Flying Star is an excellent Feng Shui formula that you can use to optimize your luck for the year of the DOG 2018. It is an easy-to-use yet accurate method to discover what energy is in what location, so users can find out where to tap the good and suppress the negative chi for the year. Flying Star formula is based on the directions of the compass, divided into nine sectors in a home or office building. What Flying Star lands in which sector determines either lucky or unlucky vibrations. Lillian Too, a highly respected feng shui grand master and author, says that the Flying Star is one of the most powerful ways to quickly and effectively improve your luck using Feng Shui.
The Flying Stars Feng Shui is not complicated to understand. When decoded and correctly analyzed, all the afflicted sector of buildings and homes in 2018 can be easily identified (see chart below). Placing remedies to subdue the afflictions is part of updating feng shui each new year. It is important to have the Feng Shui Cures in place to subdue all obstacles to your success.
Simply following the information of energy changes within a sector can help determine where to spend more or less time and which areas need Flying Star feng shui cures to attract or repel energy. Relationships, career and prosperity, as well as health issues, are all affected by the Flying Stars. Knowing their annual location can make all the difference in whether your year is a good one or not – and the outcome is within your control.
This year’s annual Flying Star Feng Shui Chart becomes effective on February 4, 2018. Those stars which are positive (green) should be enhanced while the negative (red) ones should be subdued or made less harmful. The good news is that with this information at your disposal, you play a role in determining your destiny, because whether a star is lucky or not, there are methods to maximize or minimize its effects.

Annual 2018 Feng Shui Flying Star Chart above unlocks the energy pattern of the year
Superimpose the 2018 chart onto your floor plan to clearly see the distribution of Flying Stars in your residence or office:

Making the effort to suppress the major manifestations of bad luck for any year is the crux of time dimension feng shui; doing so requires little effort and will effectively reduce aggravations and misfortune. Not doing so is being careless about an important part of the New Year ritual. For this year it is a good idea to have all your Feng Shui Cures in place before 4th February 2018, which is the day of the Lap Chun.
Feng Shui Products Recyling
Products used in previous years can be recycled although the strength of the cure is usually low and the remedy for this year should be stronger. New cures come with fresh energy. If you are recycling, re-energize your cures by washing them with natural sea or rock salt. Then let them stand in the great outdoors for three days absorbing the natural yang energy of the environement.
The NORTH – Plagued by the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star
The Five Yellow brings misfortune to the North in 2018, and with it comes danger and the possibility that havoc could get created in the lives of those residing within. If your bedroom, front door or the door you use the most is located North, the Five Yellow can bring distress and suffering. Misfortune caused by the Five Yellow in 2018 can be severe business loss or threatening terminal illness.
It is important to suppress the pernicious effects of the Five Yellow as it can spread to other parts of the house unless remedies are put into place. Unless suppressed, the Five Yellow brings serious illness, accidents and loss that occur in many aspects of life. It is the catalyst for bringing all kinds of misfortune. Sometimes, just facing the Five Yellow direction can bring bad luck. If you reside in a room located North in 2018, you need to place the Feng Shui cure inside your room.
If your main door, bedroom or office desk is afflicted by the Five Yellow, due to their location in the North, the affliction must be dealt with before the 4th of Feb 2018. Remember that bad luck caused by the Five Yellow manifests quickly and since prevention is better than cure, do install Feng Shui cures as soon as possible. For North facing house - put a cure in the front of the house as well.
Any kind of demolition or digging is harmful in the North as this causes big time negative luck to manifest. It is dangerous to drill floors, knock down walls, dig holes in the ground, engage in any kind of destructive work or make noise. Any of these activities will activate the Five Yellow, triggering severe bad luck.
The Rat-born are also affected by this star as the North is your home-location, as is the middle son in a family.
The 5 Element Pagoda 2018 (9.5 inches) or 5 Element Pagoda 2018 (8 inches) are excellent cures specially designed for the year 2018 to nullify the effect of this Star. You can also use the cure from previous years such as the Sun and Moon Five Element Pagoda (7 inches), Sun and Moon 5 Element Pagoda (9 inches) or 6 inch Five Element Pagoda - to be placed in the North sector to protect the household/office. Get a bigger size pagoda if your house/office is big.
For personal protection, you should wear the Bejeweled Five Element Pagoda Pendant, or carry the 5 Element Pagoda Keychain 2018 or Sun and Moon 5 Element Pagoda Keychain - as a key holder or clipped on your bag.
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More Feng Shui cures for the #5 Star
The WEST – At Risk from the #2 Illness Star
This year’s illness star brings unexpected sickness and hidden dangers. It resides in the West. Bedrooms or living room in the West of homes are advised to carry powerful Feng Shui cure at all times, or consider sleeping in another room in the year 2018. For WEST facing houses, dim all lights at your front door foyer, place a Feng Shui cure in your front area and paint your door white this year, if possible.
Everyone in the house or office will be influenced by this inauspicious star if the main door is located West.
The youngest daughter in a family and the Rooster-born are most in danger of harm from sudden or prolonged diseases.
The Golden Wu Lou with Garuda is an excellent cure especially designed for the year 2018 for the #2 Star or people with poor health rating. You can also display an image of the Goddess Kuan Yin with Garuda or Garuda Bird in the West of your homes to subdue this Sickness Star. Other powerful cures include the Brass Herbal Wu Lou, Brass Wu Lou with Eight Immortals (s), Bejeweled Medicine Buddha Stupa and the Eight Sugata Medicine Buddha Plaque.
You should carry a Garuda Wulou Keychain 2018 or Medicine Buddha with Wu Lou Keychain. You can also wear a Medicine Buddha Pendant or Garuda Wu Lou Pendant Necklace.
Hang the Yellow Jasper Pi Yao with Bunch of Wu Lou Hanging or Chalcedony Ruyi with Bunch of Wu Lou Hanging in your car.
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More Feng Shui remedies for the #2 Star
The NORTHEAST – Afflicted by the #3 Quarrelsome Star
2018’s Quarrelsome Star brings hostile energy associated with arguments, misunderstandings and court cases to anyone working or living in the Northeast. At its worst, this causes violence and leads to tragedy. The traditional Feng Shui way of overcoming this affliction is to exhaust it with Fire Element. Anything that suggests Fire is an excellent cure, so all kinds of bright lights and the color red are excellent remedies to be placed in the NE.
In 2018, because the fierce energy of this affliction is strong, it requires Golden Trident of Guru Rinpoche or Bejewelled Eight Spoke Dorje which will subdue all quarrelsome energy and dissipate anger quickly, ending hostile feelings. Place in the NE of your living room or on your desk to safeguard against antagonism transforming into aggression.
Houses that face NE or if your bedroom or main door is located in this sector, use a Tibetan Dorje Vajra, Bejeweled Red Tzi Chi Kau or Two-Sided Flaming Magic Wheel Plaque to dispel risk of getting involved in a tiresome legal battle that is sure to drain you. This affliction strikes without warning and getting hauled into court can be very nasty, so do make sure you have the Feng Shui cure placed prominently.
People who are especially vulnerable to fall prey to this Star in 2018 are the Ox, Tiger and the Youngest Son. For these people, small disagreements could easily turn nasty and even result in a legal issue or court case, so it’s best to not participate in heated disagreements to begin with. Try to remain calm at work and at home - not easy since the year awakens aggression in you.
Suppressing the #3 is the best feng shui advice. Carrying the Tzi Chi Kau Red Dog Amulet Keychain or Bejeweled Red Tzi Chi Kau Keychain can dispel personal anger attacks, as can wearing the Laughing Buddha Crystal Pendant Necklace (Jade). Carry the Bejeweled Hrih Keychain if you are prone to office politicking and backstabbing. Hang the Yellow Liuli Laughing Buddha Hanging Tassel or Laughing Buddha with Ruyi on White Jade Hanging in your car for extra protection.
Tips for NE facing houses – remove water features that are near the front door, increase lights at the front of the house, and paint your door or a wall red. Keep this sector quiet.
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More Feng Shui products to counter the #3 Star
The EAST – Visited by the #7 Burglary Star
Potentially a threat to the eldest son, this affliction brings danger of violence and burglary. It brings political turmoil and sparks aggressive behavior. It brings out the worst in all who come under its influence and if your room is in the East, it is advisable to move out into another room. In 2018, the Robbery Star is lethal in the East!
Residents in a home that faces or sits in the East are most vulnerable to this negativity, as are those who spend plenty of time in a room located in the East sector. The best way to overcome this affliction is with water, which is auspicious in the East. Place the Rhinoceros and Elephant in Natural Habitat, Anti Burglary Mountain with Secret Mantras or Anti Burglary Plaque here as a protective shield against getting burgled or betrayed. The Anti Burglary & Violence Window Sticker can be affixed to windows to ward off harm, too.
First son and Rabbit Born must keep their guard up against trusting people completely. You must carry the Anti Burglary Keychain or Anti Burglary Amulet Keychain 2018 for protection.
Hang a Sodalite Rhinoceros and Elephant Protection Amulet or Blue Liuli Elephant and Rhino Protection Amulet in your vehicle throughout 2018.
More Feng Shui cures for the #7 Star
In Flying Star Feng Shui, lucky corners of your house or office can be determined, and these are the sectors where lucky Chi can be tapped to bring good fortune to all residents of the household. The way to generate the good luck is to create auspicious energy using specific auspicious objects. This expands your feng shui luck like nothing else!
We have all these feng shui enhancers to seriously energize ALL your lucky corners. By doing this you not only create pleasing feelings in the home or office, but the energy within also becomes imbued with good fortune vibes!
The SOUTHEAST – Great Assistance from the #8 Wealth Star
In 2018, the Southeast is identified as the most auspicious sector because it enjoys the number 8 Wealth Luck Flying Star. According to the Pa Kua 8 Aspirations, the Southeast is also the wealth sector of any building. The Trigram Sun that rules the SE is associated with the wind that brings prosperity. This symbolizes successful accumulation of assets over time. This simply means the doubly strong Wealth-attracting energy present in the SE and must be activated in 2018 to take fullest advantage of it.
Particularly blessed by this star are the Dragons and Snakes, the first daughter in a family, or anyone whose house sits in or faces Southeast. Those who spend a lot of time in a SE room or has its main entrance here will benefit tremendously too. Wealth, success and happiness will be abundant.
To bring out the goodness of #8 Star, it must be imbued with yang energy – noise, light and merry making. Movement and activity, sound and laughter makes 8 come alive, bringing good fortune and prosperity.
To enhance your Wealth Luck in the year of the Dog 2018, display The Mountain of Gold, Bejeweled 108 Lime Tree, Bejeweled Wish-Granting Tree or Star of David with Seven Crystal Balls in the Southeast. Placing the The Stupa of 8 Doors to Abundance or Crystal Ball with White Dzambala Tibetan Wealth God are also highly recommended by Feng Shui experts.
You should also wear a 925 Silver Mystic Knot Pendant with Swarovski Crystals or Ammonite Shell Pendant (L) to attract good wealth luck, or carry a Hooking Abundance Mirror Keychain, Lime Tree Keychain for Wealth Luck or Bejeweled Wish-Granting Tree Keychain. And hanging a Yellow Jasper Ten Coins Feng Shui Tassel or Jade Three Gold Ingots Tassel for Wealth in your vehicle can help capture the Star when you are travelling.
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More Feng Shui products for the #8 Star
The SOUTHWEST – Blessed by the #6 Heaven Star
In 2018, Heavenly blessings arrive in the Southwest sector. This Flying Star brings not only good fortune but extra power or leadership luck, mentor luck and a Heavenly assist in all areas of life. If a home sits in or faces the SW, its residents will receive unexpected good fortune of a speculative kind. This also applies to homes where the main entrance located in SW.
The matriarch, those born in the year of the Sheep or Monkey, and whose bedroom is located here will especially be benefited. Those who try their luck in casino games, lottery, football betting or horse racing will benefit from this Indirect Wealth Star that brings celestial luck that manifests into good fortune and windfall luck.
To bring life to this Star, place the Golden Deities Heaven Seal in the area. Carry also a Jade Emperor Heaven Amulet Keychain, Heavenly Star Keychain or Gui Ren Talisman for Success Keychain. This would also attract the help of a mentor or supportive people into your life. Hang the Six Coins Feng Shui Tassel or 6 Coins with Obsidian Wu Lou Hanging in your car.
More Feng Shui enhancers for the #6 Star
The NORTHWEST – Reaps Rewards of the #1 Victory Star
The Victory White Star 1 is associated with attaining success over the competition so it brings victory luck to those enjoying its good influences. In 2018 it benefits residents who live or work in the NW. Those with bedrooms or main door here, especially when you are in a leadership position, will enjoy plenty of success luck. The 1 white star benefits the Patriarch in 2018, as well as people born in the year of Dog or Boar.
The best way to lock in the luck of #1 Victory Star is to display a Power Elephant with Warrior, 5 Element Banner of Victory or Feng Shui Victory Banner in the NW. To trigger your triumphant or success luck at work, in business and in competitive situations, do carry a Winning Luck Victory Banner Amulet Keychain 2018, Victory Power Elephant with Magic Barrel Keychain or Victory-Enhancing Talisman Keychain. Stick the King Gesar Window Sticker (2 pieces) on your car windows.
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More Feng Shui enhancers for the #1 Star
The SOUTH – Enhanced Love and Scholastic Luck from the #4 Peach Blossom Star
Last year, the South sector was plagued by the Misfortune #5 Star. This year 2018, the sector comes out of it and is graced by the presence of a Peach Blossom Star bringing the luck of literacy and romance. This is signified by the number 4, which is regarded also as a love star considered lucky for singles and unmarried people, but is viewed with suspicion for those already married. Peach blossom luck is often associated with infidelity, and older married people do not like it when it flies into their bedroom! So if your room is in the South and you are married, it might be a good idea to carry a Marriage Saver Keychain or Rooster with Fan and Amethyst Keychain. Display a Colorful Feng Shui Rooster on Treasure or Brass Rooster on Ru Yi with Coin in your bedroom.
For singles, if you spend a good amount of time in a room in the South, get ready to experience good relationship luck in 2018. Those looking for romance and marriage luck should activate this Star. In 2018, Horse-born and the middle daughter are especially blessed by this Star.
Your love luck can be enhanced by placing a Bejeweled Rose Quartz Apple, Wishfulfilling Bejeweled Pair of Mandarin Ducks or Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (M) in the South. To keep love luck close to you, carry the Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain or Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain for Love Luck. Also, hang the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks Love Charm in your vehicle.
Those with a literary, artistic or creative background such as artists, writers, teachers, lecturers, designers and researchers will see positive results in their work, with indication of further advancement, if your maindoor, study or bedroom is located in the South. You can expect some travelling. Students sleeping or studying in this sector will have better luck in exams and in getting admission into good schools, colleges or universities.
To activate the Academic side of this star, carry the Education & Scholastic Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic Keychain 2018 or Scholastic Keychain. Display the Bejeweled WishFulfilling 7-Storey Feng Shui Pagoda, Brass 7-Level Feng Shui Pagoda or Bejeweled Luo Han on Qi Lin in the South.
More Feng Shui products for the #4 Star
The CENTER – Promises of Future Prosperity from the # 9 Star
With the power of #9 Future Prosperity Star in the Center, EVERYONE benefits. The feng shui chart of 2018 brings great promise and suggests that seeds for building future wealth can be sown this year by creative and courageous people. Your efforts can bear fruit!
But the fire of 9 in the center gets exhausted by the Earth this year. To counter this, the fire element in the center of buildings must be strengthened. Keep this part well lit, especially if the dining area is located here.
In 2018, multiples of 9 is highly recommended to energize space to improve or expand good fortune. Wear nine charms or nine eyed Dzi beads in a bracelet to create an aura of good fortune, display a Exquisite Nine Dragons Wooden Ru Yi in your home, or place 3 sets of 3 Gold Coins in your office, wealth vase or near your cash register.
The #9 Star can be enhanced to deliver maximum results by carrying a 9 Ring Sword Keychain and displaying a 9 Wealth Gods Sitting On A Ship, A Pair of Golden Pears or 9 Rings Dragon Sword in the Center.
More Feng Shui products for the #9 Star
The North is harmed by the Three Killings in 2018. This is a negative phenomenon that brings three types of bad luck associated with loss, a loss of one’s good reputation, loss of a loved one and loss of wealth. The Three Killings derail the best laid plans with unexpected obstacles. It is the most common cause of reversals of fortune. In 2018, it occupies the North, so the danger here is to the middle son of the family. Anyone occupying the North can likewise get hurt.
This year, it is good idea to keep all North sector doors and windows closed during the afternoon hours, as this will block the three killings. Effective cures are the three celestial protectors – comprising the Chi Lin, Fu Dog and Pi Yao.
Remember to check out the the latest Flying Star 2024, Feng Shui Forecast & Horoscope 2024 and Tai Sui 2024 as well! |
Flying Star Feng Shui Analysis Chinese version 2018???????