Monthly Feng Shui Forecast 2016-2017 - 4th Month (May 6 - June 5, 2016)
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RAT (North) - Luck for the Month
There is the potential for auspicious luck this month for Rats, and love and romance will shine above it all, due to the appearance of the #4 Peach Blossom Star. This is very good news, yet can also hold the potential for complications if you are not careful about falling under the overabundance of love, letting it overshadow everything else. Career and business luck look good since your personal development level is high. Exciting opportunities could come your way, and if they feel like a good fit, grab them. Your creativity can be re-awakened and you can find ways to expand into a new direction. Networking looks productive now and this is your time to explore all options. Students are capable of advancing well this month and this is the time to get motivated to reach even higher goals. Display the Golden 9 Level Feng Shui Wen Chang Pagoda to boost examination luck.
Single Rats could quite possibly find their soul mate now, but may also rush too quickly into a relationship thinking the person is their soul mate. Display the Dragon & Phoenix on Ingot to enhance love luck. Married Rats or those in a long-term relationship will feel blessed by love with their partners, but outside influences could also be at work creating temptation and threats of infidelity. Feng shui advice is to wear or carry the Rooster with Fan and Amethyst Keychain and stay sensible about someone turning your head.
OX (NorthEast) – Luck for the Month
Too much Earth energy in the Ox’s chart creates problems now. Health issues threaten everyone in this sign, especially the 55-year-old Metal Ox and the 79-year-old Fire Ox. Every Ox should use caution, and if a minor symptom or ailment arises, don’t ignore it. See a doctor if necessary and be sure to catch up on much-needed rest. When you are in bed, though, try not to spend much time in a room in the Northeast sector. At work, this is not the time to overextend yourself or work harder than usual, because your energy will be low. Use your time to make plans and look for more efficient methods of working. Delegate responsibilities to those you trust, and call upon your support system. In the financial area, wealth luck comes more readily for the 67-year-old Earth Ox and the 55-year-old Metal Ox, so look forward to reaping the rewards. Students should also use caution where accidents or illness are possible, and stay away from strenuous activities.
To counteract the effects of the month’s energies, infuse some metal elements into your life by wearing metal jewelry such as the 8 Auspicious Objects with Om Pendant (Silver) or Hum Pendant (Golden) and consider carrying the Good Health Keychain (Garuda) for protection. Place the Garuda Bird for Protection Against Illness or Brass Herbal Wu Lou in the Northeast. In love, those who are married or in serious relationships will welcome support from their partner, and can turn to them with concerns. The single Ox should consider taking things slowly if they meet someone new, and look for someone emotionally and mentally stimulating, as opposed to falling for beauty alone. Display the Dragon & Phoenix on Ingot for enhanced love luck.
TIGER (NorthEast) – Luck for the Month
The #2 Illness Star and the #5 Misfortune Star combine in your Feng Shui chart to create havoc in some areas, if you are not careful. Accidents, illness and low energy are looming ahead. There is potential for moderate luck in business, in education or in love, but these areas are not without their roadblocks, either. At work, deadlines will be harder to meet, and it will be necessary to slow your pace a bit to avoid overextending yourself. Let others handle their responsibilities and perhaps help with yours, since your tiredness could lead you to make mistakes. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be involved in projects – you should stay connected and involved, but trust team players, too. Health is precarious for all Tigers now, but especially for the 54-year-old Water Tiger, since overall health for the year is not at its best. To combat the negative level of earth energy, avoid wearing colors in the Earth or Fire tones, and take the feng shui advice of wearing auspicious syllables such as the Hum Pendant (Golden) or Om Mani Padme Hum Lotus Pendant (Stainless Steel). Display a Bejeweled Medicine Buddha or Brass Wu Lou with Eight Immortals (s) in this sector and carry a Good Health Keychain (Garuda) or Health Amulet Feng Shui Keychain for protection. Students should find schoolwork productive and may meet a mentor or advisor.
In love, luck is better and could lead some Tigers to find that special someone, so keep alert and take risks if you meet a person you instinctively feel drawn to. This is not the time to be shy. Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain for Love Luck for good love luck.
RABBIT (East) – Luck for the Month
An abundance of auspicious luck comes your way now, Rabbits, due to the presence of the Heaven Star in your Feng Shui chart. Look for exciting opportunities, business and career success and a helping of mentor luck to draw supportive people into your life. Camaraderie at work helps you bring about new plans and projects. You’ll show a positive attitude now and this will attract people more than willing to help you and be part of your team. Short-term goals and projects can be accomplished, but don’t hesitate to dream big and make long-range plans, as well. Younger Rabbits are also capable of receiving help or advice from a mentor or teacher, if they are open to it, and this could even help affect their future. To boost the Heavenly Star, display a Gui Ren Plaque or 6 Big Smooth Coins here and carry a Gui Ren Talisman for Success Keychain or Royal Emblems Mirror.
Look for love luck to be very good, but some surprises could arise that will make things even better, if you are open to them. You could find yourself learning new things about yourself and others, and even if you feel you have a particular “type” you gravitate to in romance, be open to someone who may not fit your usual mold – they could bring new sizzle to you. If you’re in a relationship but know it is not good for you anymore, this may be the time you decide to make a change for the better. Display the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf by your bedside for enhanced love luck.
DRAGON (SouthEast) – Luck for the Month
This is not at all the best month for Dragons. The #7 Robbery Star threatens danger from robbery, mugging or any other type of physical harm. It also carries risk for being cheated by someone you trust. Loss, such as financial loss, is another side effect of the #7. Feng shui experts say that donating to charity can help counteract the negative money impact. Hostile energies will put a damper on activities at work, with betrayal a possibility. Others may try to undermine you, and you could do well to work alone when possible. This is not a time to take risks or implement major plans. It’s better to make plans and think of new projects for your future, without putting them into action at this time. It is also not a good time to sign contracts. To ward off effects from the negative energy, feng shui advice suggests carrying the Anti-Burglary Amulet 2016 Keychain for protection from theft or harm,and also to help keep office politics at a distance. Stick the Anti Burglary & Violence Window Sticker (2 pieces) to your car or room's windows. Display a Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant with Water Urn or Anti Burglary Plaque in the Southeast sector.
Love is not very peaceful at this time. Misunderstandings could occur and if carried too far, they could do damage to a relationship. Listen rather than participate when tempers get heated, and if you are single, this is actually a good thing. Even if people do enter your life, they could be wrong for you because the negativity could attract more negative people. Display the Double Happiness Plaque or Rose Quartz Apple for Love as Feng Shui remedy.
SNAKE (SouthEast) – Luck for the Month
The past few months have been fairly good for the Snake, but things are about to change because of the #7 Robbery/Loss Star. There could be bad luck in terms of events or people entering your life, so caution is advised. Energy at work tends to be stressful and possibly hostile. Don’t trust anyone completely as betrayal and office politics could occur. Keep your ideas and plans to yourself or someone could steal them. Being alone right now may be the best for you, whenever possible. This is not the time for new projects or bold moves. There is also danger of losing money, so be alert to your surroundings and the people you associate with. Now is the time to follow feng shui advice for element therapy by way of wearing clothing in blue or black to increase water elements. And carrying the Anti-Burglary Amulet 2016 Keychain or Blue Liuli Elephant and Rhino Protection Amulet to help protect from harm or danger. Display the Anti Burglary Plaque - Rhinoceros and Elephant (Tile) or Blue Elephant and Rhinoceros here to counteract this Star.
Single Snakes will find romance lacking now, which is perhaps better since wise choices would not be made and heartache could result. Those who are married or in a relationship must guard against arguments, and beware a distance growing with your partner. The threat of infidelity is also lingering, and to protect against this, the Medallion for Protection from Third Party Interference Pendant or Obsidian Fox Infidelity Protection Amulet is a wise feng shui cure – even better if you and your partner wear/carry it.
HORSE (South) – Luck for the Month
The #3 Quarrelsome Star arrives in your chart this month, creating a need for caution in all types of relationships from business to personal. Curb your temper as much as possible because otherwise you could be overly critical and speak out of turn, regretting it later. It would be a shame to lose a friend or damage a work relationship over harsh words you speak without thinking. This is a time to exercise patience with co-workers. There could also be legal problems or issues of bureaucracy at work, so be careful not to ruffle feathers and refrain from signing documents or other legal papers. The #3’s energy can be reduced if feng shui cures are used. Placing a Two-Sided Flaming Magic Wheel Plaque or Red Feng Shui Crystal ball on stand in the South is a wise choice, since it could help fend off negativity. Wind chimes should be avoided, as well as any other item that makes noise in the South sector, since this is said to irritate the level of anger. Students can be productive now, but will need to stay focused and still leave time for pleasant activities after studies are completed.
Love energy is delicate now. The normal Horse charm may be in short supply now, so it will not get you as far with a partner as it usually does. If you say the wrong thing, it could lead to your apologizing over and over. Single Horses would be wise to stay that way till next month, when love prospects look better. Enhance love luck with Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks Love Charm.
SHEEP (SouthWest) – Luck for the Month
While some good luck may be with you now, Sheep, the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star will keep you on your toes just to achieve anything positive. Though past success will keep you busy now, it can also potentially make you feel flustered and discouraged because you are less likely to have what it takes to work hard. Don’t let stress get you down, because this is a temporary setback, and consider carrying the Golden Mantra Pagoda Keychain or Heart Sutra Pillar Keychain, and placing a 6 inch Golden Mantra Pagoda or 6 inch Five Element Pagoda in the Southwest sector, to guard against negative chi. At work, working alone may be a good idea, because even though you have been popular with authority figures and co-workers, they may try to blindside or backstab you. Office politics can also arise, so lying low and keeping to yourself is a wise bet. This is not a time for making bold moves or taking risks, and it is good to re-think ideas or put others on hold. Students can still move ahead with studies but may lack energy.
Love and romance will be quite tame – even slightly disturbing now. Enhance love luck with Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf. You may be tempted to fight with a partner, sometimes for no particular reason. Because things are not going well at work, either, you could carry this home, thus adding to your frustrations. Carry a Protection against Angry People Medallion Keychain/Pendant for protection.
MONKEY (SouthWest) – Luck for the Month
The presence of the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star will need your full attention now. Your natural metal element can help you ward off effects, but do all you can to steer clear of problems, perhaps in the form of financial issues or your own safety. Disappointments threaten you now, and one way to help avoid this is to thoroughly think every move through before jumping into anything too quickly. Carrying the Heart Sutra Pillar Keychain or wearing a Bejeweled Five Element Pagoda Pendant (Gold), and displaying a 8 inch Golden Mantra Pagoda or 6 inch Five Element Pagoda in your Southwest sector would help protect from harm. At work, do what you can but don’t take on more than you can comfortably accomplish. Annoyances could arise from office politics, difficult co-workers or customers, yet you can rise above this with a good attitude. Think of the big picture rather than focusing on what is right or wrong right now. Students could find deadlines and organization issues plaguing them now, and it’s important to try not to let this get you down, since it is temporary.
Your love life could also be affected, when tensions arising with your partner. Enhance relationship luck with Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf. Tempers could flare and you could regret something said in a moment of anger. This energy will pass, and you can help avoid some problems by thinking before you speak or act. Carry a Protection against Angry People Medallion Keychain/Pendant for protection.
ROOSTER (West) – Luck for the Month
Changes are set to occur this month, and most of them will be good. Still, it may take Roosters some time to welcome these changes because they may upset the status quo. Believe that this can all work out for the best, since the #1 Victory Star is in your chart, offering success in many areas of your life. If you’ve been thinking of changing jobs or positions within a company, this could be your chance since the energy looks favorable. Just be sure to think things through completely before jumping in. If you are happy in your position or your career, this is the time to consider expansion or taking a new direction. Students will benefit from the Victory Star’s ability to help them with studies and tests. Boost the effects of this Star by carrying a Victory-Enhancing Talisman Keychain and displaying a Bejewelled King Gesar Of Ling or Feng Shui Victory Banner here.
The romance department looks good for single Roosters, but again, change could occur. While the potential is there to meet a soul mate, there is also potential for realizing that your current relationship is not what you really want, and if so, consider starting over. Married Roosters or those in a serious relationship must be a bit more careful. The temptation is there to act on an outside interest, leading to an affair that you could regret. Carrying the feng shui Rooster with Fan and Amethyst Keychain, and asking your partner to carry one as well, is a good idea, or displaying the Double Happiness Plaque or Dragon & Phoenix on Ingot to keep marital ties strong.
DOG (NorthWest) – Luck for the Month
Be ready for a roller coaster ride now, Dogs! It will be quite excellent but could include a few bumps along the way. The #3 Quarrelsome Star is with you and could cause tempers to arise and frustration to occur, especially since the #9 Magnifying Star is also in your chart. This will magnify the negative, true, but will also magnify the positive events as well. Things could happen quickly and success could come easily if you are willing to stay strong and work hard. There could be some hostility at work but you are a born politician and can put your talents to work at smoothing things over. Try turning rivals into friends or at least supporters. You will accomplish more by being kind than you will by sinking to the level of anyone attempting to undermine your success. Competition could be stiff on the job, or in your business, and good marketing or public relations plans would serve you well. Students should experience competition and recognition luck now. Carry the Protection against Angry People Medallion Keychain/Pendant or Peace and Harmony Amulet for Overcoming Quarrels and Disharmony. Display a 4 inch Ksitigarbha's Staff.
Single Dogs may attract several romantic possibilities, but be careful not to rush into anything. Dogs in a relationship can rekindle their romantic feelings and reap the rewards. Enhance love luck with Rose Quartz Crystal Point.
BOAR (Northwest) – Luck for the Month
The presence of the #9 Magnifying Star offers you many possibilities and also provides for a fast-paced month. Opportunities will present themselves, so stay alert to them and act quickly. Having confidence in yourself can carry you far, especially when you think things aren’t immediately working out as you want them to. Believe in your luck and don’t give in to any slight stumbles along the way. Because things are moving so quickly, you will need to stay focused and work hard to take advantage of all the good coming your way. Unfortunately, the Magnifying Star not only enhances good but bad, too. And because the #3 Quarrelsome Star is also part of your Feng Shui chart, there is potential for conflict or hostilities on the job. Keep an even temper and try to remain calm and this could help set the pace for others. Not giving in to office politics or gossip can also help benefit you now. Plans that you made in the past could well soar toward success, as long as you don’t let small obstacles or negative opinions of others discourage you. Carry thePeace and Anti Conflict Keychainor Peace and Harmony Amulet for Overcoming Quarrels and Disharmony. Display a 4 inch Ksitigarbha's Staff. Students will be ambitious now and can gain success if they work hard and avoid fear of taking on new things.
Romance and love shine now! Single Pigs could find love, and those in a relationship can expect great pleasure, not just physically but emotionally as well. The special person in your life will be able to help you get through any minor disappointments, so don’t hesitate asking them to support you and give you strength.
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