One of, if not THE, most important system within feng shui practice is the Flying Stars Chart. This pertains to the movement of nine stars or energies, which change position each year. Depending on the star in a particular sector, it could indicate either good or bad fortune for the whole year. It’s highly advised to know in advance before a new year starts where these stars will be flying to, to take advantage of the positive energy and counteract or combat the negative energy. Feng Shui Grandmaster Lillian Too describes the Flying Star as one of the most powerful ways to quickly and effectively enhance your luck using Feng Shui.
Realistically, Flying Stars aren’t actually stars – they are not linked with either astrology or astronomy. Instead, they act as symbols of the energy that is present in a location.
A reliable compass to determine one’s basic directions and subdirections within a home or office is necessary to make sure of the accuracy of sectors to be affected, and to determine where to place feng shui cures or enhancing items. It is strongly suggested that you pay even more attention to the cures; neglecting them could mean dire consequences and could even render useless whatever favorable luck your enhancers could bring.
Please keep it real. The Flying Star affects everyone at a different degree. Bear in mind the Chinese philosophy of Tien Ti Ren - Heaven, Man and Earth’s Luck. Your life’s path (Heaven) indicates the fortune and luck you are born with – your karma, your destiny or your fate if you will. Use the Feng Shui knowledge (Earth) to lessen the effect of unfavourable energies in your environment. Your personal efforts (Man) to make the most of this Metal Rat year play an important role – put in your best in that important business proposal, take good care of yourself if you want to be a better half….
Note that the Stars change location annually so it's important to update your Feng Shui placement yearly. In addition to the Annual Stars, there are Monthly Stars too that shift location monthly, and daily stars that change every day. If you want even more control of your destiny and luck, do sign up for our free newsletter so you are kept up to date with the monthly 2020's flying stars forecast.
This 2020's annual Flying Star Feng Shui Chart becomes effective on February 4, 2020. The stars that are auspicious (green) should be activated and enhanced while the inauspicious (red) ones should be subdued and disarmed. With this information at your disposal, you are in control of your luck, because whether a star is good or bad, there are cures to strengthen or weaken its effects.

Annual 2020 Feng Shui Flying Star Chart above maps out the location of the lucky & unlucky sectors for the year of the Metal RAT 2020
Superimpose the 2020 Flying Star chart onto your floor plan to clearly see the distribution of Flying Stars in your residence or office:

Keep in mind as you read each forecast, that the stars can have an effect on your life if any of the following situations apply to you:
1) The home/office facing that star’s direction. As an example, the #6 Star will affect you if your house faces the Southeast in 2020
2) If your entrance is located in that star’s sector (example, the #2 star affects you if your entrance is located in the South sector even if it is facing a different direction). Note that facing direction is different than location. Your maindoor's location may be in the West, but it could be facing Southwest (its direction).
3) The location of your bedroom can be affected (good or bad) if it is located in a star’s sector.
4) The star visits your Horoscope home location. If your sign, for example, is the Rabbit, the #5 Misfortune Star is in your location (the East) and this can bring bad luck to you.
Horoscope Sign | Home Location | Horoscope Sign | Home Location |
Rat | North | Horse | South |
Ox | Northeast | Sheep | Southwest |
Tiger | Northeast | Monkey | Southwest |
Rabbit | East | Rooster | West |
Dragon | Southeast | Dog | Northwest |
Snake | Southeast | Boar | Northwest |
5) It’s possible to determine the feng shui luck for your family, too. Each sector is associated with a family member according to the theory of the Feng Shui Bagua. For example, the Northwest corresponds to the patriarch. In 2020, he (father, grandfather, leader of an organization etc.) is bessed by the #8 Wealth Star that enters the Northwest this year.
Family Member | Bagua Direction | Family Member | Bagua Direction |
Middle Son | North | Youngest Son | Northeast |
Middle Daughter | South | Patriarch | Northwest |
First Son | East | First Daughter | Southeast |
Youngest Daughter | West | Matriarch | Southwest |
Making the effort to overcome the inauspicious Flying Stars annually is very important. It is easy to implement but will greatly help to reduce misfortune and aggravations brought by them. There is no excuse for not doing so if you observe Feng Shui practices. For this year it is a good idea to have all your Feng Shui Cures in place before 4th February 2020. However, it is never too late to place your feng shui cures. Many of our clients still got great results even though they placed them towards the end of the year. Better be late than never.
Feng Shui Products Recyling
Products used in previous years can be reused although the strength of the cure is usually low and the remedy for this year should be stronger. New cures come with fresh stronger energy and we highly recommend that you get new ones if you can afford to. If you are recycling, re-energize your cures by washing them with natural sea or rock salt. Then let them stand in the great outdoors for three days absorbing the natural yang energy of the environement.
The EAST – Terrorized by the Malicious #5 Misfortune Star
Unfortunately, the nastiest #5 Yellow Misfortune Star resides in the East sector in 2020, threatening bad luck that could include physical harm from accidents, as well as money loss, relationship troubles and in extreme cases, death. The eldest son and the Rabbit must use extra caution now. Should a main entrance face the East, or if this sector is an important one in a home such as your bedroom or family room, be sure to display a Five Element Pagoda With Om Ah Hum (8 inches) or Five Element Pagoda With Om Ah Hum (10 inches) in the sector, as soon as possible. You can also use the Five Element Pagoda Ringing Bell or 6 inch Five Element Pagoda - to be placed in the EAST sector to protect the household/office. Get a powerful cure like the Tara Mandala House if your house/office is big. You can use more than one cure. If it's a double storey house, display one on each floor.
Carrying a Five Element Pagoda With Om Ah Hum Keychain or Five Element Pagoda Keychain with Om Ah Hum is a way to keep negativity away at all times.
It’s not advised to undergo renovations, diggings or other major repairs in the East sector now, since the area should be kept as peaceful and quiet as possible. A disturbance there awakens the worst of the Star’s energy.
This bad luck energy can arise quickly, so it’s strongly recommended to address ways to counteract the #5’s misfortune threats in advance of February 4.
Hang a Bloodstone Ping An Kou Coin Pendant or Bejeweled Five Element Pagoda Pendant (Gold) in your car for added protection.
More Feng Shui cures for the #5 Star
The SOUTH – Sickened by the #2 Illness Star
The South sector is plagued by negative health energy from the #2 Illness Star in 2020. These issues can range from minor ones to potentially fatal situations. Especially at risk are middle daughters and the Horse or people who spend a lot of time in the South. It’s essential to keep stress under control and to avoid risky sports activities. Pregnant women or the elderly must guard against spending time in the South sector this year to avoid harmful health situations. Feng shui cures that are strongly advised are the Wu Lou.
You should display the Brass Herbal Wu Lou, Golden Brass Wulou for Health Luck, Brass Wu Lou with Eight Immortals (s) or Golden Feng Shui Wu Lou (L) in this sector especially if your maindoor is located here or your property faces South. You can also display an image of the God of Longevity in the South of your homes to cast away sickness energy.
Carrying the Anti Illness Amulet Keychain or Garuda Wu Lou Health Amulet Keychain helps offer illness protection. If you prefer something to wear - Medicine Buddha Pendant, Tortoise Shell Dzi Bead with Amethyst Phantom Quartz Bracelet or Jade Longevity Tortoise Shell Bracelet.
Unfortunately, this year the South sector is also afflicted with negativity from the Three Killings Star and Sui Po, meaning added precautions must be taken. Placing the Pair of Feng Shui Pi Yao to Attract Wealth or Tai Sui Plaque 2020 in the North and the 3 Celestial Guardians – the Fu Dog, the Chi Lin and the Pi Yao – in the South sector offers added protection against wealth loss, the loss of a loved one or damaging loss to one’s reputation.
Hang the 5 Brass Coins with Wu Lou Feng Shui Tassel, Jade Feng Shui Five Wulou Tassel, Natural Wu Lou with 8 Brass Coins Tasselor Jade Wulou with Ingot Hanging in your car to ensure safety wherever you travel.
SKU1659 | SKU1012 | ||
SKU5054 |
More Feng Shui remedies for the #2 Star
The NORTH – Angered by the #3 Quarrelsome Star
Hostility and anger surround the North sector due to the presence of the #3 Quarrelsome Star in that area. This can mean heated discussions, major arguments and even legal issues if care is not taken. The middle son and the Rat are especially at risk in 2020. If your bedroom, maindoor or family room is in this sector, look out for relationship troubles. Keeping the sector peaceful helps avoid the maximum negativity, and do not undertake renovations or repairs in the sector this year. Walk away from an argument, whether at home or work, rather than saying or doing something that raises your temper or angers those around you.
Carrying the Tzi Chi Kau Red Dog Amulet Keychain, Dragon Holding Fireball Anti-Conflict Amulet or Red Eagle Keychain for Quarrelsome Star can dispel personal anger attacks, as can wearing the High Grade Golden Strawberry Quartz Bracelet or Morganite Crystal Elastic Bracelet. Carry the Bejeweled Hrih Keychain if you are afraid of office politicking and backstabbing, and to ward off vicious characters.
If a house faces the North or your maindoor/bedroom/living room/office is in North, place a Lion Faced Dakini, Gold Apple with Peace Symbol or Fire Dragon Holding Fireball To Suppress Quarrelsome & Conflict Energies to suppress the #3 Star in the area to encourage happier energy and ward off legal battles or harm to your reputation. Display a Tibetan Dorje Vajra (L) if your house is big. It can help prevent violent discussions. This area is also where the Tai Sui resides now, so hanging a Colorful Liuli Pair of Piyao Tassel or displaying a Pair of Feng Shui Pi Yao to Attract Wealth in the sector helps court his favor in warding off negativity.
Hang the Laughing Budda Beaded Tassel or Fragrant Sandalwood Laughing Buddha Tassel in your car for extra protection.
Do NOT hang windchimes in the North throughout the year because it will aggravate the #3 Hostile Star.
SKU5043 |
More Feng Shui products to counter the #3 Star
The CENTER – Broken in by the #7 Burglary Star
Negativity threatens the Center sector this year, with the presence of the #7 Robbery/Loss Star. Beware the possibility of violence or burglary for anyone in the family. All manners of danger are possible, from robbery, betrayal, deception, assault, robbery or gossip and backstabbing. Particularly at risk in this sector are writers or artists, children studying in the area or any female spending time in the Center. Betrayal or deception as well as rivalry or heated misunderstandings could even be felt from those you thought you could trust completely.
Since the Center is the heart of the home, any member of a family could be affected by this Star. It’s strongly advised to hang the Blue Elephant and Rhino With Talisman Feathers and Anti-Robbery Amulet or Anti Robbery Plaque in the area. As added protection, feng shui advice suggests displaying an Anti Burglary Mountain with Secret Mantras or Blue Rhinocerous and Elephant on Water in the area.
Carrying a Kuan Kung with Anti Burglary Amulet, Anti Robbery Amulet with Blue Rhino & Elephant or Anti Burglary Amulet Keychain is wise protection against harm as well. Otherwise, you can wear a blue or black crystal like a Kyanite Crystal Bracelet, Blue Aquamarine Crystal Bracelet (Top Grade), Top Grade Aquamarine 3-Round Bracelet or Blue Chalcedony Quartz Bracelet.
This isn’t a good year to participate in plans to get rich quick. Be wise and avoid major risks, all while watching out for someone hoping to con you out of your money.
Stick the Anti Burglary and Violence Window Stickers (2 pieces) or Anti Burglary and Violence Window Stickers (2 pieces) on your windows for extra protection.
Hang a Sodalite Rhinoceros and Elephant Protection Amulet or Blue Liuli Elephant and Rhino Protection Amulet in your car for protection against road rage and accidents while on the road.
SKU4973 | SKU4950 | SKU4899 | SKU4948 |
More Feng Shui cures for the #7 Star in 2020
In Flying Star Feng Shui, the sectors where the auspicious Stars reside should be awakened and energized to bring good fortune to the resident influenced by them. This can be done by using our recommended enhancers and spending plenty of time in these sectors. This will serve to enhance your good fortune and luck immensely!
We will recommend some powerful feng shui enhancers to enhance and boost the luck of every star. By doing this you not only create pleasant feelings in the home or office, but the energy within also will be activated with good fortune chi!
The NORTHWEST – Blessed by the Auspicious #8 Wealth Star in 2020
Auspicious Feng Shui luck is in store in the Northwest sector in 2020, elevating wealth, fame, prosperity and money luck when this good fortune #8 Wealth Star is properly activated. Those whose main door, living room or master bedroom located in the Northwest can expect these particular blessings. This sector also applies to the patriarch or male leader in a family/company. Those of the Dog or Boar sign also benefit from wealth luck this year.
How to attract wealth luck in 2020?
Displaying a Eight Treasure Wealth Bowl, Five Rats Wealth Attracting Jar, Wealth Rat Windchime for 2020, Wealth Tree With Mongoose And 6 Birds or Dragon and Rat Prosperity '8' in the Northwest helps maximum wealth potential now, whether the sector is a bedroom or study area. According to Lillian Too, the Mandala Offering with Gemstones and Bejeweled Yellow Dzambala Supreme Wealth God are very powerful enhancers that can help you harness the prosperity luck of the #8 Star. Anyone spending significant time in the Northwest sector should expect advanced wealth, success and happiness energy. Bring yang energy to the area, meaning increased light, and happy sounds. Laughter, activity and movement delight and awaken the #8 Star.
You can also carry a Mongoose Wealth Amulet Keychain, Dragon and Rat Prosperity '8' Keychain or Wealth Tree With Mongoose And 6 Birds Keychain. And hanging a Jade Mystic Knot with Lotus Tassel, 12 Emperor's Coins Ingot Tassels or Jade Feng Shui Five Gold Ingots Tassel in your vehicle can help capture the Star when you are travelling, attracting wealth into your vault.
Because crystal's earth element energy strengthens the Earth energy of #8, it's a good idea to wear them in 2020. Also, because we are now in period 8 (year 2004-2024) and it's an earth period, wearing crystal jewelries is supremely auspicious. You can consider Natural Amber Bracelet, Yellow Chalcedony Bracelet, Natural Baltic Amber Pendant, Golden Rutilated 3-Round Bracelet 6.5mm, Red and Yellow Phantom Quartz Bracelet or Wealth Pot Phantom Bracelet (High Grade). If you have more budget, the best would be these fantastic crystal gemstones - Ammolite Pendant, Citrine Tear Drop with Frame Pendant (Top Grade) A or a Super 7 bracelet.
Tips: Try and store your lotteries or important financial papers here like pensions, stock portfolio etc. in the Northwest.
SKU4600 | SKU4009 | SKU5036 |
More Feng Shui products for the #8 Star
The SOUTHEAST – Graced by the #6 Divine Star
The #6 Divine White Star is highly auspicious, offering heavenly blessings of prosperity (perhaps even a windfall) and mentor luck. The good fortune it brings is good news for career, wealth building, finances, and legal good luck. Anyone whose main door or an office/study area is located in the Southeast is especially blessed. Whenever possible, keep a door or window in this sector open to welcome in the good fortune. A first daughter in a family, as well as those born in the Dragon or Snake sign, and anyone whose bedroom/maindoor/living room is located in this sector should receive special blessings in 2020. Healing energy is present here, so those recuperating from an illness should spend more time in the Southeast sector.
In order to maximize benefits from the #6 Heavenly Star, consider placing a deity such as the Crystal Ball with White Dzambala Tibetan Wealth God, Three Sides Gods - Buddha, Kuan Yin and Ksitigarbha, Golden Four Great Heavenly Kings, Jade Emperor with Qui Ren Talisman or Kuan Yin Bringing Abundance in the Southeast portion of your home, living room or dining room. Other good energizers are the Buddha's Foot Windchime and the 6 Big Smooth Coins. Placing a real natural Crystal Ball or hanging crystal in the area helps activate wealth and business luck too.
Carrying or wearing the Kuan Yin Tibetan Dzi Bead, Heaven Seal Amulet with Chinese Character Heaven or Golden Green Tara Keychain is also highly recommended to encourage mentor luck and help with career matters. Those wishing to advance in business should be particularly advised to use these feng shui methods. When the #6 is properly activated, look forward to windfall luck!
Hang the Six Coins Feng Shui Tassel or 6 Coins with Obsidian Wu Lou Hanging in your car.
More Feng Shui enhancers for the #6 Star
The NORTHEAST – Dominated by the #1 Victory Star
Career luck can be a benefit of the #1 Victory Star’s presence in the Northeast sector this year. New opportunities can arise and financial gains from investments can be attained. This star also indicates an elevation in reputation and status, with victory over competitors expected. Particularly benefitting from this star in the year of the Rat 2020 are the youngest son as well as Ox or Tiger-born. Place a Red Windhorse for Success Luck, Jadeite Feng Shui Dragon with Wealth Pot, Windhorse-Boosting Victory Flag or Five Elements Victory Banner in the Northeast sector for maximum benefits. It’s an exciting and productive year for those with high ambitions to spend extra time in this sector in 2020.
If your bedroom or office is located in the Northeast sector, you can look forward to competitive luck in career matters no matter how cutthroat they may be. Businesspeople and sports enthusiasts should see success coming their way as obstacles are overcome. To fully maximize this success luck in business and career, display the Pair of Dragon Horse or Pair of Golden Camel figurine. If your house or office is big, display the 5 Element Banner of Victory instead.
To capture the auspiciousness of this Star, everyone can the Victory Banner Amulet Keychain, Brown Tribute Horse with Plate of Auspicious Fruits Keychain or Prosperity Victory Amulet to overcome competition.
You should also wear a Bejeweled Crown Phantom Quartz Pendant, Green Phantom Quartz 2-Round Bracelet or Jade Good Fortune In-Front-Of-Eye Pendant.
SKU4793 | SKU4060 |
More Feng Shui enhancers for the #1 Star
The SOUTHWEST – Visited by the #4 Romantic/Scholastic Star
The #4 Star is associated with relationship luck – in business or love – as well as in literary and educational matters. Especially expected to benefit from this star in 2020 are matriarchs of a family and those born in the sign of the Sheep or Monkey.
This Romance/Scholastic Star is located in the Southwest sector in 2020. Especially blessed with its energy are those in the creative, artistic, and educational fields, including designers, writers, lecturers and researchers, particularly if their main door, bedroom or work area is located in this sector. Recognition can be achieved. Travel is another benefit from the #4 Star in this year. Students who sleep or study in the Southwest sector are poised to achieve boosted intelligence and wisdom this year, encouraging exam luck and scholastic endeavors. The year is good for gaining admittance into a desired school or university. To help students with concentration and academic luck, place the Scholar On Dragon Carp, Clear Quartz Crystal Point, Clear Quartz Crystal Ball or Golden 9 Level Feng Shui Wen Chang Pagoda in this sector. Carry also the Education Scholastic Amulet Keychain, Scholastic Amulet Keychain (Red) or Scholastic Amulet Keychain (Blue).
Regarding romance and love, activating this energy with a Marriage Happiness Mandarin Ducks, Double Happiness Plaque, Banner of Love Kurulkulle Flag or Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (L) is encouraged for singles and those who want to bring back sparks into your marriage life. If you are looking for a life partner, display the Bejewelled God of Love and Marriage. Wearing a 2 Eye Tibetan Old Dzi bead Pendant, Rose Quartz Angel Pendant or Madagascar Rose Quartz Framed Pendant will enhance your love luck. Hang the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks Love Charm in your car.
But beware – while the #4 Star can provide romantic happiness but also chances for infidelity or betrayal, leading to heartbreak during the months when it’s paired with unfavorable Monthly Star. If a couple’s bedroom is in the Southwest, consider carrying a 9-Tailed White Fox Love Mirror or Marriage Saver Keychain and hanging a Amethyst Geode Bejeweled Pendant or Amethyst Geode Bejeweled Pendant C on your bedside as protection against this.
More Feng Shui products for the #4 Star
The WEST – Promises of Future Prosperity from the # 9 Star
In 2020, the #9 Future Prosperity or Magnifying Star is located in the West sector. It will be of particular good fortune to the youngest daughter and the Rooster. The #9 Star attracts good prosperity luck and helps lay groundwork for future wealth. Those who are creative in thinking and actions, and brave enough to put their ideas to work, can expect good results. Investments are favored for those who can see the long-term goals. Fame and recognition are also a part of the #9 Star and it’s a time for talent and hard work to be acknowledged and rewarded.
Opportunities in career matters, and even a promotion, can be in the future for someone when their office or bedroom is located in the West. Expect improved growth. Children would be advised to study in this sector for educational benefits, besides in the SW in 2020. For couples who sleep in the West sector, relationship luck is positive. There’s even a possibility of creating or producing a highly intelligent child this year.
To boost the #9 Star’s energy, display a Yang Energy Amulet Plaque, Wealth Cabinet in Red or 9 Rank Badge Plaque in the West portion of a bedroom, living room or study area in 2020. Carry Nine Feng Shui Coins Tassel, or wear the 9 Eye Tibetan Old Dzi Bead.
More Feng Shui products for the #9 Star
There are other strong feng shui afflictions you should be aware of in the year 2020. One of these is the Three Killings, also known in Chinese as “San Sha.” In 2020 this affliction is mainly in residence in the South sector, where any disturbances should be kept to a minimum. Do not undertake repairs, renovations or the digging of holes or foundations now, since this maintenance work will only make the negative energy worse. If maintenance or work absolutely must be undertaken in 2020, contact a feng shui advisor for help in suggesting cures or a more fortunate date to begin the work. Should the affliction be awakened, sickness, money loss or heated arguments could ensue. This is one of the worst of all the annual afflictions. Place a Golden Three Divine Guardians with Implements for 3 Killings, Golden Three Harmony Animals or 3 Celestial Guardians Plaque in the South. Horse-born and middle daughter should carry a 3 Celestial Guardians with Implements Keychain or Red Three Divine Guardians Keychain.
It’s advised to never sit with one’s back to the direction of the Three Killings. Face South in 2020, especially if this is your favorable direction according to your Kua Number.
The Tai Sui resides in the North sector in 2020. The area should be kept as peaceful as possible. Properties that face North or whose front door is in the North must use extra caution against slamming a door, and renovations should not be carried out in the North sector.
It’s advised to avoid facing the North direction as this will be confronting him and will incur his wrath - to avoid risk or loss, obstacles and defeat. Instead, sit with your back to his direction and the Tai Sui will be motivated to offer help. Find out what Feng shui cures to appease Tai Sui in the year 2020.
The Sui Po Year Breaker takes up the position opposite the Tai Sui Grand Duke, which in 2020 is the South sector. Avoid doing renovations in the area or any other noise-producing activities. Should the sector be disturbed it could lead to health problems, especially for those who are elderly.
Unfortunately, the #2 Illness Star is also in the South sector in 2020. This is another reason to keep the area quiet and peaceful, so as to not agitate it. If a garden or driveway is in the South sector it is especially key to avoid disturbances from digging or building repairs now.
Remember to check out the Flying Star 2024, Feng Shui Forecast & Horoscope 2024 and Tai Sui 2024 as well! |