- SKU#: SKU3794
- Weight: 50g
- Dim: 1.625x0.5x1.5 in, Lgth 4 in (4x1.3x3.8 cm, 10 cm)
- Material: Metal
The mighty #1 Victory Star plays a major role in 2017, the Year of the Rooster. As a result, this Victory Horse is an extremely important feng shui symbol to have this year, to energize success luck. The Victory Star is believed to attract prosperity and success luck in many areas, and this Feng Shui enhancer is able to help awaken and attract auspicious success to provide a smooth and productive year.
The Brown Tribute Horse carrying a plate of auspicious fruits on its back triggers prosperity luck and abundance to flow to you. Carrying this keychain is an excellent way to capture all the positive energies of 2017. This is highly recommended to everyone in the year of the Rooster 2017.
In the year 2017, the #1 Victory Star flies into the Center (benefitting everyone), in year 2018 into Northwest (affecting Dogs and Boars) and 2019 into West (affecting Monkeys, Roosters and Dogs).