- SKU#: SKU5639
- Weight: 100g
- Dim: 1.5x1.75x1 in, Lgth 4.375 in (4x4.5x2.5 cm, 11 cm)
- Material: Metal
This gorgeous Rising Golden Dragon Holding a Pearl is also excellent Feng Shui enhancer for the #6 Heavenly Star, unifying the best energies from heaven and earth to bring wonderful luck of abundance into your home. Grasping on a Pearl, this Feng Shui Dragon symbolizes achieving one's goals and attainment of success.
In the year of the Rabbit 2023, Resource luck is elusive because the Earth element that represents it is missing. Resource luck is the kind of luck that is essential to materialize other kinds of luck. For example, the luck to acquire new ideas, seed money and the right partners to start a new profitable business. It provides the means to start any project, and to build a solid foundation. The color yellow of this Dragon represents the Earth element. Carry it to awaken all these luck.
The Dragon is one of the most widely loved symbols associated with power, courage, excellence, vitality, nobility and leadership in Feng Shui. For the Chinese people and for all followers of Feng Shui, the Dragon is also regarded as the strongest symbol of good fortune and prosperity because the Dragon is believed to emit a special form of chi, known as “Sheng Chi” or “Celestial Breath”. Feng Shui is essentially all about capturing and creating Sheng Chi. It is this "essence of life" energy that attracts wealth luck, good luck, abundance, success and very kind of good fortune to the area lucky enough to receive it. It is for this reason that the dragon is such an auspicious and popular lucky symbol used to enhance business success and prosperity.