Monthly Feng Shui Forecast & Chinese Horoscope 2018 - 3rd Month (Apr 5 - May 5, 2018)
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Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake |
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Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar |
Find out your Chinese horoscope sign here.
RAT (North) - Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
Rats are showered with auspicious good fortune now, and the #8 Wealth Star is responsible. Even though the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star is also present, the #8’s Earth energy overcomes it. If you’ve been waiting for that time to expand your finances, the time is now. This applies to everyone, but especially the 58-year-old Metal Rat and the 34-year-old Wood Rat. All Rats are encouraged to go after their dreams and goals. A promotion is possible, especially if you get your voice heard by suggesting ideas and taking action. Others will respect you for this and offer support. Rats don’t normally like taking risks, but be willing to seek opportunities you have researched and found to be successful choices. Boost the Wealth Star with Bejeweled 108 Lime Tree or Bejeweled Wish-Granting Tree in the North sector this month. Carry a Bejeweled Wish-Granting Tree Keychain also.
Students experience education luck and this is a good time to access that luck to get new knowledge, faster. Carry a Scholastic Keychain to enhance education or career luck. Love luck is strong for Rats. Your personality is especially lively now and others will be drawn to you. Express your interest and you could open the door to a wonderful romance.
OX (NorthEast) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
The #6 Heavenly Star creates happiness and success for the Ox. Expect new opportunities, love luck, improved friendship and heightened work potential. Relying on friendships and aliances at work can help you see new pathways. This helps you revise some old habits and ways of approaching life. Let people offer suggestions and support. You may feel that things aren’t quite within reach in business endeavors. But opening up to others and learning from them helps you get more done, giving you time to enjoy your personal and work life. The #6 joins with the #3 Quarrelsome Star, normally a negative influence, but here it can bring about windfall luck when activated with 6 Heaven Gold Coin Plaque or Golden Deities Heaven Seal in the NE this month. Carry the Jade Emperor Heaven Amulet Keychain or Feng Shui Golden Fuk Luk Sau Keychain and if you control your temper and avoid arguments.
Students may find a mentor willing to offer guidance. Be open to an authority figure who wants to give advice. Exam luck is good and you’ll feel confident. Carry an Education & Scholastic Keychain to strengthen your academic or career luck further. Love looks good, though confusing. The Ox desires romance, but you may want someone who’s not available or who thinks of you as a friend. Make a move and express your feelings if you won’t cause heartbreak to someone. Don’t settle for someone you aren’t truly fond of, and be open to love from an unlikely direction. Display a Double Happiness Plaque to boost love luck.
TIGER (NorthEast) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
Tigers have excellent luck this month. Whatever you dream of is within your reach if you work hard and have passion and enthusiasm. Great career progress can be made with the #6 Heavenly Star’s blessings. Trust your instincts and be open to suggestions from mentors or wise co-workers. An older person may also play a major role in your life right now. Enhance this star with Gui Ren Plaque or Golden Deities Heaven Seal. You could learn from their advice and they can open doors for you. Encourage your employees to contribute ideas and get to know them better, then reward them when their hard work pays off. Networking doesn’t just work well in business now – it can help Tigers throw better dinner parties or gatherings at home. Even a business meeting could be held successfully at home. You are highly recommended to carry a Jade Emperor Heaven Amulet Keychain this month.
Love is blessed now, but it requires effort from Tigers. Be open about your feelings. Don’t hesitate making a move! You may be interested in someone who is unavailable or someone you’re not sure has feelings for you. Romance is within your reach but separate fantasy from reality. If you’ve done what you can and it doesn’t work, it may be time to move on from a relationship. Display a Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (M) in your bedroom to improve your luck in love.
RABBIT (East) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
Highly auspicious luck comes from the presence of the #1 Victory Star. Expect successful completion of projects and outlasting the competition. Because the Big Auspicious is with Rabbits this year, it magnifies the #1’s power. Take a few risks and trust your instincts, rather than doubting yourself or holding back. Overcoming your fear or insecurity is crucial. Work and career matters exceed your dreams. Stay ambitious and carry the Trinity of Victory Horses Hanging Keychain to maximize success. Display an 5 Element Banner of Victory or Brown Tribute Horse for Prosperity in the East. The Tiger may get an offer from outside their current workplace. Think carefully and be sure the change is worthwhile. If it is, go for it. You’ll thrive on the possibilities of success. Turn your back on anyone who is negative around you and focus on the good.
Students have victory luck in studies and can overcome competition in education matters. Carry a Scholastic Keychain to further enhance education or career luck. Love and romance are encouraging. Your positive attitude attracts others, though you’ll need to balance love and career, so keep things light in a new relationship. Those in a relationship already may want to deepen the relationship to the next level. Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance romance luck.
DRAGON (SouthEast) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
The Dragon has sum-of-ten luck this month, even though it’s created through some negative aspects. Your annual #8 Star is a magnet for wealth luck. But it comes in contact with the #2 Illness Star now, bringing threats of sickness and weakened energy. Take better care of yourself with rest and better eating habits. The #2 makes an interest in productivity low and your frustration in not accomplishing all you want is a problem. Emotions are unstable, so try not to be overly sensitive to comments or actions. Overcome the Sickness Star by placing a Bejeweled Blue Medicine Buddha or Bejeweled Luo Han of Longevity in the SE, and carry also the Garuda Wulou Keychain or Garuda Wu Lou Keychain 2018. Believing in your wealth and completion luck helps you move forward. Teamwork is best now, since co-workers can lighten your load if you’re feeling weak or ill. Use this teamwork to help finalize projects so you can begin new ones. Make plans, big or small, and then keep to a schedule and meet deadlines.
Students can do well but deadlines are challenging because of low energy. Carry an Education & Scholastic Keychain to enhance academic luck. Pace yourself. Singles should consider making a move if there’s someone they admire. Committed Dragons might need to lean on a partner for support and energy now. Place Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (M) in your bedroom to boost love luck.
SNAKE (SouthEast) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
It won’t be the strongest month for Snakes, due to the #2 Illness Star’s arrival. This is the time to de-stress and take better care of yourself. Asking for help is important now, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Work is hectic, but try to work hard for a bit and then take a small break to recharge your energy. Weaken the Illness Star by displaying a Golden Wu Lou with Garuda or Bejeweled Medicine Buddha in the SE this month. Carry also the Golden Wulou with Garuda Keychain or Garuda Wulou Keychain. Business luck is increased and your plans look good. Just don’t be frustrated if things take a bit more time. Pace yourself and rely on co-workers whenever possible. The good news is that the #2 joins the #8 Wealth Star, which is already present. This creates the sum-of-ten and promises success potential, if you manage your time properly and keep optimistic.
Students lack energy this month and should balance study time to avoid missing deadlines on assignments. Carry a Scholastic Keychain to enhance academic luck. Love moves quickly for some Snakes now, but your low energy and confidence could stop progress. Love yourself! Then you can better enjoy a partner and open up to real love. Display a Rose Quartz Puff Heart for Love Luck in your bedroom to enhance love luck.
HORSE (South) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
Horses need to be alert to possible danger or loss this month, due to the #7 Loss/Betrayal Star. Personal safety is at risk, too. Carrying or clipping on an Anti Burglary Amulet Keychain 2018 or Sodalite Rhinoceros and Elephant Protection Amulet is a wise choice, especially when you venture out. This is the time to play it safe personally and professionally. At work, you may feel unexpected competition or back stabbing. Lie low and keep to yourself rather than being too trusting and don’t take part in office politics. Make plans and lay groundwork, because soon, luck returns to you. Display a Anti Burglary Mountain with Secret Mantras or Anti Burglary Plaque - Rhinoceros and Elephant (Tile) in the South this month.
Students should keep studying and avoid trusting someone too much. Stay alert and know things will get better. Carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic Keychain to enhance academic or career luck. In love, Horses are overly emotional this month, but avoid letting that affect your relationships with others. Leave your anxiety behind when you’re on a date yet remain cautious till you know someone better. Singles would do well waiting for a better time to seek love, which will be soon. Display a Rose Quartz Faithful Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf in your bedroom to enhance love luck.
SHEEP (SouthWest) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
Two auspicious stars visit Sheep now – the #6 Heavenly Star and the #9 Magnifying Star, which heightens possibilities for success and guidance. Your confidence is elevated and your energy is high, which helps at work. A mentor may offer you help and if it feels right, take advantage of this. Even though things come easily now, don’t get too comfortable. You still need to work hard and be ambitious. Networking works well and you could gain knowledge and support from this. Plan new things and take a few wise risks, and blessings can find you. Boost your luck this month by carrying a 9 Ring Sword Keychain and displaying a 9 Rings Dragon Sword in the SW.
Students could feel overwhelmed because so much is happening now. Don’t take on too many activities or projects, even if they appear exciting. Pace yourself. Carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic Keychain to enhance academic or career luck. Love could be at a crossroads, including choosing to strengthen a bond or move away from it. If you’ve done all you can, it could be time to move on. Others, though, may want to take a relationship to the next level. Display a Bejeweled Rose Quartz Apple in the SW to enhance your love luck.
MONKEY (SouthWest) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
An exciting month for Monkeys, with the presence of the #6 Heavenly Star getting a boost from the #9 Magnifying Star. Things fall into place easily, and your confidence and popularity shine. Rather than overthinking something, just go with it, even if a small roadblock comes your way. Career luck is good and co-workers and a boss will notice you. You may get more responsibilities than usual but you can do it if you stay focused and calm. Make plans now and take advantage of contacts by networking. Be aware of new opportunities, but this time is more about making a plan or opening a door than making drastic moves, especially in contracts or agreements. Your good luck can be enhanced further by carrying a 9 Ring Sword Keychain and displaying a 9 Rings Dragon Sword in the SW this month.
Students are popular now and your reputation gets a boost. Don’t rest on your laurels – even if your grades are high, keep moving forward. Romance is ahead for Monkeys and you’ll receive attention, but you may not be sure whether to act on an attraction or not. If you have doubts, don’t make a commitment now. Love luck is good, but only if you feel it’s the right relationship for you. Display a Pair of Mandarin Ducks in the SW to enhance love luck.
ROOSTER (West) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
The #5 Yellow Misfortune Star keeps Roosters from enjoying good luck this month. Things are chaotic, so lie low, focus on what you know, and put off new projects, investments or big meetings. This isn’t the time to take risks. Be less trusting of those around you, since an enemy could reappear. Help ward off negativity by carrying the 5 Element Pagoda Keychain or Sun and Moon 5 Element Pagoda Keychain. Career and business matters are unstable. Just when things seem steady and stable, something could happen to throw you off course. Realize that eyes are on you and a hidden competitor might be waiting for you to make a mistake. Because of the #5 Star, watch your words and actions since the most innocent thing could be misinterpreted. Keeping your focus and not letting yourself be offended or taken off track is wise. So is displaying a 6" Heart Sutra Pillar or Sun and Moon 5 Element Pagoda (9 inches) in the West to weaken the Five Yellow Star.
Students could become stressed if mistakes are made on a paper or project, and this could happen when you don’t get enough rest or relaxation. Tension could arise in your love life. Carry a Scholastic Keychain to enhance education or career luck. A minor disagreement with a partner could go too far, so choose conversations carefully. Singles might want to wait till later to pursue love. Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to improve relationship luck.
DOG (NorthWest) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
Relationships of all types improve for Dogs now, with help from the #4 Peach Blossom Star. Any past mistakes or disagreements can be resolved. Camaraderie at work strengthens. Co-workers happily support you and teamwork helps you achieve more. Networking pays off and could bring about new opportunities and better money flow. People will respond to your sense of humor and upbeat personality. The danger with the #4 Star is that it can cause romantic impulses best left ignored. An office romance could be the result, and it could ruin a perfect working relationship or marriage, and could lead to a firing. Protect yourself by displaying a Rooster figurine and carrying a Marriage Saver Keychain or Obsidian Fox Infidelity Protection Amulet.
For students, the #4 Star brings education luck, so aim high and work hard for good results. Display a Clear Crystal Globe (l) nearby. Love shines on Dogs, and admirers will find you – good for singles. But temptation can cause problems. Don’t flirt if you don’t mean it and if you’re married, concentrate on making things better with a spouse to prevent straying. Carry the Marriage Saver Keychain, which helps prevent either of you from an affair.
BOAR (Northwest) – Horoscope Luck Forecast for the Month
Relationship luck soars now, whether business or personal, with the help of the #4 Peach Blossom Star. Work and career matters show potential. If you need help, co-workers step up to support you. Don’t hesitate sharing ideas with teammates, and take the lead in a project you really believe in. Stay focused and organized and you can achieve more than you thought possible. Networking and mingling with others can make work fun and could lead to financial improvement. Research what you want to do and then move forward. Be careful of too much mingling, though, because an affair could be tempting and ruin a work or personal relationship. To avoid temptation for you or your partner, display a Rooster figurine and carry a Marriage Saver Keychain or Rooster with Fan and Amethyst Keychain.
The #4 Star also offers education luck for students. Studying becomes easier and grades could improve. It could lead to an interest in a higher education. Display a Clear Crystal Globe (l) or Golden 9 Level Feng Shui Wen Chang Pagoda nearby to boost this aspect of the Star. Romance is strong, especially for singles, who’ll have admirers and can enjoy the month. Married Boars have romance energy, too, but the #4 threatens infidelity at times.
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