Prediction & outlook of your Health, Wealth, Love and Career luck in the year of Rooster 2017.

Chinese Astrology 2017 for the Year of the Rooster


The outlook for the overall feng shui 2017 horoscope forecast is very encouraging. The year’s Paht Chee contains all five elements, an excellent situation that suggests increased harmony and stability. There should be no shortage of opportunities for growth in wealth and other situations, and people will have the creative and leadership skills to bring this about.

This all seems very positive when combined with the fact that the yearly feng shui chart is ruled by the #1 Victory Star, a very auspicious star. This signals new beginnings for many and chances for relocation pertaining to work, so if that is on someone’s mind it’s promising. Those who wish to look for newer pastures or to completely change their lives should find help from the #1 White Star, which encourages new developments and broadening one’s life. If you need assistance in this area, display the Victory Warrior Flag, Power Elephant with Warrior or Feng Shui Victory Banner in the center of your home or office, and carry a Victory Power Elephant with Magic Barrel Keychain or Victory-Enhancing Talisman Keychain.

In spite of this auspicious luck, however, it will not be obtained without some work on each sign’s behalf. Those who best use the year’s energies will reap the best rewards. There still could be some conflict in 2017 and it’s important to remain careful of all situations. A bit of anger energy is left over from 2016 and it could affect the overall atmosphere of civility. Feng shui gurus suggest carrying the Peace and Harmony Amulet to keep negative anger energy from having much effect on you. The feng shui predictions for 2017 where increased wealth luck is concerned can be enhanced by awakening and adding strength to the element of Fire. To help with this, keep your home’s entrance brightly lit. Any horoscope sign with weakened wealth luck in 2017 would be wise to carry the God of Wealth Keychain or Wealth and Success Amulet Keychain.

Earth energy for 2017 looks highly strong and auspicious. This will help improve rank, recognition and power, which are very important elements for success. Owning a mighty crystal that is inscribed with auspicious mantras such as the Om Mani Padme Hum Obsidian Ball on Stand or Heart Sutra Crystal Ball and then placing it in the center of your home is suggested, as is wearing crystal jewelry (crystal pendants or bracelets) to increase Earth energy.

Annual Spring Amulet 2017 Feng Shui Keychain

As for Metal energy in 2017, this looks promising. This most often applies to savings for emergencies and protects against financial ruin or major difficulty. Those signs which lack Metal energy in 2017 are advised to wear anything made of gold to increase it.

Wood energy is a representation of intelligence and creativity and looks quite in balance during this year.

The summer months look most smooth and at that time, things should move quickly without roadblocks or interference. This is also the time to expect the best money-making luck. Summer’s Fire energy is at its peak, promising financial progress and the potential for wise investments. This is the best time to consider this, since the second half of 2017 looks less encouraging for financial moves or investments.

The Paht Chee chart for this Year of the Rooster shows many threats of competition from friends and foes. Even longtime friendships could suffer from jealousy. Backstabbing and gossip are strong possibilities in business or love, so it’s wise to carry a Peace and Harmony Amulet or Friendship Amulet Keychain at all times, or perhaps wear the anti-evil eye bracelet.

Several key stars in the 2017 Paht Chee chart influence the year, with particular benefits or affects for some Chinese zodiac signs:

The competitive energy of 2017 is heightened by this star, causing some negativity. However, it also brings strong survival instincts to the forefront and companies and individuals get more serious about their need to excel over the competition. The aggressive nature of the star helps people appreciate their success when they achieve it.  The atmosphere at work can be fairly stressful as co-workers and executives feel pressured to beat the competition. Carry the Golden Trident of Guru Rinpoche Keychain or Hum Keychain to pacify the Aggresive Sword Star.

Star of Peach BlossomSTAR OF PEACH BLOSSOM
Love is definitely in the air for 2017. It benefits the single members of each sign but can turn on those who are married or in a committed relationship. The Peach Blossom has a tendency to encourage thoughts of infidelity and third parties could create misunderstandings possibly even leading to the breakup of an otherwise happy union. People must also be cautious of being fooled by con artists who attempt to play on the vulnerability of those seeking love. Wear a Golden Rooster with Fan Pendant Necklace or carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain or Rooster with Fan and Amethyst Keychain for protection.

Star of Scholastic BrillianceSTAR OF SCHOLASTIC BRILLIANCE
Excellent luck is expected for those who are studying or involved in the field of education. This will particularly apply to students or teachers at the college level or in the post-graduate field. This star most often strengthens ambitions and desire for more knowledge. Carry the Scholastic Keychain or Aventurine Pagoda Amulet to energize this Star if academic excellence is what you seek.

Star of Powerful MentorsAlmost everyone will benefit from this very important star in 2017. It promises a strong and benevolent benefactor who willprotectagainst harm in many areas. This sign offers hidden assistance and in the Chinese culture, it brings the influential friend “Gui Ren” who can offer pathways to gain prosperity and success, even of a stunning level. This presence can be felt by anyone who seeks help with career and business luck, which is needed because 2017 is a year of competition. Look for influential people to offer help and to welcome this, keep a mighty Mentor symbol in your home such as a statue of Kwan Kung or the Gui Ren Plaque. Carry also the Gui Ren Talisman for Success Keychain.

This star creates the most potential for wealth development in this year. It offers growth and recovery from past financial difficulties and brings many chances to prosper from the best energies of the year. Displaying a Wealth Pot in the Northwest sector is a wise Feng Shui move to encourage this star’s presence. Take advantage of this, because the star doesn’t come along every year. It's recomendded that you also carry the A Bagful of Money Keychain or Yellow Jasper Wealth Bag Feng Shui Keychain.

Luck of Patriarchs in 2017LUCK OF PATRIARCHS
The patriarchs of a family need to pay special attention to their health in 2017 since the #2 Illness Star lands in the Patriarchs corner on the compass. This can threaten a weakened immune system. This affliction needs to be remedied in order to allow the main breadwinner to contribute properly. You should display a Brass Herbal Wu Lou or Garuda Bird for Protection Against Illness in the NW and carry a Health Amulet Feng Shui Keychain or Five Element Wulou Amulet for Health Luck.

Luck of Martriarchs in 2017LUCK OF MATRIARCHS
The major threat to matriarchs in 2017 is the presence of the #7 Violence Star, which lands in the Southwest sector of the yearly chart. This negative #7 brings risk of violence, burglary, infidelity and betrayal, all leading to major distress. In its extreme, it has the power to bring tragedy and grief. Feng Shui cure for this affliction is to place the Anti Burglary Plaque or Rhinoceros and Elephant in Natural Habitat in the SW and carry an Anti-Burglary Amulet Keychain or Anti Burglary Keychain 2017.

Overall, most of the Chinese Horoscope signs will appreciate the stability that Feng Shui of 2017 offers and those who not only appreciate this luck but act upon it will gain the most benefits. The year offers chances for money and moving up the ladder of success at work. This Rooster Year and its bird energy can lift spirits and help people move toward excellence.

Few things capture the joy and luck of the 2017 Rooster year like the auspicious Rooster figurines. Display some of these lovely Roosters in your home or office to usher in the year with lucky energies! Everyone should also be carrying the Annual Spring Amulet 2017 Feng Shui Keychain to attract an infusion of fresh spring-time energy and give yourself an auspicious start to the year.

Annual Spring Amulet 2017 Feng Shui Keychain
Bejeweled Wish-Fulfilling Rooster

Remember to check out the Feng Shui Flying Star 2017 and Tai Sui 2017 as well!
The latest Feng Shui Flying Star 2018Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2018 and Tai Sui 2018 available now!

Feng Shui 2017 Forecast for RatFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for OxFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for TigerFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for RabbitFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for DragonFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for Snake
Feng Shui 2017 Forecast for HorseFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for SheepFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for MonkeyFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for RoosterFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for DogFeng Shui 2017 Forecast for Boar

What is your Chinese Horoscope sign?

Feng Shui 2017 Forecast for Rat

Feng Shui 2017 Forecast for RatRAT – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
The year 2017 feng shui and horoscope forecast looks to be very exciting for the Rat-born. In fact, Rats show the most overall luck of any of the signs in the Chinese Zodiac for this year. Your personal elements will interact nicely with those of the year and you will find blessings from your Flying Star chart. The Big Auspicious Star arrives from your ally, the Ox. Energize yourself to help receive blessings from the Heavenly Star that is in your chart. Activate all of this luck and your good fortune will be magnified. Because the Ox is your friend, seek out those born under the sign of the Ox to join forces with. If that’s not possible, carry the Ox in the form of a talisman to give force to this luck. The year 2017 gives you opportunities to make bold decisions and be assured your judgment is right. Aim high – the sky is the limit for Rats!

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Rat.

Feng Shui Forecast 2017 for Ox

Feng Shui Forecast 2017 for OxOX - HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
Exciting times are ahead for the Ox in 2017, according to your Horoscope and Feng Shui forecast. Element luck may only be average but the Peach Blossom Star brings peace and harmony in all relationships and can bring forth new friendships or perhaps not only a new love but the love of your life. The #4 Peach Blossom also positively affects studies and the acquiring of new or advanced skills, so education luck looks most productive. Two Big Auspicious Stars also arrive in your chart and the Ox is the only sign to be blessed with this double element of luck. Opportunities come your way and could lead to an important breakthrough in business or career.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Ox.

2017 Feng Shui Forecast for Tiger

2017 Feng Shui Forecast for TigerTIGER – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
According to your horoscope forecast, there will definitely be some productive and exciting times for the Tiger in 2017, but there are also areas of concern that must be overcome or dealt with as best you can.  The #4 Peach Blossom Star will bring its share of love and romance to you, but it creates the threat of infidelity for married Tigers. Those seeking wealth and success can look forward to a big project or accomplishment during the year with the arrival of the Star of Big Auspicious.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Tiger.

Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2017 for Rabbit

Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2017 for RabbitRABBIT  – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
Reading your feng shui horoscope forecast 2017, Rabbits will experience success that comes quickly, rather than hoping for it long into the future, in part because of the Prosperity Star, which also is the star during this current 8 Period. Spending time with loved ones and taking care of yourself will be important in 2017. It’s important to realize that even though you desire success, spending more time on business pursuits rather than carving out time for your personal life could zap your energy, since your element chart is weak this year. Your self-confidence does not look strong and unless you can overcome this, there could be some setbacks because you let moments pass you by.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Rabbit.

Horoscope Feng Shui 2017 Forecast for Dragon

Horoscope Feng Shui 2017 Update for DragonDRAGON – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
Feng Shui 2017 forecast indicates that this won’t be the easiest year for Dragons but since it is the Year of the Rooster (your secret friend) you will receive help in achieving some degree of success, possibly in an unexpected way. Your past efforts will pay off in 2017 and when things really work, it will be quite amazing. When things aren’t moving as smoothly or quickly as you’d like, stay strong and don’t give up if obstacles threaten your progress. Plan your moves, stay optimistic and call upon your sense of humor to carry you through.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Dragon.

Feng Shui Horoscope 2017 Forecast for Snake

Feng Shui Horoscope 2017 Outlook for SnakeSNAKE – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
The year's horoscope 2017 forecast looks quite exciting for the Snake. Success may come little by little but it will be steady and productive. Two Stars of Small Auspicious contribute to the success and happiness you experience. The presence of the #9 Star also enhances the chance for long-term luck. Don’t become impatient if things don’t happen just as you want them, when you want them – slow and steady will help you enjoy some very joyous moments in 2017.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Snake.

2017 Feng Shui Horoscope Update for Horse

2017 Feng Shui Horoscope Update for HorseHORSE – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
The year of 2017 brings some unfortunate luck to the Horse, especially in the first few months. The much dreaded #5 Misfortunate Star lands into your home sector. The key this year will be to overcome whatever obstacles you can and look for plans and projects that will extend into the following year. The good news is that according to your Feng Shui 2017 chart,your elemental luck is strong, which helps you cope and even turn things around during the last few months of the year. Success will take longer, but if you have patience, it will arrive.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Horse.

2017 Horoscope Feng Shui Forecast for Sheep

2017 Horoscope Feng Shui Forecast for SheepSHEEP – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
Based on your Horoscope and Feng Shui 2017 readings, for the most part, the Sheep is in for good luck this year, but there will be obstacles to overcome and potential danger from the #7 Star. Your 24 Mountains presents two Stars of Small Auspicious, which will add to your success, but this won’t create any one major event so much as several small ones. Element luck is weakened but the 24 Mountains look promising. A mixture, definitely – but stay strong and protect yourself with feng shui suggestions.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Sheep.

2017 Horoscope Forecast for Monkey

2017 Horoscope Forecast for MonkeyMONKEY – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
From the analysis of your Horoscope and Feng Shui 2017 prediction, this appears to be quite a pleasant year for the Monkey. Energy will be sufficient though not outstanding, but it will be enough to help work toward success, which seems to be a strong aspect of your chart. Financial gains won’t be strong but things will build toward a more financially secure future. Promotion luck is possible and your efforts will be noticed and appreciated.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Monkey.

Feng Shui 2017 Horoscope Forecast for Rooster

Feng Shui 2017 Horoscope Outlook for RoosterROOSTER – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
This Year of the Rooster plays an important role for the sign of the Rooster, in good and bad ways. Your 2017 Feng Shui and Horoscope forecast shows that success may be wonderful but the road to get there may be long and difficult. Some aspects of the Rooster’s element luck are good while other aspects are less than good. Nothing will particularly come easily this year and there will be potential harm from the #3 Quarrelsome Star, but stay the course, stay upbeat and control your temper, and there are some interesting events ahead.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Rooster.

Horoscope Forecast 2017 for Dog

Horoscope Forecast 2017 for DogDOG – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
While there are signs of success for Dogs in 2017, it may not come about in the normal way, or even from a source you were expecting. The influence of the Golden Deity Star also causes you to look beyond the quest for the best and highest money or success luck, and more towards a more spiritual life, creating joy and happiness. You may lose a bit of your competitive drive, but it won’t seem to be as important to you. Relationships will therefore tend to blossom as you appreciate more fully your friends and family.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Dog.

Horoscope Feng Shui Forecast 2017 for Pig/Boar

Horoscope Feng Shui Forecast 2017 for BoarPIG – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2017 OVERVIEW
The year 2017 holds many prospects for success and happiness for the Pig. Feng Shui 2017 chart for the Pig horoscope sign indicates that Elemental luck is high and there is a desire to build strength and take steps towards reaching goals. Little can stop you if you put your mind to it. Relationship luck looks to be excellent and this could be the year for some Pigs to settle down. One threat to overall luck comes in the form of the Illness Star, which could slow down success in all aspects of the Pig’s life.

Full version of 2017 horoscope forecast for Boar.

Amulets and luck charms for the year 2017 - suitable for all horoscope signs.

What is your Chinese Horoscope sign?

Remember to check out the Feng Shui Flying Star 2017 and Tai Sui 2017 as well!