Feng Shui Forecast & Horoscope 2020 - Learn about your luck outlook in the year of the Rat 2020.
Feng Shui Forecast & Horoscope 2021 - Learn about your luck outlook in the year of the Ox 2020.
Annual Horoscope & Feng Shui forecast 2020/2021 for the 12 zodiac animal signs
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar
Flying Star Feng Shui 2020 - The #7 Robbery Star flies into the center of the home in the year of the Rat 2020, bringing burglary, betrayal and loss to the household. Find out the locations of the rest of the auspicious and inauspicious stars.
Flying Star Feng Shui 2021 - The #6 Heavenly Star dominates the Lo Shui square in 2021. Find out the locations of the rest of the auspicious and inauspicious stars.
Monthly Flying Star Forecast 2020 - We provide some suggestions of Feng Shui cures to suppress or minimize the negative influence of the inauspicious flying stars as well as Feng Shui enhancers and lucky charms that can be used to further tap into the energy of auspicious ones and maximize the wonderful possibilities of the month.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Zodiac Love Luck Compatibility - In Chinese culture, when zodiac compatibility exists between two persons, the chance is greater for having a successful relationship. Find out your love luck compatibility with other zodiac signs.
Feng Shui Bagua Formula - Feng Shui Bagua Formula is a popular Feng Shui stream that’s adopted and embraced by many Feng Shui experts and practitioners all over the world. This Feng Shui formula is linked with the secrets of bagua and the I-Ching theory. The Feng Shui Bagua Formula is claimed to have brought about unbelievable effects at an amazing speed by people who have applied it to their homes or offices.
Feng Shui Compass - The art of Feng Shui requires accuracy in direction measurements. This can be achieved only by using a good compass properly. Never use the direction the sun rises to determine your direction as far as Feng Shui application is concerned. It is simply not accurate enough. Feng Shui practitioners must have a reliable compass with them at all times.
Feng Shui Kua - Knowing your Kua number makes it possible for you to pay more attention on the directions that benefit you and otherwise so that you can make the necessary arrangement to your furniture and adjustment to your daily habits.
Horoscope Allies & Friend - Now, do you want to make your horoscope allies and secret friend work in favor for you? Keep an amulet of your zodiac allies and secret friend; this will not only be your protective shield; it will also enhance your luck.
Peach Blossom Luck - In Feng Shui, there are many formulas such as Feng Shui Kua’s Nien Yen direction, Feng Shui Bagua Love sector, symbolism Feng Shui using Mandarin ducks or Double Happiness symbol, or Flying Star #4 Romance Star that you can activate or tap into to generate marriage vibes but not many people are aware of this ancient old Peach Blossom Luck formula - which is no less potent, if not the most powerful.
Tai Sui Grand Duke Jupiter - A lot of importance is given to the Grand Duke Jupiter in Feng Shui. It’s important to identify his position each year in your home or workplace and make sure you don’t confront or aggravate him unknowingly. If the Grand Duke Jupiter is in direct or indirect conflict with your zodiac sign, make sure to have a protective amulet with you at all times.
Three Killings - Do you feel you’re passing through a bad phase in life? Are accidents, financial losses or obstacles in your path of growth a constant fixture in your life this year? If the answer is yes, you could be under the influence of dreadful Three Killings or “San Sha” – a combination of three “Sha” namely the Year Sha, Robbery Sha and Disaster Sha.
Feng Shui Love - If your life is lacking in romance and love, or if you are keen to find a soulmate, how can Feng Shui help? Feng Shui tips to help romance to soar and prospective suitor’s to knock on your door.
Feng Shui Home - Feng Shui can be applied to so many places in and around your home and by using it effectively, create an environment and living space for you where you can live in harmony with all the elements around you.
Feng Shui Bedroom - A bedroom is the place you go to rest, to recharge, to dream and to heal. It is also the place where you feel protected without anything to distract or disturb you. Your bedroom is your sanctuary of peace and it is here that the flow of energy should be just right to give you the chance to make the best of that restoring energy.
Feng Shui Office - We spend a large portion of our daily time at the workplace. Working in a Feng Shui office makes a vast difference to efficiency and collegial relationships. Feng Shui can be used to create harmony and deflect office politicking and gossiping. With good Feng Shui in your office, coming to work everyday will no longer be a task. Achieving success and promotion will be easier. So are you ready to Feng Shui your office?
Activate Wealth Luck with Sheng Chi - You can create good fortune energy for yourself with your Sheng Chi direction or sector by simply using your Kua number from the Eight Mansions formula, or also known as the Feng Shui Kua formula.
Feng Shui Color - Color is important in your every day life to enhance your working environment, to help you relax and sleep peacefully and to keep a natural balance by shifting energy in the space where you are. By knowing which Feng Shui color to use where, you can create a room in your house for relaxation and get energy flowing at work to enhance creativity.
Chinese Horoscope Calendar - Find out your Chinese Horoscope Animal sign and your KUA number.
Feng Shui Gift Ideas - Exhausted of ideas what to gift your loved ones, family, relatives and friends for Christmas, birthday, starting a new business, or simply for the joy of giving? What about the gift of health, wealth and happiness?
Chinese Gift Ideas - Chinese love auspicious symbols. Giving out good luck gifts that relate to their culture when they are far from home is one of the best ways to make them feel welcome and appreciated.
DIY Feng Shui for Beginners - being a novice with absolutely no knowledge or background in Feng Shui whatsoever, you asked yourself "Where do I start? How do I begin?". Don't worry. Here are simple to follow step-by-step guide on the things you can DIY on Feng Shui.
Feng Shui for Education Luck - If you are looking to improve you school grades or attain better academic results, then make the most use of the Northeast sector of your home, which is the creator of Education Luck...
Feng Shui for Fame Luck - Recognition luck is the kind of luck that will help your hard work or efforts get noticed and appreciated, your ideas and plans get listened to, and your accomplishments praised and acknowledged by your superior, boss or the mass public. Without this luck, your good work will often be overlooked and your weaknesses being constantly picked on.
Feng Shui for Fertility Luck - Having tried all methods to start a family but failed? Have problem conceiving? Looking forward to welcome a baby into your family but with no luck? Perhaps Feng Shui can help to improve your descendant luck.
Feng Shui for Good Health - Often feeling under the weather? Has your health condition become a nagging problem and start to affect your life? Are you recovering from an illness or fighting a serious ailment? Enhance your Health luck with these Feng Shui tips.
Feng Shui for Kids - Feng shui can be used to enhance the luck of the family as a unit. Particularly to the children of the household, it can be used to activate education luck, bring defiant kids under control and prevent sibling rivalries.
Feng Shui for Mentor Luck - This luck attracts important mentors, supportive people, friends, good samaritans and advisers into your life, or someone kind and helpful who will give you a lending hand or a life-changing push during times of distress, trouble and difficulty.
Hungry Ghost Month Protection - Chinese culture believes that the time of year when the Hungry Ghosts are let loose from “Hell” can be very dangerous to those of us on Earth. It is advised that we should use extra care at night during the month of the Hungry Ghost. Be alert to where you drive...
Revitalize your Home - As much as you love your home and feel it has served you well, after a certain amount of time the energy in the home may become less effective. In order to continue receiving the most auspicious good fortune that your home has to offer, here are some Feng Shui techniques to help bring renewal and refreshing energy to your residence:
How to Dine Auspiciously - Mealtime can be made a time of auspicious good fortune for all members of a family. The Feng Shui kua number of auspicious directions can be applied in the dining room to benefit all members of the family.
The Power of Sacred Mantras - Invoking a mantra allows you to tap into your higher self and speeds the process of soul progression. On a conscious level, this will lead to peace of mind and self-confidence. Unconsciously, the expected result is that you will begin to realize that you can take responsibility for all that happens in your lifetime. You only need to call upon your mantra to begin the process and to access all that awaits you.
The Power of Wealth Gods - Wealth Gods have long been an important part of life in many Asian cultures. China, India, Korean and Thailand natives all seek help from wealth deities, though each region focuses on different figures. Today, modern believers in feng shui, whether Asian or not, ask for wealth and financial luck from the Wealth God of their choice.
Feng Shui - Science or Superstition? - Is feng shui based on any scientific fact - or is it mainly a series of superstitions? If people better understand the principles, perhaps it will put feng shui in the proper light and either debunk its popularity or increase it.
The Power of the Dragon Nine Sons - This dragon is believed to have had 9 sons, another auspiciously powerful sign that embraces the number 9.The nine sons of the celestial Imperial Dragon are all auspicious in their own way, for the power they possess to combat negativity.
Feng Shui for the Main Door - The front door or main door of a home is the key to that building’s energy. It is the door most often used to gain access and it “opens the way” to either negativity or positive aspects. The door is where your good fortune chi has the first chance of entering and is thought of as the “kou” or mouth of your yang dwelling, through which fortune and good luck pass and are able to accumulate.
Enhance your Inner Strength and Charisma Using thes 15 Steps - It is possible to make significant improvements in your career, financial life and your personal confidence by following the energy rituals described below. They are designed to magnify your personal life where success and charisma are concerned. Look for personal magnetism to improve after using these Feng Shui techniques:
Choosing A Good Location for your Home - Whether you are building a new home or purchasing an existing home, there is much you can do to ensure that you will be residing in a dwelling that will bring you good fortune. What lies outside or in the vicinity of your home is equally as important as what lies indoors.
Feng Shui Forecast & Horoscope 2019 - Learn about your luck outlook in the year of the Pig / Boar 2019.
Feng Shui 2018 Horoscope Forecast - Learn about your luck outlook in the year of the Dog 2018.
Feng Shui 2017 Horoscope Forecast - Learn about your luck outlook in the year of the Rooster 2017.
Feng Shui 2016 Horoscope Forecast - Learn about your luck outlook in the year of the Monkey 2016.
Feng Shui 2015 Horoscope Forecast - Learn about your luck outlook in the year of the Sheep 2015.
Feng Shui 2014 Horoscope Forecast - Present in the Feng Shui 2014 chart is also two Stars of Aggressive Sword or “Yang Ren”, which is a negative star! As the name suggests, this star brings rebellious and aggressive energy into the world.
Feng Shui 2013 Horoscope Forecast - Learn what the year of the Snake 2013 holds for each of the Chinese zodiac animal sign and arm yourself with the right Feng Shui products to remedy the bad and activate the good.
Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2012 - Learn what the year of the Dragon Year 2012 holds for each of the Chinese horoscope sign and arm yourself with the right Feng Shui products to cure the bad and enhance the good.
Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2011 - Learn what the year of the Golden Rabbit Year 2011 holds for each of the Chinese horoscope sign and arm yourself with the right Feng Shui products to remedy the bad and activate the good.
Flying Star Feng Shui 2019 - The #8 Wealth Star flies into the center of the home in the year of the Pig 2019, bringing Prosperity luck to the household. Find out the locations of the rest of the auspicious and inauspicious stars.
Flying Star Feng Shui 2018 - The #9 star flies into the center of the home in the year of the Dog 2018, bringing Future Prosperity luck to the household.
Flying Star Feng Shui 2017 - The #1 Victory star flies into the center of the home in the year of the Rooster 2017, bringing victory luck to the household. 2017?????????? Hula ng Flying Star para sa 2017
Flying Star Feng Shui 2016 - The #2 Illness star flies into the center of the home in the year of the Monkey 2016, bringing illness energy to the household. Make sure it's subdued to ensure a good health prevails in your family. 2016?????????? Hula ng Flying Star para sa 2016
Flying Star Feng Shui 2015 - The #3 hostile star flies into the center of the home in the year of the Sheep 2015, bringing quarrelsome energy to the household. Make sure it's subdued to ensure a peaceful and harmonious environment prevails in your family.
Flying Star Feng Shui 2014 - In 2014, the ruling number is 4 and the Lo Shu chart for the year thus has 4 in the center. The 4 in the center is itself a good sign, as 4 is an auspicious number than siginifies good love and education luck!
Flying Star Feng Shui 2013 - To assist you in creating and keeping balance in your life and avoid misfortune, it is important to understand which stars are good and which are bad and to energize the lucky stars and overcome the ones bringing bad luck.
Flying Star Feng Shui 2012 - To assist you in creating and keeping balance in your life and avoid misfortune, it is important to understand which stars are good and which are bad and to activate the lucky stars and counter the ones bringing bad luck.
Flying Star Feng Shui 2011 - It is important to to anticipate and quickly remedy the source or malignant energy brought by the new feng shui stars of the year, as this ensures that negative chi never have a change to accumulate, grow strong and then ripen in a burst of bad luck!
Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2014 (September) - Feng Shui Horoscope forecast for the twelve Chinese zodiac animals for the 8th month (8th September – 7th October, 2014). Learn what the month holds for you and your luck rating.
Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2014 (October) - Feng Shui Horoscope forecast for the twelve Chinese zodiac animals for the 9th month (8th October – 6th Nov, 2014). Learn what the month holds for you and your luck rating.
Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2014 (November) - Feng Shui Horoscope forecast for the twelve Chinese zodiac animals for the 10th month (7th November – 6th Dec, 2014). Learn what the month holds for you and your luck rating.
Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2014 (December) - Feng Shui Horoscope forecast for the twelve Chinese zodiac animals for the 11th month (7th December 2014– 5th January, 2015). Learn what the month holds for you and your luck rating.
Monthly Horoscope Forecast (January 2015) - Feng Shui Horoscope forecast for the twelve Chinese zodiac animals for the 12th month (6th Jan 2014– 3rd Feb, 2015). Learn what the month holds for you and your luck rating.
Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2015 for the 12 animal signs:
May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Horoscope forecast 2015 for the 12 animal signs
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar
Lucky Charms 2015 - Good luck charms that you can carry in the year 2015 to enhance your luck!
Horoscope forecast 2016 for the 12 animal signs
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar
Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2016 for the 12 animal signs:
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Horoscope forecast 2017 for the 12 animal signs
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar
Monthly Horoscope Forecast 2017 for the 12 animal signs:
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Monthly Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast 2018/2019 for the 12 zodiac animal signs:
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
Annual Horoscope & Feng Shui forecast 2019/2020 for the 12 zodiac animal signs
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar
Monthly Flying Star Forecast 2017 - We provide some suggestions of Feng Shui cures to suppress or minimize the negative influence of the inauspicious flying stars as well as Feng Shui enhancers and lucky charms that can be used to further tap into the energy of auspicious ones and maximize the wonderful possibilities of the month.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Monthly Flying Star Forecast 2018 - We provide some suggestions of Feng Shui cures to suppress or minimize the negative influence of the inauspicious flying stars as well as Feng Shui enhancers and lucky charms that can be used to further tap into the energy of auspicious ones and maximize the wonderful possibilities of the month.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
Monthly Flying Star Forecast 2019 - We provide some suggestions of Feng Shui cures to suppress or minimize the negative influence of the inauspicious flying stars as well as Feng Shui enhancers and lucky charms that can be used to further tap into the energy of auspicious ones and maximize the wonderful possibilities of the month.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec