Horoscope Feng Shui Forecast 2017 for Pig/Boar
Lunar Year born | 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019 (Horoscope Calendar) |
Direction/Degrees | NW3 (322.5 to 337.5) |
Personality | Just, discerning, wise, intellectual and well-informed, lucky with money and in friendship, always admired, self-indulgent, cultured, loyal, reliable, naïve, tend to get frustrated due to lack of knowledge |
Career | catering, social work, lawyer, entertainer, finance manager |
Romance | affectionate, sincere |
Examples of famous/infamous people | Steven Spielberg, Billy Crystal, Emma Thompson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Woody Allen, Farrah Fawcett, Luciano Pavarotti, Elton John, Ernest Hemingway, Carl G. Jung, Henry Ford, Presidents Thomas Jefferson, The 14th Dalai Lama |
Compatibility | Sheep, Rabbit |
Secret Friend | Tiger |
Conflict Animal | Snake |
The year 2017 holds many prospects for success and happiness for the Pig. Feng Shui 2017 chart for the Pig horoscope sign indicates that Elemental luck is high and there is a desire to build strength and take steps towards reaching goals. Little can stop you if you put your mind to it. Relationship luck looks to be excellent and this could be the year for some Pigs to settle down. One threat to overall luck comes in the form of the Illness Star, which could slow down success in all aspects of the Pig’s life.
This could be a banner year of luck for Pigs. You’ll feel strong and ready to take on the world, and many aspects of your chart will back you up. Even if challenges come along, they can be overcome. This could be a year to receive a promotion or elevation in responsibilities and working hard will further enhance your chances. The biggest obstacles will be the Illness Star that could slow you down or even cause you to want to give up at times. And, despite all the chances for success, actual success luck or lung ta, is fairly weak. Invite the Goddess Tara or Blue Tara into your home as a feng shui remedy to enhance and boost success luck.
Two of the three major elements look strong for the Pig. Spirit essence and life force energy are quite excellent, creating strength and vitality and making self-confidence soar. Take calculated risks if you have to, and make an effort to give voice to your inner hopes and desires. But do not expect this to be a year of easy victories because your lung ta or success luck is weakened. To fully enjoy the potential that is open to the Pig, it will be necessary to work harder at encouraging the Wind Horse. A good feng shui suggestion is to carry the Trinity of Victory Horses Hanging Keychain or Brown Tribute Horse with Plate of Auspicious Fruits Keychain – a way to keep its powers at work at all times. Display a Bejewelled Wish Fulfilling Wind Horse or Bejewelled King Gesar of Ling on WindHorse. With the Lung Ta enhanced, the boar can fully enjoy excellent lifestyle with everything going right and with few obstacles blocking contentment energies.It will help that your belief in yourself and your overall energy is strong. This is important to combat any defeat that threatens to overtake you.
The #2 Illness Star poses the biggest threat for the Pigs, affecting mental, emotional and physical energies. It will be easier than usual to contract a virus or other illness because your immune system is not in peak form. It could cause nonspecific feelings of being unwell when the star enters the Northwest. When disease strikes or pain of any kind causes you to become ineffective, the result is usually serious in its implication. Find a health amulet or other feng shui symbol that is designed to suppress illness and this will protect from the star most likely to derail you in 2017. The kind of illness brought by the #2 star affects the lungs and respiratory systems. Those who smoke could suffer problems associated with breathing. Display the Garuda Bird for Protection Against Illness or Goddess Kuan Yin with Garuda in the NW. Carry the Garuda Wu Lou Keychain, Health Amulet Feng Shui Keychain, or Medicine Buddha Mirror, or wear the Medicine Buddha Pendant or Tibetan Longevity Dzi Bracelet. Hang Clear Quartz Wu Lou for Health with Bell Hanging or Rose Quartz Wu Lou for Health with Bell Hanging in your car for added protection.

Even though the Golden Deity Star protects the Pig in 2017, challenges will still arise. The benefit from the Golden Deity is the added vitality, and charm that attract people to you. To maximize this beautifully beneficial star, add the presence of the Golden Deities Heaven Seal, 21 Tara Plaque or Bejeweled Green Tara in your home. Carry a White Umbrella Goddess Mirror Keychain.
As for the other stars, however, energy is not so good. On the right is the Star of Yin House, of particular danger to older family members or friends of yours. There is protection to be found by placing the Magic Wheel Plaque or Yang House Amulet Plaque in the NW. Carry a More Yang than Yin Keychain. On the left is the Star of Yearly Conflict, whose energy does as its name suggests – create conflict and disagreeable energy. Using the feng shui cure of a Laughing Buddha figurine or Hum Keychain can help sweep away this angry energy.
In spite of elemental luck from the spirit essence and life force, the presence of the #2 Illness Star poses a threat to the Pig in terms of susceptibility to health issues large and small. At the first sign of a symptom, take it seriously to avoid major issues. Get rest, eat properly and attempt to avoid stress. This applies to all who are born under the sign of the Pig. Those who particularly need to use caution are the 22, 46 and 82-year-old Pigs, who are at risk of ill health. The 10, 34 and 70-year-old Pigs fare the best this year and the 58-year-old Pig has a moderate chance for good health. Carry the Tibetan Prayer Wheel Keychain or wear the Twelve Horoscope Wulou Pendant or Sodalite Hulu Pendant for Health Luck to enhance your health luck.
Possibilities for promotion luck indicate an elevation in money, and with help from your inner confidence and vitality, working hard could provide excellent success and financial gains. The biggest risk will come if the #2 Illness Star slows your progress or gives you less strength to accomplish what you desire. The Pigs who do the best with wealth in 2017 are the 34 and 58-year-olds, while the 22 and 82-year-olds have at best a neutral chance for money gain. The Pig who is 10, 46 or 70 will discover that this is not the year to expect improved wealth, and there could even be the risk of less money if the success luck and Illness Star are capable of creating a strain. Invite the Good Fortune Golden Ingot with Treasure for Prosperity or A Handful of Treasure for Wealth Luck to enhance your wealth luck. You can also consider carrying the Increasing Business Talisman Keychain or God of Wealth Keychain and hang the Yellow Jasper Ten Coins Feng Shui Tassel or Six Yellow Jasper Feng Shui Gold Ingots Tassel in your vehicle.
There will be many opportunities for love this year where the Pig is concerned. But some caution is needed. Single Pigs who are serious about pursuing “the one” could find themselves in luck. There will be several potential partners who begin as casual friends. But you want to keep them in the friend zone in part because you are so focused on business that you fail to put in the effort to move into love. Another drawback is the fact that you focus on family and friends – a good trait, but not good for a potential partner, unless you also give them the attention they need and desire. Open yourself up and true love awaits! Enhance your luck to find that someone special with Wishfulfilling Jewel (Pink) for Love and Romance Luck 60mm or Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (L).
Married or committed Pigs could experience a newfound appreciation of their partner and a deepening of the love that already exists. This is one side of the equation. On the other hand, there is also an indication that you or your partner could feel restless and give in to the influence of the Infidelity Star, straying from a relationship that is good. This is more likely to happen on the behalf of your spouse, rather than you. If you want to save the relationship, put in the work and add some passion to the mix. Carry the Obsidian Fox Infidelity Protection Amulet for protection. Display the Dragon & Phoenix on Ingot or Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (L) in your bedroom.
White, Gold and Silver
Three Horoscope Allies Amulet - Rabbit, Sheep & Boar, Jade Allies Mobile Hanging - Rabbit, Sheep and Boar or Horoscope Guardian Deity Protector for Dog and Boar Pendant is a must-have good luck charm for Boar people in the year of the Rooster 2017.
Click on these links for more selections of Feng Shui products designed to enhance your luck or overcome the negativities present in your 2017 Horoscope Feng Shui Chart: #2 Sickness Star, Yin House, Golden Deity and Yearly Conflict.
![]() Fortune and Feng Shui 2017 for Boar SKU3014 | SKU3675 | ||
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Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake |
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Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar |
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