Feng Shui Forecast 2016 for Ox
Lunar Year born | 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009 (Horoscope Calendar) |
Direction/Degrees | NE1 (22.5 to 37.5) |
Personality | Very intelligent, logic and clear thinking, calm but stubborn, independent, trusting, industrious, deep and original in thought, reliable, a good leader, intolerant, peace loving |
Career | finance, politics, law, hair stylist, general practitioner, surgeon |
Romance | faithful, sincere |
Examples of famous/infamous people | George Clooney, Jack Nicholson, Meg Ryan, Bill Cosby, Jim Carey, Sigourney Weaver, Kate Moss, Meryl Streep, Anthony Hopkins. President Barack Obama, Napoleon, Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler, Diana princess of Wales, Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney, Bruce Springsteen, Hans Christian Andersen, Margaret Thatcher. |
Compatibility | Rooster, Snake |
Secret Friend | Rat |
Conflict Animal | Sheep |
Ox's 2016 Horoscope Forecast Overview
Unfortunately, 2016 does not appear to be a highly auspicious year for the Ox, especially if those in this sign don’t understand or take advantage of feng shui help that is available. Luck won’t be terrible, but in many areas, it may only be neutral at best, causing your motivation to be affected. If you can rise above this and not give up, you can prevail. The main afflictions will come from the Five Yellow Star (often referred to as the Wu Wang). It will be necessary to call upon your inner, natural resolve and sense of commitment, while fighting for yourself.
The Ox who maintains ambition can discover new strengths and abilities in themselves in 2016. Feng Shui forecast 2016 indicates that there will be challenges, though, from that unpleasant Five Yellow. Your life force and spirit essence are only moderate - a further potential obstacle for the Ox, because your elements don’t fit in well with the elements of the year.
Ox's Flying Star Chart
Because the #5 Yellow Star (also known as the Misfortune Star) is prominent in your chart, the Ox will need to work hard to keep its negative Earth energy under control or it could bring about loss of money, illness or the loss of the blessings that were poised to enter your life. The most powerful feng shui recommendation to help dampen this negative energy is the 6 Inch Tree of Life 5 Element Pagoda or 8 inch Golden Mantra Pagoda. Placing it in the Northeast of your home (your home sector), or in the room that you spend a lot of time in can offer protection. The #5 Yellow is already strong in 2016, but it is even stronger because it has arrived in the Earth sector, so it becomes extremely necessary to subdue it. You must also carry a Heart Sutra Pillar Keychain or Golden Mantra Pagoda Keychain. Wear a Bejeweled Five Element Pagoda Pendant (Gold).
For the Ox, the Yellow Star appears to have the ability to cause illness and lack of strength, which could especially hinder progress toward a promotion, a legal matter, or political issues, so it becomes crucial to employ feng shui cures to pacify the negativity of this Star. Remember to keep the Northeast more quiet than usual so as not to upset the negative #5.
Ox's 24 Mountain Stars Chart
For the Ox, your North 3 location plays host to the Facing Three Killings, which blows in from the opposite location of the South. As it arrives, it could bring with it stress or bad luck due to a conflict or hostile relationship with someone. To appease the Three Killings, try placing the Feng Shui Three Divine Guardians or Golden Three Divine Guardians in your North 3 to avoid arguments or disagreements that could quickly escalate from mild to very serious, causing you negative chi.
Since your sign is affected by both the Three Killings and the Five Yellow, it is advised that you do not undertake renovations or extensive remodeling in 2016 if at all possible.
Ox's Paht Chee – Elemental Luck Chart
Elemental luck is neutral at best for the Ox this year. Thus, your life force and spirit essence will not be strong enough to provide heightened passion, motivation or ambition, and you may feel ambivalent instead. This inability to put in extra effort can have a negative influence on your pursuing your goals, though you will not totally distance yourself from them.
Because your luck is dominated by neutral levels this year, your hope is to put your strategic skills to work, think things through, and stay in touch with whatever energy is occurring now. Instead of taking risks or biting off more than you can chew, it would be best to play it safe now, rather than leaving yourself open to misfortune. Great help can be offered from feng shui suggestions, too. Wear a 5-Element Crystal Bracelet or carry an Element Balancing Medallion Keychain .
Your lung ta or personal success level is again only neutral now. This means that while major obstacles won’t stand in the way of success, you will no doubt lack the inner drive to succeed. Remedy this with a Bejewelled Wish Fulfilling Wind Horse. Carry a Windhorse Carrying Flaming Jewel Keychain.
Ox's Health Luck
The 19, 55 and 79-year-old Ox looks to have the best potential for optimal health luck, while the 7, 31 and 67-year-old Ox must use extra caution with their health, taking care of minor problems before they have a chance to get worse. It's a good year to do a thorough medical check-up. The 43-year-old Ox has a neutral health reading from you forecast 2016, and must also use extra care regarding their health. Since the year 2016 is affected strongly by the #2 Illness Star, all signs could be subjected to weakened immune systems, so while your overall health luck is not bad, it could be made worse by the presence of the #2 Star.
It is paramount that you display a Brass Wu Lou with Eight Immortals (s) or Longevity Knowledge Vase in the center of your home. Everyone should carry or wear a health amulet: Tigers Eye Wulou Pendant for Health Luck, Good Health Keychain (Garuda), Longevity Dzi with Tiger's Eye Bracelet. Hang the Four Jade Wu Lou Tassels for Good Health or Bunch of Jade Wu Lou Hanging in your car to make sure you are fully protected.
Ox's Wealth Luck
The Ox is poised to have very high wealth luck according to your Feng Shui 2016 forecast, attracting new prosperity and abundance, and success in investments such as the stock market. While many Ox-born will benefit financially, it appears that the 43 and 67-year-old Ox will gain the most. The 31-year-old Ox will have a neutral amount of luck, but faring the worst of all will be the 19, 55 and 79-year olds must use the most caution in terms of spending or investing. Don’t put much emphasis on the stock market, and avoid having greed interfere with your desire for wealth. To boost wealth luck, carry a Prosperity Mirror for Attracting Money Luck or Yellow Tara Mirror for Increasing Prosperity and Abundance and display a Feng Shui Pot of Overflowing Wealth. Scatter Auspicious Gold Bars Set - 5 Pieces or Eight Yellow Glass Gold Ingots (s) around the pot to boost its energy.
Ox's Love Luck
Love and romance don’t show much promise, unfortunately. This isn’t to say there won’t be any opportunities, but they may not seem very interesting or long lasting. The male Ox will not find love very appealing this year and may even become impatient if it takes too long to establish a connection. While the female Ox does seem interested, she may seem arrogant, even to the point of giving a controlling impression to potential partners. If you are in a relationship, try to keep it just a relationship and leave marriage for another time. Enhance your love and mariage luck with Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (L) and carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain for Love Luck.
The married Ox may be troubled by the Star of External Romance, setting the stage for cheating or temptation by one partner or the other. To help keep this from happening, consider the feng shui cure of the Rooster with Fan and Amethyst Keychain.
Ox's Career Luck
Your Feng Shui 2016 prediction shows that this will not be a great year career wise for the Ox. Keep positive, but don’t work too hard or try too many avenues to success, because it may not result in anything near what you’d like. Your co-workers like you, so avoid trying to go out of your way to make relationships better – you may come off as too aggressive. In addition to lack of major career success, the Ox must be aware of the potential for someone who may try to upset your status or get you to do more than you’d like. Keep your guard up for this. Since the Five Yellow is with you, this could spell trouble at work in addition to the other areas of your life. Display a Brass Double Carps Crossing Dragon Gate or Golden Carp Crossing the Dragon Gate for career success. Carry the Prosperity Talisman with the Earth Element.
Ox's Business Luck
Those who are in the sales field or service business will be especially hard hit by lack of business luck in 2016. There could be a lack of clients or customers, and obstacles may appear out of nowhere. Try to be patient through these difficulties or it could make matters worse. There is some financial luck for the 43 and the 67-year-old Ox, with past efforts being rewarded quite well. Investments should be successful for these two ages, too. The 31-year-old Ox shows some signs of financial stability. Caution must be used by the 55-year-old Ox this year, so try to put off expanding a business or making risky investments. Display Bejeweled Wishfulfilling Fortune Cat or Exquisite Golden Bowl Set in your office. Carry the Carry the Prosperity Talisman with the Earth Element.
Jade Allies Mobile Hanging - Ox, Rooster and Snake or Horoscope Allies Keyring - Ox, Rooster and Snake is a must-have good luck charm for Ox people.
Click on these links for more selections of Feng Shui 2016 products to enhance or overcome the winds affecting your horoscope signs: #5 Misfortune Star, 3 Killings Cures
![]() Fortune and Feng Shui 2016 for Ox SKU3004 | ![]() 2016 Feng Shui Almanac SKU3002 | SKU3594 | |
SKU1911 |
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Remember to check out the Feng Shui Forecast for 2016, Feng Shui Flying Star 2016 and Tai Sui 2016 as well! The latest analysis and forecast for Flying Star 2024, Feng Shui & Horoscope 2024 and Tai Sui 2024 is available now! |