Horoscope Forecast 2016 for Dog
Lunar Year born | 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018 (Horoscope Calendar) |
Direction/Degrees | NW1 (292.5 to 307.5) |
Personality | Loyal, just, strong sense of morality, reliable, dutiful, patient, caring, sincere, compassionate, honest, generous, intelligent, confident, idealistic, affectionate, a worthy leader, tend to become lazy and depressed, pessimistic. |
Career | law, science, medicine, businessmen, teachers, activists, government agents. |
Romance | faithful, protective, dedicated |
Examples of famous/infamous people | Madonna, Elvis Presley, Sylvester Stallone, Andrea Agassi, Cher, Michael Jackson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Carey, Mother Theresa, Winston Churchill, Judy Garland, Liza Minelli, Prince William, U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush. |
Compatibility | Horse, Tiger |
Secret Friend | Rabbit |
Conflict Animal | Dragon |
Dog's 2016 Horoscope Forecast Overview
Some auspicious fortune lies ahead for the Dog, with the arrival of the 24 Mountains luck of the Big and the Small Auspicious Stars that enter your Chinese horoscope chart in 2016. The alignment of the year’s energy seems fitted to you, but will need to keep a positive attitude to make the most of this good energy. The #3 Quarrelsome Star, blowing in on feng shui winds to your home location of the Northwest, will also have a tendency to give you unusual worry and a short temper, so it will take work to overcome the danger and stress that could await you. A good lung ta will help to give you success luck and potential for power and wealth, but your life force and spirit essence will need to be fortified to maximize success. Don’t get distracted by minor issues, stay motivated and look at long-range goals to receive the auspicious luck that is so close to you.
Your Flying Star Chart
Feng Shui winds are not especially kind to the Dog in 2016, mostly because of the influence of the #3 Quarrelsome Star. Tension and arguments could rule your sign if you let them. People may frighten easily when they come into contact with your wrath, and this will not be good for any plans you may try to complete. Even on a personal level, friends and loved ones could incur your anger and become hurt by it. It is very important to think before you speak and act, and don’t take out your frustrations on others. Patriarchs in a family could be especially vulnerable to the #3 and need to work very hard to contain their aggravation. Display the 4 inch Ksitigarbha's Staff or Two-Sided Flaming Magic Wheel Plaque in the NW to subdue this hostile star. Carry a Peace and Harmony Amulet for Overcoming Quarrels and Disharmony or wear the Laughing Buddha Crystal Pendant Necklace (Jade), and hang the Laughing Buddha with Money Frog Tassel in your car.
Your 24 Mountain Stars Chart
Dogs sit directly on the unfortunate Yi Dou Star in 2016, threatening indecisiveness on your part, and potential for a loss of some type – perhaps financial. Feng shui belief says that donating to a charity is one way to appease this star and help capture the money flow for yourself as a result. Wearing the Om Mani Padme Hum Pendant with 8 Auspicious Objects Pendant or Hum Pendant (Golden) can provide relief from the misfortune of the Yi Dou. Also display the Noble Stack of Auspiciousness Plaque in the NW. The rest of your 24 Mountain aspects are more favorable due to two Auspicious Stars in your location. The most benefit will come from the Big Auspicious, helped along by your neighbor sign of the Rooster. Pay attention to this because you could find a strong ally in that sign. Not only will you have at least one major achievement this year, but it appears you can expect a smooth flow on the way to achieving it. More help arrives from the Small Auspicious Star, arriving from your neighbor on the other side of you – the Pig. Again, watch for an ally from this sign to help you in your efforts. You could experience small victories on the job, a leg up on the competition, a potential new contact or success in a job interview, or perhaps a promotion at work. Display the Wishfulfilling Jewel (Clear) or Power Elephant with Amulet Wheel in the NW to capture the energies of these two Auspicious stars. Carry the Precious Horse and Elephant Mirror in your bag.
Your Paht Chee – Elemental Luck Chart
The good news first – the Dog has a very strong lung ta (Wind Horse) in 2016, making success easier to attain. Calling upon Protector King Gesar Of Ling or Bejewelled Wish Fulfilling Wind Horse, in command of the Wind Horse energy, can bring even more personal strength and stability to your life.
Now for the less encouraging news – your spirit essence and life force are neutral at best, lessening your confidence and vitality as well as your motivation to achieve. Do whatever you can to boost your activity level. Dig deep within yourself and realize that you need to work hard and stay focused in order to maximize the auspicious luck that is in your chart this year. It is advised by feng shui experts that obtaining the Tibetan Dorje Vajra or Bejewelled Eight Spoke Dorje and keeping it near can aid in your vitality and ambition. Hang the Golden Dorje Mobile Hanging to your mobile phone or carry an Element Balancing Medallion Keychain.
Dog's Health Luck
Realize that everyone will be in danger of illness during 2016 because of the strong presence of the #2 Illness Star in the annual chart. This could affect the Dog as well as any sign, so if you notice the first sign of sickness coming on, tackle it at once to prevent anything more serious from occurring. Do your medical check-up. There is serious danger of illness for the 22, 46 and 82-year-old Dog, so use extra care with your health. The 58-year-old Dog is not in as much danger, but has a neutral health outlook and should also be alert. The Dogs who have the best chance of staying healthy in 2016 are those 10, 34 and 70-year-olds.
To enhance your health luck in 2016 you should display a Longevity Knowledge Vase or Brass Wu Lou with Eight Immortals (s) in the center of your home. Everyone should carry or wear a health amulet: Good Health Keychain (Garuda), Blue Liu Li Hulu Pendant for Health Luck, Medicine Buddha Pendant.. Hang the Four Yellow Jasper Feng Shui Wu Lo Hanging or Wooden Wulou Hanging with the Great Compassionate Mantra in your car.
Dog's Wealth Luck
According to your Chinese horoscope prediction in 2016, the Auspicious Stars in your sign should help promote success and wealth luck for many Dogs, though the best luck will be bestowed on the 34 and 58-year-old Earth Dogs, who should feel free to be a bit more open to taking financial risks that could pay off well. The 22 and 82-year-old Dogs have a modest amount of wealth luck, too, while the 46 and 70-year-old Metal Dogs should use much more caution where spending and financial activities are concerned. If you desire to enhance your wealth luck, display this in your home or office: Golden Arowana to Attract Wealth or Tibetan Wealth God Yellow Jhambala. Carry also a God of Wealth Keychain.
Dog's Love Luck
Not all Dogs will experience great happiness in love and romance this year. Single Dogs may believe they have found a special someone, but will not experience the smooth sailing they’d hoped for. Married Dogs are due to have a romantic time, but could spoil the moment by giving in to the temper tantrums of the #3 Star. The 34-year-old Water Dog has prospects for a very loving year and could find that things are getting more serious if they are already in a love relationship. The 22-year-old Wood Dog fares the least in 2016, when love will run hot and cold. Part of this will be caused by your own emotions. You may feel jealousy, which could turn on you, as well as less confidence when attending social events. Use caution where love is concerned in 2016. Enhance your love luck by placing a pair of Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks on Lotus Leaf (L) in your bedroom. Consider wearing the powerful Two Eye Dzi with Rose Quartz Hearts Bracelet or Two Eyes Dzi with Rose Quartz Bracelet.
Dog's Career Luck
Reading your Feng Shui forecast of 2016, the year ahead offers success luck by way of promotions and authority luck for many Dogs. To help make this happen, work hard – it could well be worth it – and stay enthusiastic and motivated. A possibility of recognition could also come your way – just make sure you’re not recognized for your hot temper, which could land you in arguments that will help no one. Display the Bejeweled Wish-Fulfilling Horse for Career Success or Brass Dragon Tortoise with Ruyi to enhance career luck. Carry the Prosperity Talisman with the Earth Element.
Dog's Business Luck
Business opportunities appear quite successful in 2016, so if something presents itself to you, and you feel good about it, don’t hesitate. Talk yourself into believing that you are strong and courageous enough to undertake whatever arises for you. Some Dogs will respond to this and dream and act big, while others will want to keep a steadily forward course, but remain a bit safe. Either way could work for you because of your strong lung ta, but whatever you do – big or small, just DO IT! Display the Monkey on a Dragon for Business Success, or Exquisite Golden Feng Shui Arowana with Coin Scales (L) or Exquisite Golden Feng Shui Arowana with Large Coin (L) in your shop or company. Carry the "Lucky" Keychain with Tassel or Increasing Business Talisman Keychain.
Three Horoscope Allies Amulet - Tiger, Horse & Dog or Horoscope Allies Keyring - Tiger, Dog and Horse is a must-have good luck charm for Dog people.
Click on these links for more selections of Feng Shui 2016 products to enhance or overcome the winds affecting your horoscope signs: #3 Hostile Star, Big Auspicious Star, Yi Duo
![]() Fortune and Feng Shui 2016 for Boar SKU3014 | ![]() 2016 Feng Shui Almanac SKU3002 | ![]() Three Horoscope Allies Amulet - Tiger, Horse & Dog SKU2027 | |
SKU2165 | SKU2007 | SKU3326 |
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Remember to check out the Feng Shui Forecast for 2016, Feng Shui Flying Star 2016 and Tai Sui 2016 as well! The latest analysis and forecast for Flying Star 2024, Feng Shui & Horoscope 2024 and Tai Sui 2024 is available now! |