- SKU#: SKU5710
- Weight: 65g
- Dim: 2.25x0.5x2.25 in, Lgth 12 in (5.7x1.3x5.7 cm, 30 cm)
- Material: Metal
This glamorous Bejewelled Dragon studded with with dazzling crystals is beautiful when it catches lights. The glittering gems and the gold finish are a representation of abundant riches and wealth. This Dragon emits vibes of prosperous chi and the positive characteristics the dragon represents - power, strength, and good fortune. It is a potent symbol of protection and prosperity, believed to attract positive energy (Qi).
In Feng Shui, the Dragon is regarded as the “Supreme Being” in comparison to all other worldly animals. It is a mystical creature that has held emblem since ancient times, when it was believed to transfuse courage and heroism to the beholder. The dragon symbolizes Yang energy, power, excellence, divinity, nobility and valiancy. He is regarded as the strongest symbol of good fortune because the Dragon is believed to emit a special form of chi, known as “Sheng Chi”, “Celestial Breath” or "Cosmic Breath" . Feng Shui is essentially all about capturing and creating Sheng Chi. It is this Sheng Chi that attracts wealth luck, good fortune, good luck, abundance and success to the area lucky enough to receive it. It is for this reason that the dragon is the most sought after symbol in feng shui and such a popular lucky symbol used to enhance business success and prosperity.