Chinese Horoscope Forecast 8th Month (8th September – 7th October, 2014)
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RAT (North) - Luck for the Month
Get ready for a period of many blessings! Your heaven luck is enhanced by the #6 Heavenly and the annual #9 Multiplying Star which appear in your chart. Obstacles that may have stood in your way should be removed and things will fall into place with the help of the right people and opportunities that come into your path. Take advantage of this time to magnify your excellent good luck by working extra hard and don’t forget to listen to advice from mentors who should be on your side. Use your keen intuition to realize the many favorable conditions available to you and the rewards will be great. To encourage and bring about a speedy delivery of the best opportunities, display the 6 Smooth Coins during this time period, and keep the Heaven Luck Activator Feng Shui Keychain and the 9 Rings Dragon Sword close by you.
OX (NorthEast) – Luck for the Month
Your personal and your work life will reap happy and rewarding blessings this month. The #4 Star of Romance and Education is in your home location, bringing about much fulfillment. Attention to those of you Ox-born who are single: love is in the air this month and if you take advantage of opportunities that should come your way, it could lead to a lasting and happy relationship. Those of you already in a relationship should find that passion runs high during this time, but beware of outside influences presenting temptations that could harm your relationship. To avoid this problem, carry the Flower of Romance Keychain or the Medallion for Protection from Third Party Interference Pendant in order to prevent the painful effects of infidelity. In addition to heightened love luck, this is a good time for students and anyone involved in the academic or creative fields, since the chi associated with learning is heightened. Use this time to enhance your communication skills and overall knowledge and you can reap the benefits for a long time to come. Keep a lucky Clear Crystal Globe (l) on your desk or work area and consider carrying the 7 Level Feng Shui Pagoda Keychain or Aventurine Pagoda Amulet to magnify education and scholastic chi.
TIGER (NorthEast) – Luck for the Month
Good news for romantically-inclined Tigers – love is in the air with the influence of the #4 Star of Romance prominent in your Feng Shui chart. But – use caution since this could also lead to thoughts of indiscretion where romance is concerned. There should be no shortage of potential partners for single Tigers and this will be an intoxicating feeling, but stay balanced and in control of your feelings so as not to get too carried away or involved with the wrong people, especially those who may approach you and are already married or involved with someone else. Married Tigers should look to the Rose Quartz Fox Infidelity Protection Amulet to protect against thoughts of straying from a partner. There is more to this month than love, as well, since business relationships should succeed with the help of meeting and working with the right people. Use the influence of the Education Star to improve your knowledge, study for exams or make advancements in your career. The Bejeweled WishFulfilling 7-Storey Feng Shui Pagoda or Clear Quartz Pagoda Amulet could do wonders to help your knowledge chi at this time.
RABBIT (East) – Luck for the Month
The Rabbit-born have been plagued by the illness chi in the past, but this month brings welcome relief and excellent luck, thanks to the #8 Wealth Star which forms the lucky Sum-of-Ten when combined with the #2, leading to overall wealth and career luck. Look for exciting business opportunities and the possibility of a promotion at work. Because your wealth and success luck are magnified this month, be prepared to make the most of this luck by maintaining your energy level and looking for any opportunities that present themselves. Ignore petty matters and concentrate on the positive instead. Look for new activities to improve your future and your personal self, as well. Success should come easily at this time and if you have plans to begin a new business or close an important deal, the timing couldn’t be better. Even if you think something is a bit risky – go for it! Luck is with you. Further enhance your luck with the Bejeweled Power of 8 Charm Keychain or the Feng Shui Figure of Eight Enhancer to encourage career and business luck.
DRAGON (SouthEast) – Luck for the Month
You may find this to be a tiring month, but the rewards will be high as the #9 Multiplying Star enters your chart to bring new and exciting career and business opportunities. Your love life will benefit, too. The younger Dragon-born individual, whose energy level is generally high, will enjoy the enhanced action but the older Dragons should conserve their energy to a degree in order to avoid finding things too hectic. Advice to all Dragons and particularly those who are slightly less robust: pace yourselves while selecting the opportunities that matter. You can enhance your energy by wearing a Wu Lou Amulet. If you seek fame or recognition, placing the Bejewelled Wish Fulfilling Wind Horse or the Phoenix in the South Sector of your home or office can help draw attention. Recognition luck can benefit your personal life as well if you consider carrying the 9 Ring Sword Keychain. Another beneficial tool is the Fire Protection Wheel Mirror of Avalokiteshvara to protect you from conflict chi. You can attract many blessings from the Bodhisatva of Compassion to help you escape misfortune during this time.
SNAKE (SouthEast) – Luck for the Month
Fame and recognition luck runs high for the Snake-born this month, thanks to the #9 Expanding Star, which enters your Feng Shui reading. When combined with your innate creativity, you should find the month ahead to be highly productive and quite exciting. Slightly older Snakes must learn to pace themselves in order to keep up with the many opportunities that will present themselves. Carrying health amulets can help maintain good health luck. Bask in the heightened success and achievements you will attain, but also be considerate of those whose fortune may not be so high at this time, especially at work, where you may otherwise encounter rivalry or gossip. Try to minimize the amount of time you spend in social settings with co-workers and carry the Rooster with Fan Keychain or Jade Cicada Mobile Hanging. You can help prevent jealousy or office politics by keeping a Rooster Figurine on your desk. Your fame and recognition luck can be magnified by also calling upon the 9 Rings Dragon Sword and carrying the Monkey on Horse Keychain.
HORSE (South) – Luck for the Month
Unfortunately, the hostile 5 Yellow Star appears in your chart to cause your luck to suffer at this time. Beware the possibility of financial setbacks, illness or misfortune, and those things which had been going well might suffer problems that arise out of the blue. It would be wise to avoid making important decisions for the moment since your luck will improve soon. Stay strong and alert in order to avoid making mistakes that could plague you later on. Beware rivals at work and double-check your work for accuracy. Displaying (in the South sector) or carrying with you the 5 Element Pagoda with Seed Syllable Keychain can boost protection for you against the vicious Wu Wang. Activate your wealth star by carrying an auspicious amulet such as the Good Income Luck Talisman Keychain or wear the Citrine Bracelet with Tibetan Dzi Bead of Your Choice.
SHEEP (SouthWest) – Luck for the Month
Be extra alert this month as danger surrounds you. You could encounter many difficulties due to the #7 Violent Star which attacks your good luck and makes you susceptible to burglary, swindlers, injuries or being cheated. Don’t be so trusting of people for the next few weeks. To prevent as much harm as possible, avoid taking risks and display the Anti Burglary Plaque or the Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant with Water Urn in the Southwest area of your home. Your personal life can be protected by carrying amulets such as the Anti Burglary Keychain everywhere you go. In business, you will find competition running high so use the Victory Banner Success Amulet to overcome rivals looking to harm you. The Wish Granting Tree Amulet Keychain can help attract wealth luck and better opportunities.
MONKEY (SouthWest) – Luck for the Month
There are elements in your chart that warn of danger this month, so be wary at all times in order to avoid being cheated or robbed. Don’t take risks that are not necessary and try to reschedule any events that are important to you, since now is not an auspicious time. You can help protect your home by displaying the Anti Burglary Plaque - Rhinoceros and Elephant or the Double Blue Rhinoceros Feng Shui Cure in the Southwest sector. For added protection wherever you go, protective amulets such as the The Eight Petal Lotus Mirror of Manjushri or the Water Blue Rhinoceros Hum Keychain should be carried. The stars in your chart indicate much competition in business so the Windhorse Plaque can help you gain strength to overcome your rivals. The Pair of Golden Camel helps magnify career and business luck.
ROOSTER (West) – Luck for the Month
Rooster-born are in for more than their fair share of stress, aggravation and potential quarrels as negative chi enters their feng shui chart at this time. Attempt to resolve minor arguments or issues as soon as they arise, to prevent them growing in magnitude. Since your luck is not auspicious at this time, this is a good time to avoid committing to anything in writing, including signing contracts or other documents. You may encounter unpleasant or difficult people who will confront you at work and backstabbing is a possibility. A Rooster or Cicada placed on your desk can help keep disturbances away. Keep alert and stay on track, and don’t attempt to answer anger by becoming angry yourself, or trying to ‘get even.’ Unfortunately, even your personal life will tend to suffer hostile chi so beware arguments, especially those that begin with a minor issue. To overcome as much hostile energy as possible, carry the Peace and Harmony Feng Shui Keychain or the Double Pyramid Red Goddess Mirror Keychain and wear red whenever possible. Wearing the Mystic Knot amulet to attract more positive energy and calmer relationship luck is advised.
DOG (NorthWest) – Luck for the Month
Unlucky and unfavorable stars will plague the Dog-born this month. Particularly affected will be the home elements, which could bring illness, financial loss, relationship difficulties and accidents. The men in a household are especially affected during this time and must use caution against health issues. Maintain a good diet and exercise program and don’t ignore even minor illnesses. This can help prevent more serious illnesses from occurring. Avoid risk-taking of any kind, including long-distance travel, complicated sports, or areas with huge crowds of people. The elderly or those with existing health problems should stay clear of the Northwest sector for the time being and wear a protective Medicine Buddha Pendant or Tibetan Longevity Dzi Bracelet. A metal Wu Lou kept by the bed can also aid in keeping health risks to a minimum. To combat illness energy, try hanging the Eight Sugata Medicine Buddha Plaque or displaying a Longevity Knowledge Vase in the Northwest during this time.
PIG (Northwest) – Luck for the Month
The good luck you have had previously will suffer this month when the #2 Sickness Star enters your chart. You may be prone to many kinds of illness, ranging from mild cases of tiredness to more serious ailments. Take care to get adequate rest and use this time to make plans for the future, rather than trying to be in the forefront of activity. Your work life could suffer challenges since you will not be feeling at your best, and obstacles may arise out of the blue. Avoid undertaking more than you can handle because this will only cause your health to be strained even more. Carrying or wearing gold accessories can help balance the excess Earth energy. Incorporate the 5-Element Pagoda and the Wu Lou amulets into your life now to keep illness away and protect from harm or misfortune.