2017 Feng Shui Forecast for Tiger
Lunar Year born | 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010 (Horoscope Calendar) |
Direction/Degrees | NE3 (52.5 to 67.5) |
Personality | Lucky, powerful, proud, aggressive, courageous, a good leader, vivacious, high self-confident, energetic, impulsive, dignified, handsome, self-concerned, arrogant |
Career | stage, catering, army, manager, sales, uniformed profession, explorer, racecar driver |
Romance | sensitive, passionate |
Examples of famous/infamous people | Robert Pattington, Tom Cruise, Rosie O'Donnell, Jay Leno, Michelle Yeoh, Demi Moore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jodie Foster, Paula Abdul, Stevie Wonder, Phil Collins, Enya, Ludwig van Beethoven, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Karl Marx, Sun Yat-sen, Queen Elizabeth II, Hugh Hefner, Marilyn Monroe |
Compatibility | Horse, Dog |
Secret Friend | Boar |
Conflict Animal | Monkey |
According to your horoscope forecast, there will definitely be some productive and exciting times for the Tiger in 2017, but there are also areas of concern that must be overcome or dealt with as best you can. The #4 Peach Blossom Star will bring its share of love and romance to you, but it creates the threat of infidelity for married Tigers. Those seeking wealth and success can look forward to a big project or accomplishment during the year with the arrival of the Star of Big Auspicious.
Your Feng Shui Forecast shows that opportunities will come your way in 2017 but in many cases
you will need to create your own projects or seek out new ventures in order to take full advantage of your luck. It will be necessary to keep your spirits high, however, since your energy and enthusiasm levels could dwindle. Believe in yourself and know that you can achieve something. Luck is certainly available, especially that one big opportunity, but it will depend on your taking advantage of what comes along rather than holding back.
Elemental luck for 2017 is apt to create some disturbance for Tigers. A weakened life force and inner essence could cause you to doubt yourself and lack energy. You will no doubt hesitate before jumping into projects or even accepting invitations to pursue them. It will be necessary to stay strong and upbeat, on the outside if nothing else. It is possible to strengthen your inner/spirit essence by adding a Metal element to your atmosphere – perhaps metal wind chimes or wearing a Raindrop Om Mani Padme Hung Golden Pendant or 8 Auspicious Objects with Om Pendant (Silver) for example. Because of your lack of confidence, success may only be average in 2017 but there will be a major opportunity that comes along nevertheless. When you recognize it, don’t hold back. To strengthen your lung ta/success luck, invite a symbol of the Wind Horse (Windhorse Plaque or Bejewelled King Gesar of Ling on WindHorse) into your home or office. Carry also the Brown Tribute Horse with Plate of Auspicious Fruits Keychain or Trinity of Victory Horses Hanging Keychain.
Your Northeast sector will be occupied by the #4 Peach Blossom Star, offering possibilities for romance as well as chances to improve yourself in ways you’ve wanted to act upon. To enhance your love luck, display the Rose Quartz Crystal Point or Rose Quartz Puff Heart for Love Luck. Much of the Peach Blossom’s energy focuses on love and romance and you will certainly experience this, but it is also a Star of Education which enhances scholarship and academic luck. If you’ve thought of expanding your skills or going for a higher education, this is an excellent time. Activate this Star with the Golden 9 Level Feng Shui Wen Chang Pagoda and carry a Education & Scholastic Keychain or Clear Quartz Pagoda Amulet if education luck is what you seek.

There is at least one fantastic star that will benefit the Tiger in 2017. The Star of Big Auspicious will enter to the right of your home location of Northeast 3. It offers opportunities for a windfall or Big Wealth luck. Expect increased recognition or power. Offers may come your way to take you to another level of success if you are ready for it. Even though your life force and spirit essence are low, if you are aware of this and work extra hard, doors can open. Use a feng shui cure that helps activate the power of the Big Auspicious Star in your Northeast such as the Ox and Rat Big Auspicious Energizer. Carry a Tai Kat Tai Lay for Big Auspicious Keychain or Water Crystal and Big Auspicious Mirror Talisman as well.
There will also be potential harm from the Robbery Star which flies into your compass direction, so placing the Rhinoceros and Elephant in Natural Habitat or Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant with Water Urn in that sector (the Northeast) can combat this negativity. Stick the Anti Burglary & Violence Window Sticker in your car or carry a Anti-Burglary Amulet Keychain. Another negative star, the Sitting 3 Killings, comes at you from your left and could pose strong possibilities for three kinds of losses. Fight this by displaying the 3 Celestial Guardian Plaque or Feng Shui Three Divine Guardians. Carry the 3 Celestial Guardians with Implements Keychain.
Your weak lung ta, inner essence and life force combine to create a challenge for you in 2017 regarding energy and health. It may not take the form of a major illness, but it will create less energy, lack of confidence and stress because of this. This will require you to take care of yourself as best you can and not give in to negative thoughts of self-worth. The 19, 43 and 79-year-old Tiger will fare the best in overall health luck while the 7 and 67-year old Tiger will experience a moderate amount of luck, too. The 31 and 55-year-old Tiger must use extra caution against being susceptible to illness by means of taking care of a situation at the first sign of a symptom, and eating and sleeping better. Display a Brass Wu Lou with Eight Immortals (s) or Wu Lou with Deer, Crane and Bamboo in your home. Carry or wear a health amulet: Medicine Buddha Mirror,Garuda Wu Lou Keychain, Aventurine Wu Lou for Health with Bell Hanging, Five Element Wulou Amulet for Health Luck...
This will not be the most satisfying year for Tigers in terms of financial or success luck, so it’s important to keep alert to any opportunities and take advantage of them, while avoiding risk-taking. Taking risks could lead to money loss, so caution is certainly needed. However, the 15, 55 and 79-year-old Tiger enjoys quite good wealth luck and the 43-year-old has neutral luck. Those who especially need to watch their finances and make every opportunity count are the 7, 31 and 67-year-old Tiger. Those who wish to prevent financial setbacks might consider wearing the Tibetan Dzi Bead of Your Choice with Citrine Bracelet or displaying the Brass Military Wealth God Sitting on Tiger (M) or Brass Military Wealth God on Tiger as a feng shui method of protection. Hang the Colorful Crystal Liuli Dragon Ru Yi Tassel or Six Yellow Jasper Feng Shui Gold Ingots Tassel in the car to attract wealth luck.
A major improvement will happen this year, after a non-satisfying 2016. Your popularity will run high with friends and family, and you could make some new friends who make you feel special. If your relationship was unsteady last year, this is the year to mend it if you choose to. Singles or those wishing to increase passion in their relationship should leave their heart open to possibilities and accept the love that comes your way. Because of your weakened elements, though, you could suffer from lack of energy or desire to take advantage of the potential love that is offered to you. Try installing the feng shui Wishfulfilling Jewel (Pink) for Recognition and Love 120mm or Dragon & Phoenix on Ingot. Hang the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks Love Charm in your car. Because the Big Auspicious Star is on your right, it will help support the Peach Blossom Star in your chart and you should be able to pick yourself up and get into the romantic mood. Married Tigers could be vulnerable to interference from an outside party, so displaying Rose Quartz Faithful Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf is wise.
Green, Light brown
Three Horoscope Allies Amulet - Tiger, Horse & Dog, Jade Allies Mobile Hanging - Tiger, Dog and Horse or Horoscope Guardian Deity Protector for Ox and Tiger Pendant is a must-have good luck charm for Tiger people in the year of the Rooster 2017.
Click on these links for more selections of Feng Shui products designed to enhance your luck or overcome the negativities present in your 2017 Horoscope Feng Shui Chart: #4 Love and Academic Star, Big Auspicious Star and 3 Killings.
![]() Fortune and Feng Shui 2017 for Tiger SKU3005 | SKU3675 | ![]() Three Horoscope Allies Amulet - Tiger, Horse & Dog SKU2027 | |
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Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake |
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Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar |
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