FengshuiMall analyses each of the 9 sectors of the compass and explains how to the luck pattern for the year 2021 will affect your home depending on your home’s facing direction. This will help you update your own feng shui as the year turns from Rat to Ox, with practical and easy-to-apply methods to enhance lucky sectors and to control and suppress sectors that are afflicted this year. Feng Shui Grandmaster Lillian Too describes the Flying Star as one of the most powerful ways to quickly and effectively enhance your luck using Feng Shui.
The 2021’s Feng Shui chart below affects the distribution of luck in all buildings and houses. It becomes effective on February 4, 2021. This chart will let you know which rooms of your home or office will enjoy good luck (green stars) during the year and which rooms will have inauspicious chi (red stars) during the year. Knowing this lets you protect yourself against bad luck and misfortune during the year by installing Feng shui cures for afflicted sectors of the home. The chart alerts you to rooms that could suffer from bad luck thereby affecting your fortunes. The most important rooms to safeguard are your bedroom, living room and the main entrance of your home.
You should also activate the energy of these good luck areas in your house. Doing so will enhance the luck of residents staying in that room. This is the wonderful promise of time dimension feng shui, which enables you to improve the luck of your home during the year.
In 2021, the ruling number is 6 and the Lo Shu chart for the year thus has 6 in the center. The 6 in the center is itself a good sign, as 6 is an auspicious number that signi?es luck from heaven. 6 is also one of the trinity of white numbers that can bring some quite exceptional luck.
To determine the 8 directions within a home or office it is imperative that you use a reliable compass to make sure of the accuracy of sectors to be affected, and to determine where to place feng shui cures or enhancing items.
Note that the Stars change location annually so it's important to update your Feng Shui placement yearly. In addition to the Annual Stars, there are Monthly Stars too that shift location monthly, and daily stars that change every day. If you want even more control of your destiny and luck, do sign up for our free newsletter so you are kept up to date with our monthly 2021's flying stars forecast.

Annual 2021 Feng Shui Flying Star Chart above maps out the location of the lucky & unlucky sectors for the year of the OX 2021
Superimpose the 2021 Flying Star chart onto your floor plan to clearly see the distribution of Flying Stars in your residence or office:

Keep in mind as you read each forecast, that the stars can have an effect on your life if any of the following situations apply to you:
1) The home/office facing that star’s direction. As an example, the #5 Star will affect you if your house faces the Southeast in 2021
2) If your main entrance is located in that star’s sector (example, the #2 star affects you if your main entrance is located in the North sector, even if it is facing a different direction). Note that facing direction is different than location. Your maindoor's location may be in the North, but it could be facing Northeast (its direction). Do not be confused.
3) The location of your bedroom can be affected (good or bad) if it is located in a star’s sector.
4) The star visits your Horoscope home location. If your animal sign, for example, is the Snake, the #5 Misfortune Star is in your location (the Southeast) and this can bring bad luck to you.
Horoscope Sign | Home Location | Horoscope Sign | Home Location |
Rat | North | Horse | South |
Ox | Northeast | Sheep | Southwest |
Tiger | Northeast | Monkey | Southwest |
Rabbit | East | Rooster | West |
Dragon | Southeast | Dog | Northwest |
Snake | Southeast | Boar | Northwest |
5) It’s also possible to determine how the stars affect the household. According to the Feng Shui Bagua Theory, each sector is associated with a family member. For example, the Northwest corresponds to the patriarch. In 2021, he (father, grandfather, leader of an organization/company etc.) is afflicted by the #7 Betrayal Star that enters the Northwest this year.
Family Member | Bagua Direction | Family Member | Bagua Direction |
Middle Son | North | Youngest Son | Northeast |
Middle Daughter | South | Patriarch | Northwest |
First Son | East | First Daughter | Southeast |
Youngest Daughter | West | Matriarch | Southwest |
Making the effort to take care of the negative Flying Stars every year is vital. It is easy to implement but will greatly help to reduce misfortune and aggravations brought by them. There is no excuse for not doing so if you observe Feng Shui practices. For this year it is a good idea to have all your Feng Shui cures in place before 4th February 2021. However, it is never too late to place your feng shui cures. Many of our clients still got great results even though they placed them towards the end of the year. Better be late than never.
Can I reuse my Feng Shui Products/Cures?
Products used in previous years can be reused although the strength of the cure is usually low and the remedy for this year should be stronger. New cures come with fresh stronger energy and we highly recommend that you get new ones if you can afford to. If you are recycling, do re-energize your cures by washing them with natural sea or rock salt. Then let them stand in the great outdoors for three days absorbing the natural yang energy of the environement. However, if they look worn out or tired, it's better to get a new replacement.
The SOUTHEAST – Terrorized by the Malicious #5 Misfortune Star
The 5 yellow is a highly feared number and is generally considered as the most dangerous star number in the Flying Star system of feng shui.
The #5 yellow star is malicious and it causes a whole variety of misfortune to befall those afflicted by it under almost all situations and circumstances. The effect of the ?ve yellow can be neutralized by placing a 5 Element Pagoda With Tree Of Life, 5 Element Pagoda With Tree Of Life (7 inch) or the 6 inch Five Element Pagoda. Use one for every floor of your home. Get a bigger pagoda like the Five Element Pagoda With Om Ah Hum (10 inches) if you have a big house/office to remedy.
In 2021, the five yellow ?ies to the Southeast of houses and buildings, and the effect of this is that it “plants a time bomb in the Southeast” which will explode when certain things occur, which is when the sector gets “activated” with too much noise or if banging takes place here.
This is because when activated, the 5 yellow has the capability to bring massive problems. This is one star that can really cause serious calamities and a great deal of ill fortune. The bad luck can range from illness that can be fatal, to major injuries sustained in serious accidents. It can also cause disharmony, disrupt business plans, cause rifts in relationships and be the source of disputes and losses. Sometimes it brings total collapse of a business.
The best way to treat the 5 yellow is simply to leave it well alone. It should be avoided, ignored and left undisturbed. It is also advisable to place the strongest kind of remedies to make sure it is rendered harmless and under control.
Nevertheless, it is advisable to stay safe and suppress its bad effects anyway, especially if your main door is located in the Southeast or is facing SE. Also if you are a Dragon, Snake or eldest daughter. You should be carrying the 5 Element Pagoda with Tree of Life Keychain, Five Element Pagoda Keychain or 5 Element Pagoda With Tree Of Life Amulet, or wearing a Stupa Pendant with Leng Yan Zhou or Stainless Steel Prayer Wheel Pendant with Mantra.
There are some other taboos to follow when dealing with the 5 yellow:
Do not undertake any renovations, do not dig, cut or chop down any trees in the SE in 2021. Do not sit facing the 5 yellow. Keep any radio or television placed in the SE at a lower volume. Disturbing the 5 yellow will energize it and give it power. If your maindoor, living room, family room or bedroom is located here, make sure you install the proper cures.
This bad luck energy can manifest quickly, so it’s strongly recommended to counteract the #5’s misfortune threats in advance of February 4.
More Feng Shui cures for the #5 Star
The NORTH – Sickened by the #2 Illness Star
The number 2 Illness Star is a malignant star, which does not bode well for anyone or any house. In the current period of 8, it continues to be feared as the “monarch of illness”, and its presence can bring severe health problems, disease and distress associated with ill health. In the year of the Ox 2021, this afflicts all those residing in the Northern part of the home or if your apartment is located in the North sector of any apartment block.
During the year 2021, the #2 Black Star flies into the North sector, so even if your bed is located against the North wall, you might fall victim to this affliction.
Middle-son of the family, Rat, Ox and Boar-born should be careful of exposing themselves to any kind of infectious diseases, as the risk of catching infections will be higher for them. Anyone staying or working in rooms located in the North must either move or counter the illness star 2 with Brass Herbal Wu Lou, Pair Garuda Wu Luo with Anti Illness Amulet, 2021's Healing Deer Carrying The Vase Of Longevity With Linzhi, Golden Feng Shui Bagua Wu Lou or Heart Mantra Vairocana Mini Plaque in the North sector.
The #2 star poses the greatest danger to houses that face or sit North. The #2 also affects executives who sit facing North or who work in a North location. This Star is highly feared by practitioners and Flying Star texts recommend strong remedies to suppress their negative effects. You can display an image of the powerful God of Longevity, Medicine Buddha and The 7 Sugata Gau (L) or Bejeweled Luo Han of Longevity to dispel illness energy, especially if your maindoor is located in the North.
Carrying the Medicine Buddha Amulet For Good Health & Protection, Health Talisman Holder or Tortoise-Snake Health Talisman helps offer illness protection. If you prefer to wear a protective amulet, we suggest the Twelve Horoscope Wulou Pendant, "Good Health & Well-Being" Medallion or Tibetan Longevity Dzi Bracelet.
Hang the Metal Wulou with 5 Coins and Bells Hanging, Yellow Liuli Feng Shui Wulou Tassel or Five Element Wulou Amulet for Health Luck in your car to ensure protection wherever you travel.
Keep the Good Health Amulet Card, Anti-Illness Amulet Card or Buddha Vairocana Card in your wallet. Stick the Buddha Vairocana Window Sticker (2 Pieces) on windows in your home and vehicle.
SKU5203 | SKU5202 | ||
More Feng Shui remedies for the #2 Star
The SOUTHWEST – Angered by the #3 Quarrelsome Star
The number 3 bring aggravations and misunderstandings that get magni?ed into hostile, ?ghting chi. If you get afflicted by it, you will become short tempered and angry more often than usual, and you ?nd it hard to control your temper.
The # 3 Hostile Star is regarded as the evil star of disputes and quarrels. It is usually responsible for bickering, disagreements, litigation and a great deal of agitation arising between members of the same household or amongst family members when it ?ies into your bedroom. And also between residents and others such as business associates, friends and so forth. At its worst, the #3 star can bring costly and lengthy lawsuits that threaten to cause you signi?cant loss unless it is kept controlled and suppressed.
This is particularly true in 2021 if your front door faces the Southwest direction. Here the SW affects the mother of the family, causing the matriarchal energy to weaken, and this is not a good thing. The mother energy is nurturing energy; and it needs to be strong for families to stay happy and together. This Star also afflicts the sheep and monkey-born.
If it ?ies into the sector of your main door, living room, office or bedroom, use 2021's 9 Phoenix Plaque, Red Peace & Harmony Apples, Crystal Ball - Rose Quartz or Gold Apple with Peace Symbol in the SW.
At work, anyone having an of?ce in the Southwest will experience a lot of conflicts. To avoid conflicts leading to permanent rifts, it is a good idea to introduce some red into the of?ce. If this continues unchecked, it can cause you to lose your job or fall out with someone important. So do take this seriously and install the Feng Shui cures suggested above as soon as you can. `
Those afflicted should also carry the Apple Peace Amulet, Bejeweled Red Tzi Chi Kau Keychain or Red Eagle Keychain for Quarrelsome Star, or wear the Laughing Buddha Crystal Pendant Necklace (Rose Quartz), Zhanguo Warring States Red Agate Pendant or Laughing Buddha Crystal Pendant Necklace (Clear Quartz). Carry the Talisman to Win a Court Case Keychain if you are embroiled in legal entanglement.
Hang the Colorful Liuli Laughing Buddha Tassel or Golden Tibetan Double Dorje Phurba Tassel in your car for extra protection.
Do NOT hang a windchimes in the Southwest throughout the year because it will aggravate the #3 Hostile Star.
SKU5282 |
More Feng Shui products to counter the #3 Star
The NORTHWEST – Broken in by the #7 Burglary Star
The red star number 7 which brings violence and burglary as well as cheating luck ?ies into the Northwest the place of the patriarch, dog and boar-born, in 2021. As we go deeper into Period 8, the #7 star becomes stronger and increasingly more negative. What is worse is that this year we see the number 7 being strengthened by the NW sector’s intrinsic energy. It is thus VITAL to keep the #7 star solidly subdued.
The best cure against this afflictive star that brings monetary loss of some kind is the Anti Robbery Plaque or Anti Burglary Plaque With Door Guardians. The Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant with Water Urn or Blue Elephant and Rhinoceros can also subdue it efficiently. If you have a big house, you will need the powerful Anti Burglary Mountain with Secret Mantras instead. Stick the Anti Burglary and Violence Window Stickers (2 pieces) on your windows for extra protection, especially if you have a NW facing house.
If your bedroom or main door is located in the NW, you are likely to be afflicted by the #7, and those of you in leadership positions will ?nd it harder to manage or to govern. You are more likely be betrayed and conned as well.
Carry the Kuan Kung with Anti Burglary Amulet, Anti Burglary Amulet or Kwan Kung On Horseback Anti-Betrayal Amulet for protection against the harm of this Robbery Star. You can wear a blue or black crystal like a Kyanite Crystal Bracelet, or Aquamarine Crystal Bracelet (High Grade). If you go out a lot at night, do carry the Night Spot Protection Talisman.
To help you deal with difficult people and repels their bad intentions, overcome the competition in whatever area of life it encounters, and protect you from gossiping and back stabbing as well as jealousy vibes from fair-weathered friends brought by the #7 Star, carry or wear the Anti-Jealousy Evil Eye Amulet, Anti Evil Eye Bracelet, Evil Eye with Turquoise Beads Bracelet or "Anti-Jealousy" Medallion. Stick the Evil Eye Sticker (2 pieces) nearby.
Hang a Sodalite Rhinoceros and Elephant Protection Amulet or Blue Liuli Elephant and Rhino Protection Amulet in your car for protection against road rage and accidents while on the road.
SKU1041 | SKU5183 | SKU5185 | |
More Feng Shui cures for the #7 Star in 2021
In Flying Star Feng Shui, the sectors where the lucky Stars reside should be activated and energized to bring good fortune to the resident influenced by them. This can be done by using our recommended enhancers and spending plenty of time and creating yang energy in these sectors. This will serve to enhance your good fortune and luck immensely!
We will recommend some powerful feng shui enhancers to enhance and boost the luck of every star. By doing this you not only create pleasant feelings in the home or office, but the energy within also will be awakened with good fortune chi!
The WEST – Blessed by the Auspicious #8 Wealth Star in 2021
In 2021, the powerful Wealth Star #8 is in the West palace, thereby making this this sector a very lucky sector during the course of the year. This bene?ts everyone staying in the West corner of all buildings - houses as well as offices.
If you have your bedroom in the WEST, or your APARTMENT is in the WEST corner of your apartment building, then chances are you will enjoy good fortune all through 2021.
Note that the West sector is also the home of the Rooster and the youngest daughter. You especially stand to gain more if you enhance this Prosperity Flying Star.
How to Attract Wealth Luck in 2021?
It will be extremely bene?cial to activate the West sector of any building in 2021. Keep it especially clean with no clutter. You can strongly enhance the Wealth Star by displaying the Rat-Ox Wealth Enhancer Perfect Partnerships to Attract Big Wealth, Eight Treasure Wealth Bowl, Bejeweled Wish-Fulfilling Rooster, Wealth Cabinet In White, Citrine Crystal Ball (L) for Wealth Luck or Crystal Ball with White Dzambala Tibetan Wealth God in the West, whether the sector is a bedroom or study area. You can also use these powerful Wealth Gods - the Brass Military Wealth God Sitting on Tiger (M) and 9 Wealth Gods Sitting On A Ship to harness the prosperity luck of the #8 Star. Anyone spending significant time in the West sector should expect better wealth, success and happiness energy. Bring yang energy to the area, meaning increased light, and happy sounds. Laughter, activity and movement awaken and trigger the #8 Star.
You should also be carrying the Tree Bringing 3 Kinds of Wealth Feng Shui Keychain, Asset Wealth Bull Talisman or Brass Feng Shui Lock Coin. And hanging a Jade Mystic Knot with Lotus Tassel, Colorful Crystal Liuli Wealth Ship Tassel or Agate Mystic Knot Tassel in your car can help capture the Star when you are travelling, attracting wealth into your vault.
Because crystal's earth element energy strengthens the Earth energy of #8, wearing natural stones in 2021 is very auspicious. Also, because we are now in period 8 (year 2004-2023) and it's an earth period, wearing crystal jewelries is supremely beneficial. We recommend Natural Baltic Amber Pendant, A Pair of 925 Silver Pi Yao with Citrine Bracelet, Brazilian Citrine with 999 Silver Laughing Buddha Charm Bracelet, or Ametrine Bracelet. If budget allows, the best would be these fantastic crystal gemstones - Canadian Ammolite Oval Pendant with 925 Silver Frame, Copper Titanium Rutilated Quartz Bracelet (Top Grade), a Super 7 bracelet or the Exquisite Rutilated Quartz Pendant A.
You can also activate the number 8 itself in any West corner of the room, and this is in fact highly recommended for the living room area, even if this room is elsewhere in the home. Doing this involves energizing what feng shui practitioners refer to as the “small tai chi”.
This is one of the secrets of feng shui application - that the compass location can be interpreted as either small or big tai chi. When we look at the whole building and identify it as the West corner of the building, we can regard this as the big tai chi; and when we identify it as the West corner of individual rooms, we call this the small tai chi. This principle is applicable for all the other numbers, so that in every room, we identify all of the eight compass locations.
Tips: Try and store your lotteries or important financial papers here like pensions, stock portfolio etc. in the West.
SKU5198 | |||
SKU5223 | SKU1923 | SKU5227 |
More Feng Shui products for the #8 Wealth Star
The CENTER – Ruled by the #6 Heavenly Star
In the year of the Ox 2021, the Flying Star chart is dominated by the auspicious Heavenly Star number 6 in the center. This is a strong star and it brings a multi-dimensional manifestation of unexpected good fortune from heaven, especially when it gets activated correctly. Be prepared for plenty of good heaven's celestial blessings if you spend a lot of time in the center part of your house. People who gamble be it in lottery, horse racing, football betting or casino games will benefit from this auspicious star that brings cosmic chi that manifests into good speculative and windfall luck. It also attracts Mentor luck or Gui Ren’s Luck - the affinity of receiving aid and increased opportunities from “Noblemen” or benefactor. Nobleman luck could lead one person in forming strong ties with the rich, the influential and the important people.
It is possible to activate and enhance this star number by making sure the area is clutter free, creating yang energy here with human activities, and by placing Feng Shui enhancers here in the center of the home such as the 8 Celestial Immortal Plaque, Crystal Ball with White Dzambala Tibetan Wealth God, Nobleman Gui Ren Talisman for Mentor Luck , 6 Big Smooth Coins Ruler or Gui Ren Windchime.
Earth element magnifies the power of metallic 6, so having crystal or glass balls on a coffee table in the center of your living toom area would be most auspicious indeed. The best is to have 6 balls like this Six Smooth Round Citrine Crystal Balls.
For those who would like to tap into the good fortune of this Star, any horoscope sign is recommended to carry the Heaven Seal Amulet with Chinese Character Heaven, Heavenly Star Keychain or Dragon Heavenly Seal Amulet to increase mentor luck and receive heaven's aids.
Wearing the Six-pointed Star of David symbol such as the Star of David Crystal Pendant Necklace (Smoky Quartz) or Canadian Ammolite Star of David Pendant with 925 Silver Frame (12mm) is also highly recommended to encourage mentor luck and help with career matters. Those wishing to advance in business should be particularly advised to use these feng shui methods. When the #6 is properly activated, you can look forward to windfall luck!
Hang the Six Coins Feng Shui Tassel or 6 Coins with Obsidian Wu Lou Hanging in your vehicle.
More Feng Shui enhancers for the #6 Star
The SOUTH – Graced by the #1 Victory Star
The lucky number 1 is located in the South in 2021. This is also a white number and it is auspicious, bringing the luck of victory in competitive pursuits. The #1 White star is also likely to assist you in attracting triumphant moments and overcoming obstacles in the work place, business or career. But the number 1 belongs to the Water element and it thus indicates a clash with the element of the South sector. This is because Water is in confrontation with the Fire element of the South. So the South is a weakened sector in 2021, which needs to be strengthened.
It is a great idea to place the image of a Desktop Flag Of Victory in this corner, as the South is the place of the Horse. You can also look for the Luo Han With Crab For Good Strategy & Business Luck to place here, as it is also a powerful feng shui symbol of winning. Those ambitious young men, politicians, businessmen, sportsmen, Horse-born or middle daughter engaged in competitive pursuits will highly benefit from this Star if you can activate it in 2021. Do spend more time doing your work in this sector.
To capture the energy of this Star, everyone should carry the Victory Banner Amulet Keychain, "Victory Banner" Success Amulet, Flag Of Victory Feng Shui Keychain or Winning Luck Victory Banner Amulet Keychain to overcome competition.
You should also wear a Zhanguo Warring States Red Agate Pendant, Oval Tiger's Eye Pendant Necklace in Zinc Alloy Setting or Jade Good Fortune In-Front-Of-Eye Pendant.
SKU5293 |
More Feng Shui enhancers for the #1 Star
The EAST – Visited by the #4 Romantic/Scholastic Star
The #4 Wood Star brings the luck of love and also some interesting new friends to residents living in its corner, resulting in a more active social life during the year. In the year 2021, the #4 star ?ies to the East sectors of buildings and also occupies the East wall of rooms. This suggests that those residing in bedrooms located in the East will enjoy the kind luck that enables love to grow and blossom. Those already in a serious relationship could decide to wed, while those looking for love could meet someone with whom they can bond with in a serious relationship. If your house has its main door located in the East, then 2021 brings harmony to your love relationships and also much happiness.
For anyone keen on activating their love life, or who want to ?nd a mate, or who would like their long-standing love relationships to blossom into marriage, ?nding a room in the East sector of their home might activate romance luck for them. It would really help to enhance it with Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (L), Banner of Love Kurulkulle Flag, "Rabbit in the Moon" Love Enhancer (L) or Pair of Colorful Liuli Glass Mandarin Ducks for Love in the East. If you are looking for a life partner, display the Bejewelled God of Love and Marriage. Wearing a 2 EYE Dzi Bead Pendant Necklace (SS), Rose Quartz Angel Pendant or Madagascar Rose Quartz Framed Pendant will enhance your love luck. Hang the Rose Quartz Mystic Knot Love Charm in your car.
The #4 star also brings success to those engaged in writing, literary and academic work. Authors and teachers will enjoy good luck this year if they occupy the East sector of their homes or of?ce. Those in the artistic field will benefit greatly from this sector as it will exude a steady flow of creative energy and inspiration. In the same way, career people and businessmen whose of?ce is in the East part of their building will enjoy the bene?ts of this benevolent star number, experiencing promotions and enhanced income.
Because the East is the place associated with the Rabbit-born and the eldest son, the number 4 star also brings academic luck to them. For you, this is a good year for gaining admittance into a desired school or university. To help students with examination luck or working adults with career luck, place the Manjushri "Gau" Scholastic Success Amulet, 13-Level Feng Shui Wisdom Pagoda, Dragon Carp Stamp for Education Success or Dragon Carp in this sector. Carry also the Manjushri Dhih Scholastic Amulet, Scholastic Amulet Keychain (Red) or Education & Scholastic Keychain.
The star #4 is a good star unless it gets waterlogged by the presence of excessive water. As long as it is not near water, the number 4 has the potential to bring literary success as well as romance. But if it is combined with too much water, it brings scandals associated with sexual misconduct. The #4 with water also causes in?delities to surface, leading to all kinds of unsavoury scandals. If a couple’s bedroom is in the East, consider carrying a 9 Tailed White Fox Amulet Keychain, 9-Tailed White Fox Love Mirror Keychain or Love Amulet with Moon Rabbit, or wearing the Golden Rooster with Fan Pendant Necklace. You can also hang a Amethyst Geode Bejeweled Pendant or use an Amethyst cluster on your bedside as protection against this.
More Feng Shui products for the #4 Star
The NORTHEAST – Promises of Future Prosperity from the # 9 Star
The #9 is the Purple Star which represents the “Star Of Future Prosperity”. It is also regarded as the Completion and the Magnifying star. As the latter, it brings a magni?cation of both good and bad. As the completion number, it helps residents in the sector it occupies to bring important projects to a successful ?nish. We are entering Period 9 in three more years and the number 9 is becoming more and more powerful and auspicious as we are approaching year 2024 so it's imperative that you enhance it as it will bring serious Prosperity and Wealth Luck for you in the near future!
Many feng shui masters even regard the 9 as being just as powerful as the 8. In the year 2021, the number 9 brings excellent good luck to the Northeast thereby bene?ting everyone residing within this sector, Ox, Tigers and the youngest son. This also brings bene?ts to NE sitting houses, which means that your house would then be facing SW.
This star helps lay groundwork for all kinds of good fortune and lucky outcomes in the near future. Those with creative-thinking, and brave enough to execute their ideas can expect good results in the near future. Promotion and business opportunities will be available for you when your office or bedroom is located in the Northeast. School-going children who study in this sector can experience enhanced examination luck or the luck to attain scholarship or get accepted to a reputable university. Relationships of couples will be improved if they sleep in the NE sector in 2021.
This Star also brings fame and recognition luck – the luck that propels you to be acknowledged and rewarded for your achievement and hard work. To enhance this Star, display the Nine Golden Dragons Plaque, 9 Rank Badge Plaque, Parasol Dhamachakra Wheel 9 Rod Windchime or 9 Deity Invocation Plaque in this sector and keep this part of the house brightly lit. Use lots of red upholstery and decor here. Wear the Tibetan 9 EYE Dzi with Amethyst Bracelet or color purple crystal like Purple Banded Agate Bangle, Purple Charoite Crystal Bracelet or Purple Super-7 Crystal Jewelry Pendant (A). Hang the Nine Feng Shui Coins Tassel in your car.
Note: The Northeast is also where the Tai Sui resides this year, so displaying a Tai Sui Plaque 2021 in the sector helps court his favor in warding off negativity.
More Feng Shui products for the #9 Star
There are other strong feng shui afflictions you should be aware of in the year 2021. One of these is the Three Killings, also known in Chinese as “San Sha.” In 2021 this affliction is mainly in residence in the East sector, where any disturbances should be kept to a minimum. Do not undertake repairs, renovations or the digging of holes or foundations now, since this maintenance work will only make the negative energy worse. If maintenance or work absolutely must be undertaken in 2021, contact a feng shui advisor for help in suggesting cures or a more fortunate date to begin the work. Should the affliction be triggered, sickness, money loss or heated arguments could ensue. This is one of the worst of all the annual afflictions. Place a 3 Celestial Shields, Feng Shui Three Divine Guardians or 3 Celestial Guardians Plaque in the East. Rabbit-born and eldest son should carry a 3 Celestial Shield Portable Amulet, 3 Celestial Guardians with Implements Keychain or Red Three Divine Guardians Keychain.
It’s advised to never sit with one’s back to the direction of the Three Killings. Face East in 2021, especially if this is your favorable direction according to your Kua Number.
The Tai Sui resides in the Northeast1 sector in 2021. The area should be kept as peaceful as possible. Properties that face Northeast or whose front door is in the Northeast must use extra caution against slamming a door, and renovations should not be carried out in the Northeast sector. Disturbed, it can cause the wrath of the God of the Year and bring you endless troubles and bad luck.
It’s advised to avoid facing the Northeast direction as this will be confronting him and will incur his anger - to avoid risk or loss, obstacles and defeat. Instead, sit with your back to his direction and the Tai Sui will have your back, giving you support. Find out what Feng shui cures to appease Tai Sui in the year 2021.
The Sui Po Year Breaker takes up the position opposite the Tai Sui Grand Duke, which in 2021 is the Southwest sector. Avoid doing renovations in the area or any other noise-producing activities. Should the sector be disturbed it could lead to health problems, especially for those who are elderly.
Remember to check out the Feng Shui 2021 and Tai Sui 2021 as well! |