend more money than any other international visitors. By 2025, about 200 million Chinese are forecast to travel abroad annually making it the number one source of international tourists.
Chinese love auspicious symbols. Giving out good luck gifts that relate to their culture when they are far from home is one of the best ways to make them feel welcome and appreciated.
Are you a casino, a club or a restaurant looking for auspicious promotional gifts for your Chinese/Asian customers? Boost excitement at your event and make them feel good and lucky with our Oriental good luck charms and Asian good fortune symbols. Here are some suggestions on auspicious products with Oriental flavor perfect as Chinese New Year gifts, door gifts or promotional gifts to show that you appreciate their business.
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If you are looking for Feng Shui gifts for a special someone special, relative, friends or colleagues, go here: Feng Shui Gift Ideas.
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