Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast 2019 for Pig/Boar
Lunar Year born | 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019 (Horoscope Calendar) |
Direction/Degrees | NW3 (322.5 to 337.5) |
Personality | People under the zodiac sign of the Pig are down-to-Earth, kind and peaceful. They can keep their cool regardless of the situation. They have a talent for listening and handling whatever situation arises in the best way possible. Their loyalty and consideration for the feelings and situations of others make them a good friend, and people get along with them easily. And if the Pig gets into a problem, their friends return their help and loyalty. There is a heightened sense of responsibility about the Pig and they have a need to be personally involved in maintaining what’s right. |
Career | catering, social work, lawyer, entertainer, finance manager |
Romance | affectionate, sincere |
Examples of famous/infamous people | Steven Spielberg, Billy Crystal, Emma Thompson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Woody Allen, Farrah Fawcett, Luciano Pavarotti, Elton John, Ernest Hemingway, Carl G. Jung, Henry Ford, Presidents Thomas Jefferson, The 14th Dalai Lama |
Compatibility | Sheep, Rabbit |
Secret Friend | Tiger |
Conflict Animal | Snake |
Several favorable aspects present themselves in the horoscope and Feng Shui forecast 2019 for the Boar. The #9 Star of Future Prosperity (also known as the Completion Star) brings about promises of long-term abundance and indicates that projects you begin are likely to finish in a successful way.
In terms of 24 Mountains luck, your home sector has two auspicious stars to offer good fortune, and while some of the Boar’s elemental luck is not good, the area that is good is the Life Force, providing physical strength. Your success luck and spirit essence are weak. What this means is you should not get your hopes up in being wildly successful this year. Feng shui beliefs suggest courting the favor and backing of the God of the Year, the Tai Sui, who lands in your home sector, as this will bring your many good fortune and advantages.
In 2019 for Boars - the Spirit Essence and the Windhorse are bad, which indicates that inner strength and success luck are weak. It will be difficult for Boars to believe they are talented and able to accomplish what they desire, and nerves could be frazzled, leaving you open to negativity. To combat this feeling, carry the Spirit Essence Enhancing Keychain and it will help give you a better outlook and more freedom from fear and doubt.
Since Windhorse luck is low, success is in jeopardy and Boars would be wise to lower expectations of outstanding success and focus on smaller victories instead. Placing the Key for Success and Victory with Windhorse or Bejewelled Wish Fulfilling Wind Horse in your home sector of the Northwest is highly recommended to add feng shui energy and protection and bolster the success potential that is available. Carry also the Trinity of Victory Horses Hanging Keychain or Red Flying Windhorse with Dragon Flag Keychain.
You have a good Life Force (physical Chi enerygy) rating but if you want to boost it to excellent, you can consider carrying a Life Force Amulet Keychain or wearing a MeMeteorite/Moldavite/Tektite, Super 7 Bracelet 8mm (High Grade) or Auralite 23 Crystal Bracelet.
Good news comes flying in on feng shui winds with the arrival of the #9 Future Prosperity/Magnifying Star. It is also known as the Star of Completion and increases the odds that projects that are begun can be successfully brought to conclusion in an auspicious way. The #9 highlights chances for promotions and recognition in your field and overall financial gains look promising, though they may come about in a series of smaller victories rather than one big accomplishment. Regardless, see these small steps as encouragement for future prosperity. Patriarchs in a family will be benefited from this Flying Star in 2019 so it's important to enhance this Star as the good fortune of the patriarch will usually translate to a happy and prosperous household.
Activate this Star by carrying a 9 Ring Sword Keychain and displaying a 9 Wealth Gods Sitting On A Ship, Parasol Dhamachakra Wheel 9 Rod Windchime or Yang House Amulet Plaque in the NW. Wear 9 Eye Tibetan Old Dzi Bead to create an aura of good fortune.

On the positive side, 24 Mountains luck provides two auspicious stars for the Boar in 2019. On its Rat side, the Boar has the Big Auspicious Star and on its Dog side, the Boar enjoys a Small Auspicious Star. These both bring financial growth and abundant opportunities coming your way. To encourage the luck from these fortunate stars, place good fortune symbols in the North1 and Northwest2 sectors of your home, in the living room or the bedroom where you sleep.
A feng shui recommendation would be a pair of Money Frogs or a symbol of bats. Both icons represent excellent good fortune and contribute greatly to the power of the auspicious stars. Older Boars in particular seem poised to enjoy good fortune, in the form of an unexpected windfall. This could relate, naturally, to money but could also be in the form of something else that you have wanted and considered a sign of good luck. Wear or hang a Certified Grade A Jade Bat Pendant or Certified Grade A Jade Bat Pendant in your car.
You should garner the backing of Tai Sui by way of displaying Tai Sui Plaque 2019, Pair of Exquisite Golden Winged Pi Yao or Pair of Obsidian Feng Shui Pi Yao in the NW. Wear a Ametrine Feng Shui Pi Yao Pendant or Clear Quartz with Rutilated Quartz Pi Yao Bracelet in 2019 is highly recommended. You must carry a Tai Sui Amulet Keychain 2019 and hang also a Certified Grade A Jade Pi Yao Pendant or Pair of High Quality Jade Feng Shui Piyao Tassel in your car to garner Tai Sui's support wherever you travel. This (appeasing Tai Sui) is the most important Feng Shui practice for the Boar in 2019. Offending Tai Sui can bring you a lot of problems throughout the year.
With a mix of weak Spirit Essence and strong Life Force, health luck could go either way for the Boar in 2019. A strong dose of self-confidence and vitality helps you overcome stress and have faith in yourself, while a problem with rattled nerves threatens to bring on that very sense of stress you’re trying to overcome. Self-doubt is affected and it could cause apathy in life. Those suffering the most from weakened health in 2019 are the 12, 60 and 72-year-olds, who will need more rest and a better diet to remain strong. This is not the time for excess in food or drink, and beware when eating in a restaurant, since food poisoning or an infection could plague you.
The 36-year-old Boar has a neutral Health rating this year but would be advised to also watch for signs of health issues and act quickly to remedy them. Wearing the Garuda Anti-Illness Amulet is a strong feng shui suggestion to ward off germs and health problems during this year.
Better health is in store for the 24, 48 and 84-year-old Boars this year. It will take less effort to keep ailments away.
Those with poor health luck reading should display a Eight Sugata Medicine Buddha Plaque or Brass Herbal Wu Lou in home. Carry or wear a health amulet: Medicine Buddha Pendant, Tortoise Shell Dzi Bead with Amethyst Phantom Quartz Bracelet or Garuda Wu Lou Keychain. Hang the 6 Coins with Obsidian Wu Lou Hanging or Jade Feng Shui Five Wulou Tassel in your car to make sure you are fully protected from illness energies.
With the presence of the #9 Future Prosperity Star and the Small and Big Auspicious Stars, wealth gains are within reach for the Boar, even though Windhorse success luck is at a low ebb. It will take hard work and patience but advances, even a series of small ones, are possible. Especially good fortune can be expected for the 24, 48, 60 and 84-year-olds, who have financial possibilities that can be enhanced by placing the Citrine Crystal Ball (L) or in the center of your home.
The 12 and 72-year-old Boars can expect a moderate amount of financial luck in 2019, though it will take patience to realize that money will arrive in smaller doses than they may hope for.
At financial risk in 2019 is the 36-year-old Boar, who must use extra caution in spending or investing and should protect against loss of money by encouraging the presence of the Dzambhala Mansion in their environment.
Invite the Crystal Ball with White Dzambala Tibetan Wealth God or Brass Wealthy Money Frog on Treasure to enhance your wealth luck. You can also consider carrying the Wealth Ship Amulet Keychain or White Dzambala Mirror Keychain, and hang the Certified Grade A Jade Bat Pendant, Jade Feng Shui Five Gold Ingots Tassel or Chalcedony Coin with Bunch of Vases Hanging in your vehicle. In 2019, it's very auspicious to wear or keep close to you natural crystals to activate the #8 Wealth Star. We highly recommend Fluorite Crystal Point Pendant or Wealth Pot Green Phantom Bracelet (High Grade). Placing the Citrine Crystal Ball (L) in the center of your home is an excellent choice too.
Career and education energy is fairly good for most Boars this year. And some born in this sign may experience a surge of energy and recognition. The 24 and 36-year-old Boars look poised to move ahead in their career even though success luck is lower. Placing a Windhorse on or near your desk is a way to encourage this weakened element to try as hard as possible for success. Hard work and better camaraderie with co-workers is also necessary to achieve best career luck. The 36-year-old should be careful of placing too much trust in those around them and focus on their own instincts. When in doubt, take time making a decision.
In 2019, the Boar receives assistance from the Dog and Rat signs, so if a co-worker or potential business partner is born under one of those signs, it’s a wise time to consider working closer.
Caution must be used by the 48-year-old Boar seeking a promotion or other form of recognition because someone may go behind your back, trying to undermine your hard work.
Pigs can enhance their career or study luck by carrying a Scholastic Keychain or wearing a Fantasy Golden Ray Tiger Eye Bracelet.
Love and romance appear to get a boost in the horoscope chart for the Boar in 2019. Singles could find someone special, even if it’s from an unexpected source or someone you didn’t expect to be attracted to. Network and socialize to open doors to potential love. Those who were recently married may be receiving baby news during the year, or some equally exciting news that deepens your relationship.
For the 24-year-old Boar, jealousy could set up a roadblock to romance even in a relationship you considered secure. Don’t let small disagreements get out of control - watch what you do or say. And beware someone who could tempt either you or your partner, as infidelity is a possible energy in your romantic life this year. Even something you consider as innocent flirting or complimentary behavior could be misinterpreted and lead to a breakdown in the relationship. Carrying or wearing the a fox amulet, Red Garnet Fox Ring or Marriage Saver Keychain is recommended to keep third party interference at bay. You can also hang an Amethyst Geode Bejeweled Pendant on your bedpost or tie it to the foot of your bed with a red thread. This serves to ward off unnecessary sexual attraction.
To bolster your love luck, consider displaying the Crystal Ball - Rose Quartz or Bejeweled Mandarin Ducks to Enhance Love Luck in your bedroom. Hang the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks Love Charm in your vehicle, or wear the Madagascar Rose Quartz Framed Pendant or Strawberry Quartz Bracelet.
Three Horoscope Allies Amulet - Rabbit, Sheep & Boar, Horoscope Allies Keyring - Rabbit, Sheep and Boar or Horoscope Guardian Deity Protector for Dog and Boar Pendant is a must-have good luck charm for Boar people in the year of the BOAR 2019.
Click on these links for more selections of Feng Shui products designed to enhance your luck or overcome the negativities present in your 2019 Horoscope Feng Shui Chart: #9 Future Prosperity Star, Big Auspicious and Tai Sui 2019
SKU3922 | |||
SKU3642 | |||
SKU2092 | SKU4191B | SKU4207 | SKU2621 |
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Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake |
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Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Boar |
Remember to check out the Feng Shui 2019, Feng Shui Flying Star 2019 and Tai Sui 2019 as well! |