Monthly Feng Shui Forecast 2016-2017 - 10th Month (Nov 7 - Dec 6, 2016)
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RAT (North) - Luck for the Month
Double bad luck arrives this month. The good news is, this is temporary. But the problem arises from the monthly #7 Robbery Star and the yearly #7, creating danger and stress. Try to avoid or minimize problems, but if you can’t, coping is your best bet. At work, expect strong competition, with friendly co-workers becoming rivals for praise and promotions. This also creates betrayal or office politics. There’s also a chance for money loss from the #7, so make financial decisions carefully. Make plans for the future, but avoid major decisions, signing contracts or risk-taking. Feng shui advice suggests preventing money loss by donating money to charity. Carrying theWater Crystal and Empowerment Mirror Talisman helps to counteract the #7’s negativity. For office politics, carry the Anti-Burglary Amulet Keychain and place the Anti Burglary Plaque on your desk to ward off enemies.
The romantic vibrations of the past collapse on the Rat. Married or committed Rats must be careful to soothe disagreements before they become major arguments, because too much hostility could lead to infidelity on behalf of either you or your partner. When in doubt, let the other party “win.” Display the Crystal Spheres on Star of David Symbol - Rose Quartz to improve harmony.
OX (NorthEast) – Luck for the Month
The #5 Misfortune Star and the yearly #5 bring their share of difficulties for the Ox now. Expect setbacks or problems, but don’t let these obstacles frustrate you, because on a positive note, the two #5’s combine to create the fortunate sum-of-ten. This will help you avoid major roadblocks and come out ahead, especially by month’s end. Work and career will have a mixed set of blessings this month, even with the #5 Yellow. Changes could find a rival becoming an ally, but on the other hand, office politics are possible. Steer clear of misunderstandings and don’t become involved in heated discussions. New projects or income sources are not likely now, so don’t rush or force things. Use your time to look at proposals or plans for the future. Carry the Golden Mantra Pagoda Keychain, or display the 6 inch Golden Mantra Pagoda or Bejewelled Eight Spoke Dorje on your desk to help minimize the #5’s effects.
The single Ox could be better to stay that way, rather than seriously searching for love. Date – enjoy yourself – but go slow. The married or committed Ox needs to make more time for their partner or they could feel neglected and seek romance outside the relationship. Display a Dragon & Phoenix on Ingot to enhance relationship luck or wear the 2-Eye Dzi Bead with Rose Quartz Bracelet.
TIGER (NorthEast) – Luck for the Month
Luck will be mixed at best for Tigers. The monthly and yearly #5 Misfortune Stars create threats of obstacles and setbacks. If at all possible, don’t let the negativity get you down and keep trying to accomplish what you want to, because some help arrives since the two #5’s combine to form the fortunate sum-of-ten. Work and career matters won’t be free from problems, but stay the course and look for the good in each situation or person and you may learn something helpful. Realization may also hit in terms of you finding that you like your job more than you thought, or that you actually need to change jobs. It’s all about timing now – even the best ideas could go wrong if you express them at the wrong time. Planning is better now. Lie low in terms of major action. Crises large or small could arise, but staying out of disagreements goes a long way toward helping. Carry the Heart Sutra Pillar Keychain and display the 6 inch Five Element Pagoda in NE to counter these malicious stars.
In love, move slowly. Don’t rush to make a relationship deeper, or turn casual dates into a relationship. If arguments arise, compromise is key, even though Tigers usually love to win. Carry the Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain for good luck in the romance department.
RABBIT (East) – Luck for the Month
Things move quickly and fairly well now for Rabbits. In fact, the pace will be so hectic at times that you could feel overwhelmed. However, because things go well, you’ll actually enjoy being busy, especially since goals are within reach. The work and career atmosphere brings deadlines and commitments to meet. If you are seeking a promotion, go full steam ahead with what comes your way and you could get noticed, without experiencing jealousy from co-workers. Even though progress is being made, think more long-term in your plans, because starting next month, action rises even more, with financial gains occurring. Use your creativity to look ahead and share your thoughts with co-workers, because you will receive positive feedback. Carry the 9 Ring Sword Keychain and display the 9 Rings Dragon Sword in the East to boost your luck.
Love looks promising now. Singles can find admirers or someone they wish to pursue. Keep in mind quality over quantity, though and don’t let temptation lead you into something destined to end badly. Above all, with all this month’s activity, don’t ignore family and friends currently in your life. Use the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks Love Charm to enhance your love luck.
DRAGON (SouthEast) – Luck for the Month
This month begins a lucky cycle that lasts till the end of the year. The #1 Victory Star meets your yearly #1, creating abundant chances for happiness and fulfillment, but also changes. The changes will possibly be unexpected and could affect your life in many areas, but keep positive and embrace them. Career, business, promotion and prosperity luck are elevated, especially for the 28-year-old Earth Dragon. On the job, your efforts will be noticed, as will your energy and enthusiasm levels. Because your luck is good, jealousy is possible, but if you keep in close contact with people, they’ll feel involved. Networking goes well and gains extra support, so leave time to socialize and attend business get-togethers. If you’ve had new ideas or plans in mind, now is the time to begin implementing them. Opportunities will be presented to you but don’t forget your own ideas. Activate the #1 Star by carrying the Victory-Enhancing Talisman Keychain display the Feng Shui Victory Banner in SE.
Dragons are popular in the romance department, so much so that they may just want to have some alone time. Your interest in the other aspects of your life could frustrate someone who’s interested in you, or it could keep you from actively pursuing them. If you already have someone in mind, take it slow rather than getting serious too soon and look for someone who also has a life of their own. Rose quartz crystals is an excellent stone to enhance love luck.
SNAKE (SouthEast) – Luck for the Month
This month begins a highly auspicious three-month cycle for Snakes. A double dose of the #1 Victory Star promises success, so follow those dreams and don’t hesitate trying new ventures. Think things through before proceeding, but then jump in – don’t hold back. Since success is strong, you’ll have heightened confidence and excitement for your work and life. Snakes like to plan but right now, follow your first instincts and jump in if it feels right. Your confidence and energy at work are obvious and it will be contagious. Contribute ideas and work hard and it can lead to promotion luck and positive attention from the boss. Get involved with new ideas and ventures and lead rather than follow now. Trying slightly unusual approaches could be just what you and your colleagues need. Carrying the Education Amulet can those seeking higher knowledge or advanced skills. Trigger the #1 Star to bring good luck to you by carrying the Victory-Enhancing Talisman Keychain display the Victory Banner or Bejewelled King Gesar Of Ling in SE.
Love reigns supreme for Snakes. You appreciate your partner more than ever and could be motivated to move to the next level of commitment – marriage for example. Singles will be looking for love but make sure you focus on someone sincerely good for you. Boost love luck with the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (L).
HORSE (South) – Luck for the Month
A double dose of Heavenly luck arrives with the #6 Heavenly Star. It bestows blessings of all kinds – business and personal. Stay alert and work hard to take advantage of this, and be alerted to potential mentor luck when someone wise offers to help. Having the right connections and support means a lot now. Teamwork is very important in your work and career this month. Encourage your colleagues to shine. Not doing so could create hard feelings, which you can’t afford. Business partnerships should go well, but choose wisely and make sure your skills blend yet enhance one another. Not having a partner or colleague who feels like a good “fit” could hold you back rather than bringing added success. Carry the 6 Coins with Obsidian Wu Lou Hanging and display the Gui Ren Plaque in the South to activate Heaven's luck for you.
Love takes a definite turn for the better for Horses, following a difficult period. Feel free to express your feelings to someone you’ve dated or want to date – odds are they feel the same way. Married or committed Horses appreciate their partners for much more than romantic reasons now, as love deepens and true rapport occurs.
SHEEP (SouthWest) – Luck for the Month
Success and happiness are elevated as the #8 Current Prosperity Star doubles for you. Enjoy the current success you’ll receive, but also look ahead. Promotion luck is possible and you may need to gain new skills, which will prove satisfying. Energy levels and confidence are high, helping you make good decisions. Stay strong with your convictions because you are on the right path. This is not the time to hesitate – be bold! Co-workers or team members at work will give you support and help you pursue even more dreams. There’s a possibility of an offer from a field slightly outside your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid of the challenge if it intrigues you. To energize the #8 Wealth Star for you, carry the A Bunch of Feng Shui Jade Coins Hanging for Abundance or Bejeweled Power of 8 Charm Keychain. Display the Aventurine Crystal Bonsai Tree with 9 Coins or Crystal Ball with White Dzambala Tibetan Wealth God in SW.
Love and relationships shine and even if you’ve been casual or playing the field, your thoughts could run to more serious, long-term partnerships and commitments. On the other hand, if a relationship has been extremely difficult and you’ve given it your best, it may be time for both of you to move on so you can both find something new and more peaceful. Rose quartz crystals is an excellent stone to enhance love luck.
MONKEY (SouthWest) – Luck for the Month
Highly auspicious luck is in store for Monkeys, as the #8 Current Prosperity Star is doubled. You’ll have a choice of major opportunities and you can trust your instincts to choose the right path to take. You still need to work hard, but plans and projects are completed easier than before. Your talent and skills help you business and careerwise, but your people skills also shine through. You have leadership luck now, and gain support from friends, family and colleagues. Investments can bring good results and now is a good time to expand your business if you’re interested. You may also want to form a new business partnership. Financial gains are likely, and so is happiness and contentment. Attract wealth luck by displaying the Eight Auspicious Objects Crystal Ball or Feng Shui Figure of Eight Enhancer in the SW. Also wear the Ammonite Shell Pendant (S) or 925 Silver Mystic Knot Pendant with Yellow Swarovski Crystals.
Love and relationship luck is wonderful this month. Not only physical pleasures await you, but also emotional and mental pleasures with the right person. You may realize that you have already met the person for a life partnership and if so, don’t hesitate making a deeper commitment. You are energetic and youthful, but time moves faster than you think, so seize the moment.
ROOSTER (West) – Luck for the Month
The #4 Peach Blossom (Relationship) Star doubles for you now, positively impacting relationships of all types, whether business or personal. You’ll be back to the old you – happier, more fun, and much more optimistic, which helps you gain friends or support at work. Gone is the feeling that you have to watch your words and actions. Feel free to speak your mind and form an opinion at work. Because relationship luck is high, you’ll attract positive attention and people will respond to your personality. This is a good time to make presentations, launch new plans or ideas, and negotiate contracts, as your charisma carries you far. Do use caution, though, to stay alert against becoming too friendly with people (even longtime friends) because there’s a slight risk of jealousy. Students sitting for exam soon should carry the Scholastic Keychain and display the Yellow Crystal Point with Sacred Increasing Mantras or Golden 9 Level Feng Shui Wen Chang Pagoda in the West.
The area of most concern is love and romance, where on the one hand, the #4 brings passion and joy to singles, but poses a threat to married or committed Roosters. Because you are so busy at work, you and your partner could grow apart, leading to a possibility for infidelity, perhaps even a passionate but meaningless affair. Use extreme caution because this could ruin an otherwise good partnership. Carry the Obsidian Fox Infidelity Protection Amulet to help keep a relationship strong.
DOG (NorthWest) – Luck for the Month
Dogs are in for a variety of problems now. The #3 Quarrelsome Star is doubled and creates a short temper for you and many chances for it to flare up. Your patience runs thin at work and you could easily snap at a co-worker you believe isn’t working fast enough or doing things as you believe they should be done. Even if you’re right about something, angrily reacting to it or expressing your opinion in a hostile manner could undo a lot of good impressions you’ve made or rapport you’ve gained. Because of the month’s energies, your temper tantrums could come across as immature or offensive, so it’s really not worth it. Because your attitude and charm level are not as they usually are, this is not the time to encourage new projects or make presentations. Be satisfied with smaller victories and financial gains, rather than going after the top dollar by taking risks, since financial luck is not strong. Display the Double Pyramid Red Goddess Mirror or Two-Sided Flaming Magic Wheel Plaque in the NW and carry the Flaming Magic Wheel Keychain or Protection against Angry People Medallion Keychain/Pendant to counteract the #3 Hostile Star.
Arguments continue in the love department as well. Choose disagreements carefully, rather than damaging a good relationship over a petty matter. You could tend to say or do something you will regret. It’s wise to display the Dragon & Phoenix on Ingot to strengthen your bond and improve harmony.
BOAR (Northwest) – Luck for the Month
The #3 Quarrelsome Star is doubled in your chart this month, so opportunities for arguments and disagreements arise from all directions. Try to stay out of heated discussions when possible and let the situation blow over rather than insisting on your opinion, because you could say or do something without thinking and damage a relationship. It’s better to lie low and keep opinions or plans to yourself. When you do, work may progress fairly well. Do your job, handle your own responsibilities and let others handle their own. You’ll have plenty to keep you busy but even though there are obstacles, if you keep a clear head, stick to your own tasks and steer away from getting involved with co-workers, you could very well find a solution to many problems that prevented you from accomplishing them. There is a risk of legal problems from the #3, so avoid contracts or major commitments. Keep the #3 Star under control by placing the 4 inch Ksitigarbha's Staff or Red Feng Shui Crystal ball on stand in the NW. Also carry the Peace and Harmony Amulet for Overcoming Quarrels and Disharmony or wear the High Quality Laughing Buddha Obsidian Pendant.
In romance, single Pigs could find admirers but it should be taken lightly. You will be picky about dating and few will live up to those expectations. Those in a relationship or marriage can keep their partnership pleasant by avoiding arguments or not even responding if a hot topic comes up. Display a Rose Quartz Crystal Tree to Attract Love in your bedroom to enhance your luck in this department.
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